NetBackup™ Web UI Cloud Administrator's Guide
- Managing and protecting cloud assets
- Configure Snapshot Manager's in NetBackup
- Managing intelligent cloud groups
- Protecting cloud assets or intelligent cloud groups
- About protecting Microsoft Azure resources using resource groups
- About the NetBackup Accelerator for cloud workloads
- Protecting PaaS assets
- Installing the native client utilities
- Add credentials to a database
- Recovering cloud assets
- Performing granular restore
- Troubleshooting protection and recovery of cloud assets
Configuring backup schedule for cloud workloads
You can add backup schedule in the Attributes tab of the Add backup schedule dialog, while creating a protection plan for the Azure, Azure Stack, AWS and GCP cloud workloads.
See the Managing protection plans section of the NetBackup Web UI Administrator's Guide, for details of how to create a protection plan.
To add backup schedule to a cloud workload
- On the left, click Protection > Protection plans and then click Add.
- In Basic properties, enter a Name, Description, and select Cloud, from the Workload drop-down list.
- Select a Cloud Provider from the drop-down list, click Next. In Schedules, click Add schedule.
In the Add backup schedule tab, you can configure the options for retaining the backup and the snapshot.
- (For Azure SQL PaaS assets only.) If you have selected Protect PaaS assets only for the protection plan, select Backup type as Incremental backup or Full. For incremental backup type, NetBackup taken an initial full backup, and all subsequent backups capture only incremental changes in the database. This feature increases backup performance to a great extent. In case of a schema change, goes back to full backup from incremental backup, and notifies this activity in the activity monitor.
Assign a longer retention period to full backups than to incremental backups within a policy. A complete restore requires the previous full backup plus all subsequent incremental backups. It may not be possible to restore all the files if the full backup expires before the incremental backups. See About incremental backup for PaaS workloads.
- From the Recurrence drop-down, specify the frequency of the backup.
- In the Snapshot and backup options, do any of the following:
Select Keep snapshot along with backup option to retain both the snapshot and the backup. Specify retention period for both the snapshot and the backup, using the Keep snapshot for and the Keep backup for drop-downs. Select Full from the Backup type drop-down. Select Initiate backup only when the snapshot is about to expire option, to start the backup job just before the retained snapshot expires.
Select Keep snapshot only option, to retain only the snapshot. Specify retention period for the snapshot using the Keep snapshot for drop-down.
(Optional) If you have selected provider as Amazon AWS, and selected to retain the snapshot by selecting any of the above two options, you can configure snapshot replication at this point. For more information about cloud snapshot replication, See Configure AWS snapshot replication.
Select Enable Snapshot replication.
In the table, select Region, AWS Account, and Retention period for the replicated snapshots.
The number of replication copies that you configure is displayed in the Snapshot replicas column in the Schedules and retention table in the Schedules tab.
Select Keep backup only option, to retain only the backup. The snapshot expires immediately after the backup. Specify retention period for the backup using the Keep backup for drop-down. Select Full from the Backup type drop-down.
As NetBackup supports granular restore only from the snapshot, if you select Keep Backup Only the granular recovery options do not work. Similarly, AWS snapshot replication feature does not work if you select Keep Backup Only.
- Continue creating the schedule in the Start window tab, as described in the Managing protection plans section of the NetBackup Web UI Administrator's Guide.
Availability of the granular recovery for files or folders option, depends on the different backup options that you select for the workload.
When you select the
, granular recovery is available.When you select the
option, granular recovery is available.When you select the
option, granular recovery is not available.
Indexing during backup and snapshot jobs
NetBackup performs VxMS (Veritas Mapping Service) based indexing from snapshot, and inline indexing during the backup from snapshot Jobs. It can index files irrespective of the region and location of the Snapshot Manager. VxMS based indexing is currently supported for GCP, AWS, Azure, and Azure Stack Hub clouds.
Indexing is performed during the actual backup or snapshot jobs, but you can perform the recovery of individual files or folders only from the snapshot copy using Enable granular recovery for files and folders option.
Once the snapshot of the VM assets is created, the 'Index from Snapshot' job for each of the assets is triggered. You can check the indexing job details in the Activity Monitor.
The VxMS debug logs and the cloud connector debug logs are available in the /cloudpoint/openv/dm/datamover.<datamover-id>/netbackup/logs folder of the Snapshot Manager.
If the VM is not in connected state, then the VM backup continues and the backup job is marked as partially successful. In this case, you cannot restore individual files or folders as the indexing is not available when the VM is not connected.