NetBackup™ Web UI Cloud Administrator's Guide
- Managing and protecting cloud assets
- Configure Snapshot Manager's in NetBackup
- Managing intelligent cloud groups
- Protecting cloud assets or intelligent cloud groups
- About protecting Microsoft Azure resources using resource groups
- About the NetBackup Accelerator for cloud workloads
- Protecting PaaS assets
- Installing the native client utilities
- Add credentials to a database
- Recovering cloud assets
- Performing granular restore
- Troubleshooting protection and recovery of cloud assets
Restoring files and folders from cloud virtual machines
You can restore a single file or folder from a cloud virtual machine.
For Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and Amazon AWS NetBackup supports snapshot and recovery of cloud assets that are encrypted using the keys that the manager provides.
To restore a file or folder
- On the left, click Cloud.
- Click on the Virtual machines tab.
- Select the virtual machine where the application is hosted. On the top right, click Connect.
- After the VM is connected, on the top right, click Add protection.
- Select a protection plan that is created for granular recovery of files and folders and click Next.
- Click Protect.
- To execute the protection plan, click Backup now.
- After a snapshot and the two indexing job or two backup from snapshot job for the assets are complete, click the Recovery points tab.
- For the preferred recovery point, select Restore files and folders from the Action menu.
You can also restore files and folders for Snapshot and Backup type of copies by clicking on Recover and then selecting Restore files and folders for specific type of copy.
- In the Add file step, click Add.
- In the Add files and folders dialog box, select the files you want to restore and click Add.
You can click the folders or drives on the left to expand and view the files in a particular folder. You can search files based on their names or extensions.
- Click Next.
- In the Recovery target step, perform the following:
Dialog box
Snapshot copy
Backup copy
Restore to
Target VM - Select a VM. A list with all connected VMs having same operating systems as original target host is displayed. If you do not select a VM, the files are restored to the original VM.
Cloud provider - Select cloud provider to where single file restore is to be performed.
Configuration - To restore to an alternate configuration, select one from the drop-down.
Region - To restore to an alternate region, select one from the drop-down.
(For Azure and Azure Stack only) Subscription - To restore to an alternate subscription, select one from the drop-down.
Target VM - Select a VM. A list with all connected/disconnected and Linux/Windows VMs are displayed for cross platform restore.
Restore target options
Restore everything to original location
Restore everything to a different location
You must then provide a directory location. You can also enter a UNC path to the location.
Cross platform restore is supported for the following scenarios:
NetBackup and Snapshot Manager on one cloud, target host on another cloud.
NetBackup and Snapshot Manager on one cloud, another Snapshot Manager and target host on another cloud.
NetBackup and Snapshot Manager on one cloud, AIR (Auto Image Replication) restore on another domain.
- If Restore everything to original location option is selected, then click Next and select the following preferred option in the Recovery options step:
Dialog box
Snapshot copy
Backup copy
Append string to file names
In the String field, enter the string that you want use to append. The string is appended before the last extension of a file.
Allow overwrite of existing files
You must have appropriate permissions.
Advanced options
(Applicable only for Windows to Windows restore) Require to restore access control list - Select the checkbox to restore access control list which requires additional operations.
Target host NAT gateway IP address - Enter network address translation gateway IP address, in case the target VM is behind a network gateway and is not directly accessible.
Only private IP or hostname allowed.
- If Restore everything to a different location option is selected, then provide the Directory for restore and click Next.
- In the Review step, view the selected options and click Start Recovery.
The restore job for the selected files is triggered. You can view the job details on the Activity monitor. After the job is successful, you can see summary of restored files in the job details.
Permission on files are assigned based on uid/guid, during restore to non-similar environments (where user/groups does not match). Restored files/folders must have permission to non-intended users/groups on target host. Hence after successful restore of required files, user must modify the access as per requirement.
Note the following:
When restoring hardlinks for single file restore from Snapshot or Backup (source Linux VM to target Linux VM), ensure that you follow the following guidelines:
When selecting folders and files in Add files and folders dialog box, do not select redundant entries. For example, selecting a folder and a file that exists in the same folder, since the folder already has that file.
Even if redundant entries are selected, ensure that you do not select the Allow overwrite of existing files option in Recovery option step. This will result in failure of copying the hardlink file.