Storage Foundation 7.4.1 Administrator's Guide - Linux
- Section I. Introducing Storage Foundation
- Overview of Storage Foundation
- How Dynamic Multi-Pathing works
- How Veritas Volume Manager works
- How Veritas Volume Manager works with the operating system
- How Veritas Volume Manager handles storage management
- Volume layouts in Veritas Volume Manager
- Online relayout
- Volume resynchronization
- Dirty region logging
- Volume snapshots
- FastResync
- How VxVM handles hardware clones or snapshots
- Volume encryption
- How Veritas File System works
- Section II. Provisioning storage
- Provisioning new storage
- Advanced allocation methods for configuring storage
- Customizing allocation behavior
- Using rules to make volume allocation more efficient
- Understanding persistent attributes
- Customizing disk classes for allocation
- Specifying allocation constraints for vxassist operations with the use clause and the require clause
- Creating volumes of a specific layout
- Customizing allocation behavior
- Creating and mounting VxFS file systems
- Creating a VxFS file system
- Mounting a VxFS file system
- tmplog mount option
- ioerror mount option
- largefiles and nolargefiles mount options
- Resizing a file system
- Monitoring free space
- Extent attributes
- Section III. Administering multi-pathing with DMP
- Administering Dynamic Multi-Pathing
- Discovering and configuring newly added disk devices
- About discovering disks and dynamically adding disk arrays
- How to administer the Device Discovery Layer
- Administering DMP using the vxdmpadm utility
- Gathering and displaying I/O statistics
- Specifying the I/O policy
- Discovering and configuring newly added disk devices
- Dynamic Reconfiguration of devices
- Reconfiguring a LUN online that is under DMP control using the Dynamic Reconfiguration tool
- Manually reconfiguring a LUN online that is under DMP control
- Managing devices
- Displaying disk information
- Changing the disk device naming scheme
- Adding and removing disks
- Event monitoring
- Administering Dynamic Multi-Pathing
- Section IV. Administering Storage Foundation
- Administering sites and remote mirrors
- About sites and remote mirrors
- Fire drill - testing the configuration
- Changing the site name
- Administering the Remote Mirror configuration
- Failure and recovery scenarios
- Administering sites and remote mirrors
- Section V. Optimizing I/O performance
- Veritas File System I/O
- Veritas Volume Manager I/O
- Managing application I/O workloads using maximum IOPS settings
- Section VI. Using Point-in-time copies
- Understanding point-in-time copy methods
- When to use point-in-time copies
- About Storage Foundation point-in-time copy technologies
- Volume-level snapshots
- Storage Checkpoints
- About FileSnaps
- About snapshot file systems
- Administering volume snapshots
- Traditional third-mirror break-off snapshots
- Full-sized instant snapshots
- Creating instant snapshots
- Adding an instant snap DCO and DCO volume
- Controlling instant snapshot synchronization
- Creating instant snapshots
- Cascaded snapshots
- Adding a version 0 DCO and DCO volume
- Administering Storage Checkpoints
- Storage Checkpoint administration
- Administering FileSnaps
- Administering snapshot file systems
- Understanding point-in-time copy methods
- Section VII. Optimizing storage with Storage Foundation
- Understanding storage optimization solutions in Storage Foundation
- Migrating data from thick storage to thin storage
- Maintaining Thin Storage with Thin Reclamation
- Reclamation of storage on thin reclamation arrays
- Identifying thin and thin reclamation LUNs
- Veritas InfoScale 4k sector device support solution
- Section VIII. Maximizing storage utilization
- Understanding storage tiering with SmartTier
- Creating and administering volume sets
- Multi-volume file systems
- Features implemented using multi-volume file system (MVFS) support
- Adding a volume to and removing a volume from a multi-volume file system
- Volume encapsulation
- Load balancing
- Administering SmartTier
- About SmartTier
- Placement classes
- Administering placement policies
- File placement policy rules
- Multiple criteria in file placement policy rule statements
- Using SmartTier with solid state disks
- Sub-file relocation
- Administering hot-relocation
- How hot-relocation works
- Moving relocated subdisks
- Deduplicating data
- Compressing files
- About compressing files
- Use cases for compressing files
- Section IX. Administering storage
- Managing volumes and disk groups
- Rules for determining the default disk group
- Moving volumes or disks
- Monitoring and controlling tasks
