NetBackup™ Web UI Cloud Administrator's Guide
- Managing and protecting cloud assets
- Configure Snapshot Manager's in NetBackup
- Managing intelligent cloud groups
- Protecting cloud assets or intelligent cloud groups
- About protecting Microsoft Azure resources using resource groups
- About the NetBackup Accelerator for cloud workloads
- Protecting PaaS assets
- Installing the native client utilities
- Add credentials to a database
- Recovering cloud assets
- Performing granular restore
- Troubleshooting protection and recovery of cloud assets
Add credentials to a database
You can add or modify credentials for a database listed in the
tab.To add or change credentials
- On the left, click Workloads > Cloud.
In the PaaS tab, the assets that are available to you are displayed. The RDS assets are displayed in the Applications tab.
- Select the database in the table, then click Manage credentials.
- Select a Validation host. The validation host must be the RHEL media server which has connectivity to the PaaS workload.
You can add existing credentials or create new credentials for the database:
To select an exiting credential for the account, select the Select from existing credentials option, select the required credential from the table below, and click Next.
To add a new credential for the account, select Add credentials, and click Next. Enter a Credential name, Tag, and Description for the new credential. Under Service credentials:
Select Role based database authentication (Applicable for supported database service) to use AWS IAM, Azure System Managed and User Managed authentication.
Select IAM database authentication (Applicable for Amazon RDS only) for Amazon RDS assets only, and specify a Database user name.
See Creating an IAM database username.
If the Snapshot manager is deployed in-cloud with an attached IAM role having the required permission. You must also deploy the media server in same cloud environment and attach the same IAM role. Otherwise, the backup jobs for the AWS assets fail.
Select Azure System Managed Identity authentication or Azure User Managed Identity authentication as required. Enter the username of the database, and click Next.
To perform backup and restore operations utilizing managed identity authentication, you must configure AAD admin to the source and target database servers.
If the snapshot manager deployed in cloud with an attached Managed Identity having the required permissions, attach the same identity to the media server. For AKS and EKS deployments attach the same Managed identity to the VM scale set.
Select Password authentication and specify the username and the password for the database server. Click Next.
Add a role that you want to have access to the credential. To add new permissions to a role:
Click Add.
Select a role.
Select the credential permissions that you want the role to have.
Click Save.
- Click Next to finish creating the credential.
For more information about credentials and how to edit or delete a credential, see NetBackup Web UI Administrator's Guide.