NetBackup™ Web UI Cloud Administrator's Guide
- Managing and protecting cloud assets
- Configure Snapshot Manager's in NetBackup
- Managing intelligent cloud groups
- Protecting cloud assets or intelligent cloud groups
- About protecting Microsoft Azure resources using resource groups
- About the NetBackup Accelerator for cloud workloads
- Protecting PaaS assets
- Installing the native client utilities
- Add credentials to a database
- Recovering cloud assets
- Performing granular restore
- Troubleshooting protection and recovery of cloud assets
Before you begin
Ensure the following points are addressed before you perform granular restore. Configured Snapshot Manager and VM to be protected with granular restore enabled have the following requirements:
(Applicable only for snapshots)
(Microsoft Azure and Azure Stack Hub) Even if Snapshot Manager is not deployed in the same subscription and region as the connected VM, but if a backup schedule is configured as part of the protection plan, then granular restore can be performed. For snapshot-only protection plan schedule, for both Azure and Azure Stack Hub, you need to deploy the Snapshot Manager host in the same subscription and region as the VMs.
Amazon AWS: The Snapshot Manager host and the connected VM must be in the same account and region.
Google Cloud Platform: The Snapshot Manager host and the connected VM must be in the same project.
The cloud plug-in must be configured to protect the assets in the region in which the Snapshot Manager host is deployed.
If you want to restore volume to the same virtual machine and location, you must detach existing volume and free the slot and then try to restore.
The host must be in a connected state and must have required supported configuration.
The host must have the
and flags enabled when connected. The indexable flag is applicable for a snapshot-only protection plan schedule.Protection plan must have the
check box enabled.Apart from the boot disk and disk that is mounted on "/cloudpoint", no extra disk should be attached to Snapshot Manager instance explicitly.
File systems on the host must be supported.
Configure port 5671 and 443 for open Snapshot Manager host.
For agentless restore, in Linux systems, configure the port 22 on the indexable virtual machines. For Windows platform, configure the ports 135, 445 and the dynamic/fixed WMI-IN port on the indexable virtual machines.
Ensure that the following points are addressed before you perform the single file restore from backup of snapshot:
Supported NetBackup and Snapshot Manager version 10.2 onwards.
Granular restore will work only if backup image is restored from MSDP storage server (version must be 10.2 onwards) with instant access enabled.
Target host agent must be upgraded to the latest version.
On Windows target host, administrator must have attach and detach policy enabled for disks. For more information, refer to AttachVirtualDisk function.
(For Windows) To restore symlink, agent must be configured using the required access.
Backup must be taken with
option selected.Target virtual machine must have access to MSDP storage server over the access to NFS/SMB.
Windows target must have the following:
( For restoring window image content with Restoring Access Control list) Samba user credentials must be stored in windows credential manager for a MSDP storage server (which is exporting the Instant access share):
On MSDP server, run the smbpasswd -a <username> command to generate the Samba credentials.
Add DNS name or IP of MSDP server, with above username and generated password to windows credential manager.
The smbpasswd command will fail if user is not present on MSDP server. Hence first add user using the useradd <username> command and then use the smbpasswd command.
(For restoring Linux image content) NFS client must be installed.
For more information on how to enable SMB/IA on MSDP, refer to the NetBackup™ Deduplication Guide.
Verify the SMB configuration on MSDP server with the /usr/openv/pdde/vpfs/bin/ precheck script.