Veritas Surveillance Reviewer's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Veritas Alta Surveillance (1.0)
  1. Introducing Veritas Surveillance
      About Veritas Surveillance
      Key features of Veritas Surveillance
      Feature comparison: Compliance Accelerator desktop client Vs Veritas Surveillance web client
      About Veritas Surveillance system security
      Veritas Surveillance multi-tier architecture
      System requirements
  2. Getting started
      Signing in to Veritas Surveillance
      Signing out from Veritas Surveillance
  3. Working with dashboard widgets
      Understanding the Dashboard page
      Viewing status summary of recently reviewed departments
      Pinning and unpinning departments to view review status
      Changing the order of pinned departments
      Viewing the review status summary of escalated items
      Viewing a summary of searches and exports
  4. Managing department-level searches
      About department-level searches
      Guidelines for effective searches
      Creating and running department-level searches
      Disabling scheduled searches
      Previewing search results
      Accepting search results
      Rejecting a search result
      Resubmitting a search
  5. Managing reviews
      About reviewing with Veritas Surveillance
      Understanding the Review page
      Changing the Preview pane position
      Filtering the items in the Review pane
      Reviewing the Audio-Video Transcript type items
      Rearranging columns in the item list pane
      Reviewing searched items
      Viewing Intelligent Review Details
      Assigning review status to items
      Viewing hotwords highlighting
      Viewing hotwords in collaboration message
      Viewing the full content in a new window
      Adding comments to items
      Escalating the review items
      Viewing history of items
      Printing the original versions of items
      Printing and downloading the items and attachments

About reviewing with Veritas Surveillance

Veritas Surveillance simplifies the compliance assessment process for reviewers by allowing them to review the outcomes of random sampling and searches. Furthermore, the compliance review process is facilitated by the following key aspects:

  • Distinct reviewer roles: Veritas Surveillance has several predefined reviewing roles, such as Escalation reviewer, Exception reviewer, and Passive reviewer that possess the following characteristics:

    • Passive reviewers can view items and review history, but they cannot assign or change review status. However, passive reviewers can assign appraisal status to the items that other users have reviewed.

    • Exception reviewers can view the items of their assigned exception employees only.

    • Escalation reviewers can receive items that other reviewers in the department have escalated to a higher authority for further review.

    • All roles except the Passive Reviewer role permit a user to assign the pending, question, escalation, and appraisal status to the review items.

    • All the exception reviewers and escalation reviewers assigned to the departments can assess the review status and comments that reviewers have applied and add appraisal status and comments.

  • Filter pane: This pane lets you set criteria to refine the search records in the review items grid.

  • Comments: Reviewers can comment on the review items to promotes documentation and transparency, facilitates collaboration and communication, supports auditing and accountability, enables effective risk management, and contributes to continuous improvement in the compliance review process.

  • Labels, label groups, and their AI-based predictions: Reviewers can assign labels, label groups, and single choice label groups to review items. If the AI-based label predictions option is enabled for labels or single choice label groups, only 20 active labels (including single choice group labels) per department or at application level can be enabled for AI predictions. To enable AI-based label predictions, labels and single choice label groups must be marked as active and the Enable AI Predictions option must be selected.

    Deactivated labels and label groups are not considered for analysis and AI-based label predictions.

    The Predicted labels column is displayed in the items grid on the Review page as shown in the sample image below. If multiple labels are predicted, they are separated by semicolon.

  • Tags and hotwords statistics: Reviewers can quickly view the tags and hotwords-specific statistics per item and can navigate to individual matches in the Preview pane.

  • Review items grid customization: Veritas Surveillance lets you set the Preview pane position to the bottom or the right side of the review items grid for better readability. It also allows you to rearrange columns of the grid according to your specific requirements. You can sort the resulted reviewing items by increasing or decreasing relevance score, tags, and so on. You can collapse and expand the panes for better readability.

  • Relevance Score: This score is an integer value ranging from 0 to 100, assigned to all review items. It indicates the degree of relevance for review. A lower relevance score suggests that the item is more irrelevant, while a higher score indicates that the item is more relevant and requires closer attention during the review process. This functionality enables reviewers to promptly prioritize items for review, focusing on the most relevant ones first.

    The Relevance Score column is displayed in the list pane by default. The score is calculated and displayed only if the Intelligent Review service is enabled for the selected departments. For the departments that are not enabled for the intelligent review service, the application displays the column, but the values remain blank.