Veritas™ System Recovery 18 Service Pack 3 Management Solution Administrator's Guide
- Introducing Veritas System Recovery Management Solution
- Installing Veritas System Recovery Management Solution
- Getting started with Veritas System Recovery Management Solution
- About managing recovery point destinations
- About viewing filters
- About organizational views
- About managing Veritas System Recovery license policies
- Managing backups
- About backup policies
- Creating a basic backup policy
- Creating an advanced backup policy
- Managing recovery points
- Managing the conversion of recovery points to virtual disks
- Managing Cloud Storage
- Remote recovery of drives and computers
- Local recovery of files, folders, drives, and computers
- About recovering lost data locally
- Starting a computer locally by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Recovering files and folders locally by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
- About using the networking tools in Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Monitoring computers and processes
- Appendix A. About backing up databases
- Appendix B. About Active Directory
- Appendix C. Backing up Microsoft virtual environments
- Appendix D. About Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution and Windows Server 2008 Core
Configuring a client option policy for computers
You can set a variety of options that affect one computer or entire groups of computers.
To configure a client option policy for computers
- On the Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution Manage Tasks tab, expand the Configuration Policies list in the left pane.
- Do one of the following:
To edit the default client configuration policy
Do the following:
In the left pane, select a client configuration policy name.
In the right pane, select the name of the default policy in the table.
Click Edit on the table's toolbar.
To create a new client configuration policy
Do the following:
In the left pane, select a client configuration policy name.
In the right pane, on the table's toolbar, click Create.
In the displayed pane, in the text box, type a name for the new policy.
Click Apply.
In the right pane, on the table's toolbar, click Edit.
- Near the upper-right corner of the displayed page, make sure On is selected from the list to enable the policy.
- Based on the client configuration policy you selected, set the configuration options you want.
Event Log
Sets the minimum priority level and error message types that are added to the Windows application log regarding Veritas System Recovery on the computer.
Sets the default FTP connection settings if you use FTP as an Offsite Copy destination.
The following options are available:
Passive (Recommended)
Helps avoid conflicts with security systems. This mode is necessary for some firewalls and routers. When you use passive mode, the FTP client opens the connection to an IP address and port that the FTP server supplies.
Uses the Active mode when connections or transfer tries fail in Passive mode, or when you receive data socket errors. When an FTP client connects with Active mode, the server opens a connection to an IP address and port that the FTP client supplies.
Limit connection attempts to
Specifies the number of times Veritas System Recovery on the client computer tries to connect to an FTP server before it gives up. Veritas System Recovery can try a maximum of 100 times.
Stop trying to connect after
Specifies the number of seconds Veritas System Recovery on the client computer tries to connect to an FTP server before it gives up. You can specify up to 600 seconds (10 minutes).
Default port
Specifies the port of the FTP server that listens for a connection.
You should consult the FTP server administrator to be sure that the port you specify is configured to receive incoming data.
Log File
Sets the following log file options:
Priority Level
Indicates the minimum priority level and error message types that you want logged to a file regarding Veritas System Recovery on the computer.
Log file location
Specifies the path that you want to use for storing log files.
Maximum file size
Specifies the maximum file size of the log file. When the maximum file size is reached, the log file is renamed (*.Old). A new log is started and the original file name is used.
Adjusts the operation speed of Veritas System Recovery. This adjustment occurs during the creation of a recovery point by dragging the slider bar to the left or to the right. By reducing the operation speed of Veritas System Recovery, you can improve the performance of other software programs that may be running on the computer. When Veritas System Recovery (with a user interface) is installed, the throttle value that you set in the solution takes precedence. Therefore, any throttle value that a remote user sets is ignored.
If you save recovery points to a network storage location, you can also set a network throttle value. You set the value by specifying the maximum number of kilobytes per second (200-1048576) of recovery point data that is transferred over the network. If your network has limited bandwidth, you can enable network throttling during a recovery point to help reduce network traffic.
SMTP Notification
Configures a user to receive SMTP email notification messages.
Lets you choose the minimum priority level and error message types that you want to send regarding Veritas System Recovery on the computer.
You must have an SMTP-compliant email system, such as a POP3 mail server, to receive notification messages.
Also, suppose you change an existing SMTP Notification setting policy to Off. Even though the policy is off, it does not prevent resource targets with Veritas System Recovery from sending email notifications to the recipient. To stop email notifications, you must create an exclusive SMTP policy that has no SMTP settings. Select On to enable the policy, and then deploy it to the resource targets that you want.
You can use Encryption or Authentication settings for SMTP. If you have Veritas System Recovery 16.0.2 or earlier versions installed, you must configure SMTP Authentication settings. For Veritas System Recovery 18and 18.0.1, you must configure SMTP Encryption settings. For Veritas System Recovery 18.0.2 and later you can either use Encryption or Authentication settings to configure SMTP email notifications.
Encryption or Authentication
If you are installing Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution for the first time, you can select Authentication or Encryption.
By default, the Encryption option is selected.
For SMTP Encryption
Lets you select the type of encryption for the specified SMTP server. You can select:
TLS (Transport Layer Security) (selected by default)
SSL (Secured Socket Layer)
You can add the name of the SMTP mail server (for example, or server1) on which you have a valid account. Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution does not verify the server name or the email address.
You can add secured ports for the sent emails by specifying an encryption level (either None, TLS (Transport Layer Security), or SSL (Secured Socket Layer)), and a user name and password.
For SMTP Authentication
Lets you select the method to authenticate to the specified SMTP server. You can select:
Anonymous (selected by default)
You can add the name of the SMTP mail server (for example, or server1) on which you have a valid account. Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution does not check the server name or the email address for validity.
You can increase the security of the sent email by specifying an authentication level (either Basic or NTLM), and a user name and password. Anonymous authentication does not require a user name and password.
SNMP Notification
Receives the SNMP traps from Veritas System Recovery when you install and configure the Windows SNMP system service.
By default, Veritas System Recovery is not enabled to send traps to NMS managers.
Tray Icon
Shows or hides the Veritas System Recovery system tray icon on computers.
Hiding the tray icon is useful for the following reasons:
You want the actions of Veritas System Recovery to remain invisible to the user.
You do not want to add another icon to the system tray of the computer.
You want users to avoid having any intervention with Veritas System Recovery on critical computers such as product servers.
Veritas System Recovery and the Veritas System Recovery Plug-in must already be installed on the client computer.
You can choose the level of messages that you want the remote user to see, even if the system tray icon is hidden.
Volume Alert
Changes how Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution reports the status of a particular drive on a client computer. For example, suppose drive D contains unimportant data and you have chosen not to include it in a backup job. The backup status reports that the computer is at risk. You can configure Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution to ignore drive D so that it does not calculate the status of drive D. Or, you can specify that only errors, such as missed or failed backups, are included in the status report.
The backup status is reported on each drive on a client computer wherever the drive is listed in the solution . When you customize status reporting for a drive, the status is reflected anywhere that the drive is listed in Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution.
You should first determine the importance of the data on a particular drive before you decide on the level of status reporting to assign it.
You can set the status reporting level that you want to be associated with the drives based on the following criteria:
Full Status Reporting
Shows the current status of the selected drives where the status is shown. Click this option if the data is critical.
Error Only Status Reporting
Shows the current status of the selected drives only when errors occur. Click this option if the data is important, but you only want the status to report errors when they occur.
No Status Reporting
Does not show any status for the selected drive. Click this option if the data is unimportant and the missed or failed backups do not need to be reported.
- In the Applied to field, select a resource target, and then select the filtering rules that you want to be applied to the policy.
- Click Save Changes.