Veritas™ System Recovery 18 Service Pack 3 Management Solution Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): System Recovery (18.0.3)
  1. Introducing Veritas System Recovery Management Solution
      About Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution
      Components of Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution
      How Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution works
      What you can do with Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution
  2. Installing Veritas System Recovery Management Solution
      About upgrading to Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution
      Installing Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution
      Uninstalling Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution
  3. Getting started with Veritas System Recovery Management Solution
      About the Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution Home page
      Starting Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution
      Sending feedback to Veritas
      Preparing to manage the backups of client computers
      Discovering client computers on the network
      Installing the Symantec Management Agent on client computers
      Installing the Veritas System Recovery Plug-in on computers
      Uninstalling the Veritas System Recovery Plug-in on computers
      Installing Veritas System Recovery 18 or Veritas System Recovery 18 Linux Edition on client computers
      Installing Veritas System Recovery 16 on client computers
      Installing Veritas System Recovery 16 Linux Edition on client computers
      Installing Symantec System Recovery 2013 R2 on client computers
      Installing Symantec System Recovery 2013 R2 Linux Edition on client computers
      Uninstalling Veritas System Recovery-related products and components from client computers
      Generating the LightsOut Restore package in Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution
      Generating the LightsOut Restore 16 package
      Generating the LightsOut Restore 2013 R2 package
      Configuring and installing LightsOut Restore 18 on client computers
      Configuring and installing LightsOut Restore 16 on client computers
      Configuring and installing LightsOut Restore 2013 R2 on client computers
      Uninstalling LightsOut Restore from client computers
      Updating the settings of a package
      Uninstalling Veritas System Recovery-related products from the Symantec Management Platform
      Adding or removing recovery point passwords
    25. About managing recovery point destinations
        Creating default recovery point destinations
        Editing network credentials for a recovery point destination
        Deleting recovery point destinations
      Configuring a Dedicated Offsite Copy task
    27. About viewing filters
        Viewing Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution filters
        Viewing the filters and policies that are assigned to a client computer
        Adding a filtered results path in the Manage Tasks tab to Favorites
    28. About organizational views
        Filtering the list of client computers using organizational views
    29. About managing Veritas System Recovery license policies
        Adding Veritas System Recovery license policies
        Deleting Veritas System Recovery license policies
        Assigning Veritas System Recovery licenses to client computers
        Unassigning Veritas System Recovery licenses from client computers
        Checking the license status of Veritas System Recovery on client computers
  4. Managing backups
    1. About backup policies
        Recovery point sets and independent recovery points in backup policies
        Tips for creating recovery points
        About backing up dual-boot systems
    2. Creating a basic backup policy
        About recovery points stored on a network destination
        About recovery points stored in a local folder on the client computer
        About recovery points stored on an OpenStorage destination
        About Offsite Copy
    3. Creating an advanced backup policy
        About running command files during a backup
        Deploying the command files package to client computers for use during a backup
      Creating an independent backup task
      Deploying a backup policy
      Deploying an existing backup policy as soon as possible
      Viewing the status of computers within a backup policy
      Editing a backup policy
      Editing the schedule of a backup policy
      Renaming a backup policy
      Disabling a backup policy
      Disabling a backup schedule
      Deleting a backup policy
      Viewing Veritas System Recovery details for a client computer
  5. Managing recovery points
      Best practices for creating recovery points
      Best practices for managing recovery points
    3. About deleting recovery points
        Deleting a recovery point set
        Deleting recovery points within a set
  6. Managing the conversion of recovery points to virtual disks
      About converting recovery points to virtual disks
      Configuring a Convert to Virtual by Computer task
      Configuring a Convert to Virtual by Destination task
      Configuring a one-time convert to virtual task
      Editing a convert to virtual task
      Deleting a convert to virtual task
  7. Managing Cloud Storage
      Direct to cloud
    2. Providing the OpenStorage destination path
        OpenStorage destination options for backups
        OpenStorage destination options for recovery
      How Offsite Copy works for cloud storage
  8. Remote recovery of drives and computers
    1. About recovering a drive remotely
      1. Using LightsOut Restore to remotely recover client computers
          Setting up and using LightsOut Restore
      Recovering a drive
      Recovering a remote computer
      Performing an express recovery
  9. Local recovery of files, folders, drives, and computers
    1. About recovering lost data locally
        Recovering files and folders locally by using file and folder backup data
        Recovering files and folders locally by using a recovery point
      Recovering a computer locally
    3. Starting a computer locally by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Configuring a computer locally to start from a USB device or DVD
      Checking a hard disk for errors
      Recovering a computer locally by using a Veritas System Recovery Disk
      About using Restore Anyware to recover locally to a computer with different hardware
    7. Recovering files and folders locally by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Exploring files and folders locally on a computer by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
    8. About using the networking tools in Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Starting networking services
        Mapping a network drive from within Veritas System Recovery Disk
      3. Configuring network connection settings
          Getting a static IP address
      Viewing the properties of a recovery point
      Viewing the properties of a drive within a recovery point
      About the Support Utilities on Veritas System Recovery Disk
  10. Monitoring computers and processes
      Viewing reports
      Configuring a client option policy for computers
  11. Appendix A. About backing up databases
      About backing up VSS-aware databases
    2. About backing up non-VSS-aware databases
        Creating the cold, warm, and hot recovery points
      Backing up Notification Server and the database
  12. Appendix B. About Active Directory
      About the role of Active Directory
  13. Appendix C. Backing up Microsoft virtual environments
      About backing up Microsoft virtual hard disks
      About backing up and restoring Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines
  14. Appendix D. About Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution and Windows Server 2008 Core
      About Veritas System Recovery 18 and Windows Server Core
      Installing Veritas System Recovery 18 on Windows Server Core using commands

