Veritas™ System Recovery 18 Service Pack 3 Management Solution Administrator's Guide
- Introducing Veritas System Recovery Management Solution
- Installing Veritas System Recovery Management Solution
- Getting started with Veritas System Recovery Management Solution
- About managing recovery point destinations
- About viewing filters
- About organizational views
- About managing Veritas System Recovery license policies
- Managing backups
- About backup policies
- Creating a basic backup policy
- Creating an advanced backup policy
- Managing recovery points
- Managing the conversion of recovery points to virtual disks
- Managing Cloud Storage
- Remote recovery of drives and computers
- Local recovery of files, folders, drives, and computers
- About recovering lost data locally
- Starting a computer locally by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Recovering files and folders locally by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
- About using the networking tools in Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Monitoring computers and processes
- Appendix A. About backing up databases
- Appendix B. About Active Directory
- Appendix C. Backing up Microsoft virtual environments
- Appendix D. About Veritas System Recovery 18 Management Solution and Windows Server 2008 Core
Recovering files and folders locally by using file and folder backup data
If you defined a backup of files and folders and need to recover files, you can recover them from a recent file and folder backup.
A backup or restore of files and folders is only possible if it is set up in Veritas System Recovery on the client computer. If you installed Veritas System Recovery without a user interface, on client computers, file and folder backup is not possible.
Veritas System Recovery includes a search tool to help you locate the files that you want to recover.
See About recovering lost data locally.
To recover files and folders locally by using file and folder backup data
- On the client computer, in the Veritas System Recovery Tasks page, click Recover My Files.
- In the left pane of the Recover My Files window, select File and Folder.
- Do one of the following:
In the Find files to recover field, type the whole name or partial name of a file or folder that you want to restore, and then click Search.
For example, type recipe. Such a search returns any file or folder that includes the word recipe in its name. For example, My Private Recipes.doc, Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipes.xls, Recipes for Success.mp3, and so forth.
Click Advanced Search, type your search criteria, and then click Search.
To return to the standard search text box, click Basic search.
- In the search results list box, select the files that you want to restore.
- Click Recover Files.
- In the Recover My Files dialog box, do one of the following:
To restore the files to the same folder where they existed when they were backed up
Click Original folders.
If you want to replace the original files, check Overwrite existing files. If you do not check this option, a number is added to the file name. The original file is untouched.
The Overwrite existing files option replaces the files of the same name that are stored at that location with the files that you want to restore.
To restore the files to a Recovered Files folder on the Windows desktop
Click Recovered Files folder on the desktop.
Veritas System Recovery creates a new folder that is called Recovered Files which is created on the Windows desktop of the client computer.
To restore the files to a particular folder path
Click Alternate folder, and then type the path to the location in which you want to restore the files.
- Click Recover.
- If you are prompted to replace the existing file, click Yes. You should click Yes only if you are certain that the selected file is the one you want to recover.
- Click OK.