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NetBackup™ Release Notes
Last Published:
NetBackup & Alta Data Protection (10.5)
- About NetBackup 10.5
- New features, enhancements, and changes
- NetBackup 10.5 new features, changes, and enhancements
- Operational notes
- NetBackup installation and upgrade operational notes
- NetBackup administration and general operational notes
- NetBackup administration interface operational notes
- NetBackup Cloud Object Store Workload operational notes
- NetBackup Snapshot Manager (formerly NetBackup CloudPoint)
- NetBackup database and application agent operational notes
- NetBackup NAS operational notes
- NetBackup for OpenStack operational notes
- NetBackup internationalization and localization operational notes
- Appendix A. About SORT for NetBackup Users
- Appendix B. NetBackup installation requirements
- Appendix C. NetBackup compatibility requirements
- Appendix D. Other NetBackup documentation and related documents
Policies using Replication Director fail with error code 4224
When you try to modify any existing policy with the Use Replication Director and Perform snapshot backups options selected in the NetBackup web UI, this error appears:
Error code 4224: Host. STS Internal Error
You can see the following message in the BPFIS logs:
15:16:13.416 [35337] <2> onlfi_vfms_logf: INF - snapshot services: ostfi:2023-09-26 15:16:13.416029 <Thread id - 1> Failed to wait for operation result, Error code [2060017] and message [system call failed] 15:16:13.417 [35337] <2> onlfi_vfms_logf: INF - snapshot services: ostfi:2023-09-26 15:16:13.417125 <Thread id - 1> OST Library call failed with message (STS API waitForAsyncCall failed with error code : 2060017)
Do any of the following actions:
In the Policy validation dialog displaying the error, click Ignore errors and save. Open the NetBackup Administration Console (Java UI), edit the policy, and then save it.
In the Policy validation dialog displaying the error, click Edit policy. To save the policy, click Save. In the Policy validation dialog displaying topology validation options, select the topology validation option as None or Basic, instead of Complete, and save.