Updating the settings of a package

The various packages that are available in Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution are already predefined with the proper settings. Therefore, you should update the settings only if necessary.

The distribution points for a package are the locations at which the package is stored, such as package servers or UNC source locations. Information about each package is contained in an XML file that is stored with the package. This information must be updated each time you edit the settings in a package. Notification Server and package servers use this information to provide the appropriate files when a managed computer requests the package. The package information is updated on a schedule, but you can perform a manual update when appropriate. For example, if you have changed a package, you can manually update the distribution points for the package. Doing so updates the package information on all of its distribution points immediately.

To update the settings of a package

  1. On the Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution Packages and Policies tab, expand the Update Packages list in the left pane.
  2. In the left pane, click a package name whose settings you want to change.
  3. In the right pane, edit the settings under each tab name.

    Package tab settings


    Indicates the package name.


    Lets you add a user-friendly description of the package.


    Indicates the package publisher.


    Indicates the package language.


    Indicates the package version.

    Package Source

    Indicates the location from which to access the package source files:

    • Package does not contain source files

      The package is a command line that is sent to the target computer. For example, a call to a utility such as Chkdsk.exe. The package contains no source files.

    • Access Package from a local directory in the Notification Server computer

      The package is stored in a local directory on the Notification Server computer.

    • Access Package from existing UNC

      The package is stored on a UNC source path and is downloaded through HTTP using the appropriate distribution point credential.

    • Access Package from a URL

      The package is accessed through an anonymous URL that points to the appropriate UNC source location.

    Package Location

    Indicates the location at which the package is stored. This location can be a local directory on the Notification Server computer. Or, it can be a UNC path or a URL location depending on the package source option that is specified.

    Package files will be deleted from the client computer if unused for

    Lets you specify the length of time after which an unused package is deleted from a managed computer.

    The following options are available:

    • Never Delete

    • 0 Days (delete immediately)

    • 1, 2, 3 days, 1, 2 weeks, 1 month, 1 year

    Programs tab settings


    Indicates the program name.

    This field contains a drop-down list of programs that the package contains.

    The other settings on this tab apply to the selected program.

    This field is required.


    Lets you add a user-friendly description of the selected program.

    This field is optional.

    Command Line

    Indicates the command line to run the program, including switches and parameters if applicable. The command-line entry must be in the same location or path as the package.

    This field is required.

    Working Directory

    Indicates the directory where the files are temporarily stored during deployment by the program.

    If no directory is specified here, the system temp directory is used.

    Success Codes

    Failure Codes

    Determined by the exit code that is returned when an application ends. Applications can define their own exit codes for success and failures. However, a zero value is used for success and a non-zero value for failure.

    These fields are optional.

    Estimated Disk Space

    Indicates the estimated amount of disk space that the program requires to run on the target computer. The Symantec Management Agent ensures that at least one physical drive with the specified space is available before the program runs.

    This field is optional.