- Performing online relayout
- Adding a mirror to a volume
- Managing disk groups
- Disk group versions
- Displaying disk group information
- Importing a disk group
- Moving disk groups between systems
- Importing a disk group containing hardware cloned disks
- Handling conflicting configuration copies
- Destroying a disk group
- Backing up and restoring disk group configuration data
- Managing plexes and subdisks
- Decommissioning storage
- Rootability
- Encapsulating a disk
- Rootability
- Sample supported root disk layouts for encapsulation
- Encapsulating and mirroring the root disk
- Administering an encapsulated boot disk
- Quotas
- Using Veritas File System quotas
- File Change Log
- Managing volumes and disk groups
- Section X. Reference
- Appendix A. Reverse path name lookup
- Appendix B. Tunable parameters
- Tuning the VxFS file system
- Methods to change Dynamic Multi-Pathing tunable parameters
- Tunable parameters for VxVM
- Methods to change Veritas Volume Manager tunable parameters
- Appendix C. Command reference
Deduplicating data
You deduplicate data using the fsdedupadm command. The fsdedupadm command performs the following functions:
Functionality | Command syntax |
Enable the deduplication of a file system. | fsdedupadm enable [-c chunk_size] [-q] mount_point |
Disable the deduplication of a file system. | fsdedupadm disable [-q] mount_point |
Query the deduplication configuration of a file system. | fsdedupadm list mount_point|all |
Start a deduplication run on a file system. | fsdedupadm start [-s] [-q] mount_point |
Stop a deduplication run on a file system. | fsdedupadm stop [-q] mount_point |
Query the deduplication status of a file system. | fsdedupadm status mount_point|all |
Enable or disable the skipping of shared extents. | fsdedupadm skipshared {true|false} mount_point |
Set the node on which the scheduled deduplication job will run. | fsdedupadm setnodelist nodelist mount_point|all |
Set the deduplication schedule for a file system. | fsdedupadm setschedule time mount_point |
Initiate a deduplication dry run on a file system. | fsdedupadm dryrun [-o threshold=#] mount_point |
Remove the deduplication configuration file and deduplication database on a file system. | fsdedupadm remove mount_point |
For more information about the keywords, see the fsdedupadm
(1M) manual page.
The following example creates a file system, creates duplicate data on the file system, and deduplicates the file system.
Example of deduplicating a file system
- Create the file system
:# mkfs -t vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/fsdg/fsvol1
- Mount the file system as
:# mount -t vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/fsdg/fsvol1 /mnt1
- Make a temporary directory,
, on/mnt1
and copy thefile1
file into the directory:# mkdir /mnt1/temp1 # cd /mnt1/temp1 # cp /root/file1 . # /opt/VRTS/bin/fsadm -S shared /mnt1
Mountpoint Size(KB) Available(KB) Used(KB) Logical_Size(KB) Space_Saved(KB) /mnt1 20971520 19335962 346609 602609 0
file is approximately 250 MB, as shown by the output of the fsadm command. - Make another temporary directory,
, and copy the same file,file1
, into the new directory:# mkdir /mnt1/temp2 # cd /mnt1/temp2 # cp /root/file1 . # /opt/VRTS/bin/fsadm -S shared /mnt1
Mountpoint Size(KB) Available(KB) Used(KB) Logical_Size(KB) Space_Saved(KB) /mnt1 4194304 3588700 548740 548740 0%
By copying the same file into
, you now have duplicate data. The output of the fsadm command show that you are now using twice the amount of space. - Enable deduplication on the mount point
:# /opt/VRTS/bin/fsdedupadm enable -c 4096 /mnt1 # /opt/VRTS/bin/fsdedupadm list /mnt1
Chunksize Enabled SkipShared Schedule NodeList Filesystem --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4096 YES True NONE node1 /mnt1
- Start a deduplication run on the mount point
:# /opt/VRTS/bin/fsdedupadm start /mnt1 UX:vxfs fsdedupadm: INFO: V-3-20: 0000: deduplication is started on /mnt1.
- Check status of deduplication:
# /opt/VRTS/bin/fsdedupadm status /mnt1 Saving Status Node Type Filesystem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42% COMPLETED fsaixp702-v05 MANUAL /mnt1 2014/09/23 22:48:22 Begin full scan. 2014/09/23 22:51:45 End detecting duplicates and filesystem changes.
- Verify that the file system was deduplicated by checking how much space you are using:
# /opt/VRTS/bin/fsadm -S shared /mnt1
Mountpoint Size(KB) Available(KB) Used(KB) Logical_Size(KB) Space_Saved(KB) /mnt1 20971520 19335962 346609 602609 256000
The output shows that the used space is nearly identical to when you had only one copy of the
file on the file system.