    Estimated Run Time

    Indicates the estimated time in minutes that the program requires to run on the target computer.

    This field is optional.

    Terminate After

    Indicates the timeout period, after which the program is terminated (as a failure) if it has not finished running. If this field is left blank or set to zero, the program terminates after 360 minutes.

    After Running

    Lets you specify the action that is performed when the program finishes running:

    • No action required

    • Restart computer

    • Log off user

    Starting window

    Indicates the status of the command window that runs the program on a managed computer:

    • Normal

    • Hidden

    • Minimized

    • Maximized

    Run with rights

    Lets you select the rights with which the program runs on the target computer:

    • System account

    • Logged in user

    • Specified user

      If you select this option, you need to specify the user domain.

    Program can run

    Lets you specify the conditions under which the program can run:

    • Whether or not a user is logged on

    • Only when a user is logged on

    • Only when no user is logged on

    User Input Required

    Specifies that the program brings up a user interface that may require user input to complete the process.

    This field is valid only when the Only when a user is logged on option is selected in the Program can run field.

    Minimum connection speed

    Specifies the minimum connection speed for software delivery programs to be executed. Before the program runs, the connection speed from the Symantec Management Agent to Notification Server is tested. If the connection speed is less than the specified minimum speed, the program does not run.

    The options are as follows:

    • No network connection required

      No default minimum connection speed.

    • 1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 256, 512 KB/sec, or 1 MB/sec

      The minimum connection speed.


    This setting applies to package execution, not to package download. The package must already be downloaded.

    Package Servers tab settings

    Package Destination Location on Package Servers

    Lets you assign the package to a specific directory on the package servers instead of the default directory. You only need to specify a directory if you do not want to use the default location. Specify a UNC path.

    If nothing is specified here, the default location is used:

    installation_path\Symantec\Symantec Management Agent\Agents\SoftwareManagement\Software Delivery\package_GUID\cache

    Assign packages to

    Specifies the package servers to which the package is assigned.

    The options are as follows:

    • All Package Servers

      Assigns the package to all package servers.

    • Package Servers Individually

      Assigns the package to selected package servers.

    • Package Servers by Site

      Assigns a site to packages from a list of configured sites in the Site Maintenance configuration page. When a site is assigned to a package, all package servers within the selected site host the package.

    • Package Servers Automatically with manual prestaging

      Occurs when a task that requires the package is assigned to a resource target. All the computers that the resource target identifies requires the package. The package is assigned to all of the sites that are associated with those computers. The package is downloaded to all the package servers that are in those sites.

      This option also lets you manually assign packages to additional sites if necessary.

    Advanced tab settings

    Agent display name

    Identifies the package name to be displayed on the Symantec Management Agent. This name can be different than the package name that is specified on the Package tab.

    This setting lets you supply a package name that makes sense to the user . The name that is specified on the Package tab may make sense only to an administrator.

    Agent display description

    Lets you supply a package description that tells the user what the package does on the managed computer. This description can be different than the package description that is specified on the Package tab.

    Enable verbose reporting of Package Status events

    Lets you enable the sending of package status events to Notification Server. Disabling events for the package prevents Symantec Management Agents from sending AeX SWD Package events to Notification Server.

    The Notification Server computer Event Capture settings in the Global Symantec Management Agent Settings policy take precedence to the Enable Verbose Reporting feature. Events are sent only if they are enabled in the Global Symantec Management Agent Settings policy.

    The following types of AeX SWD Package events are not sent if package events are disabled:

    • New Package

    • Package Updated

    • Package To Be Removed

    • Package Removed

    • Unable To Check Package

    • Insufficient Disk To Download Package

    • Download Complete

    • Package Download Blocked

    Use alternate download destination on client

    If this option is enabled, package files are delivered to managed computers at the specified alternate destination.

    When the task executes, package files are copied to the new location.

    The Symantec Management Agent never deletes copied package files. They are copied each time the task runs. Therefore, if the task is running on a recurring schedule, the files are copied repeatedly. This process may be useful to ensure that the user of a managed computer does not delete a required file.

    If this option is not enabled, the default location is used:

    installation_path\Symantec\Symantec Management Agent\Agents\SoftwareManagement\SoftwareDelivery\package_GUID\cache

  4. When you are finished making changes to the package, click Update Distribution Points.
  5. Click Save Changes to confirm the new settings.