Arctera™ Insight Surveillance User Guide
- Introducing Arctera Insight Surveillance
- Getting started
- Working with dashboard widgets
- Managing employee groups
- Managing departments
- Managing department users
- Managing department-level searches
- Managing department-specific hotword sets
- Managing department-specific labels
- Managing department-specific trash rules
- Managing department-specific allowlist rules
- Managing department-specific review comments
- Viewing employees associated with departments
- Managing users, roles, and permissions
- Managing application-level searches
- Managing application-specific hotword sets
- Managing application-specific labels
- Managing application-specific trash rules
- Managing application-specific allowlist rules
- Managing application-specific review comments
- Managing data requests
- Managing search schedules
- Managing export operations
- Managing reviews
- Working with reports
- Enhanced reporting
- Departments API
- Users API
- UserRoles API
- Roles API
- Classification Tags API
- Labels API
- Searches API
- ItemMetrics API
- ReviewerMapping API
- MonitoredEmployees API
- Evidence of Review API
- Item Classification Metrics API
- Item Label Metrics API
- Item Archived Metrics API
- Managing Power BI templates for reporting APIs
- Managing Audit Settings
- Working with Audit viewer
Reviewing searched items
Before you start reviewing items, you must know that you can view emails if the
service is enabled for you. You can view collaboration messages if the service is enabled for you. When both the services are enabled, but the search does not find any email or collaboration message record, the corresponding tab is displayed without any items in it. The and the tabs individually displays total number of searched and filtered review items.To review items and checking their tags and hotwords statistics
- In the left navigation pane, click Review.
- Search for and select the department for which you want to review items.
Insight Surveillance lists all departments for which you have the review permissions.
- (Optional) Use Advanced Filter and Filters to view the precise review items quickly. To reset the filtering criteria, click Clear, set a new criterion, and click Apply.
The application displays items from the selected departments.
The item grid displays multiple columns. Based on your review priorities and focus, you can:
Sort items by clicking the column headings.
For example, to view more relevant items for review, click the Relevance Score column heading. Items with higher relevance scores are more relevant, while lower scores suggest irrelevance.
Rearrange the column sequence. See Rearranging columns in the item list pane.
Use the navigation arrows at the bottom of the items grid to go to the first, previous, next, or last page.
These changes are persisted across different login sessions for the logged-in user.
The Relevance Score column is displayed in the list pane by default. However, the score (value) is calculated and displayed only if the intelligent review service is enabled for the selected departments. For the departments that are not enabled for the intelligent review service, the application displays the column, but the values remain blank.
- To review the filtered emails, on the Email tab, select the email.
If you select an individual email in the items grid, you can view the Preview, Comments, and the History tabs.
On the Preview tab, you can view email metadata and content, print, and download the item.
On the Comments tab, you can view previous review comments for the selected email.
On the History tab, you can view the detailed summary of the operations that are performed on the selected email.
If you select multiple items in the items grid, you cannot view the Preview, Comments, and the History tabs. Instead, you get options to assign a review statuses to all the selected messages simultaneously.
Since the Preview tab is not visible, the flag icon depicting AI-predicted labels and their count is also not visible.
To comment on the selected email, click Add Comment. See Adding comments to items.
To assign status to the selected email, click Pending, Questioned, Review Irrelevant, Reviewed Relevant, Escalate, or Appraised as required.
- To view the tags-specific statistics of the selected email, in the Labels & Item Statistics pane, expand the Tags section.
The displayed information includes the names of applied tags or classification policies. Next to each tag name, the number of incidents that match the corresponding tags or policies in the selected items is shown. After you expand the tag name, the application displays number of matches in the top-level content of the item and in each attachment of the item. See the sample image below.
This section displays statistics only for tags that have a match. Tags that do not match are not shown in the list.
The Top Level node and the attachments nodes are visible only if the emails have the specified tags. In case there are no matches for the tags in the primary emails, the Top Level node will not be displayed. Similarly, if there are no matches for the tags in the attachments, those attachments will also not be displayed.
Click the arrows to navigate to the next or previous match. The navigation is limited to the content of email body message and attachments, and not within the email metadata.
- To view the hotwords-specific statistics of the selected email, in the Labels & Item Statistics pane, expand the Hotwords section.
The displayed information includes the names of hotwords sets and individual hotwords. Next to each entry, the number of incidents that match the corresponding hotwords or hotwords sets in the selected items is shown. After you expand the hotwords set name, the application displays the included hotwords and their number of matches in the top-level content of the email and in each attachment of the email. See the sample image below.
This section displays statistics only for hotwords or hotword sets that have a match. Hotwords and hotword sets that do not match are not shown in the list.
The Top Level node and the attachments nodes are visible only if the content within them contains the specified hotwords. In case there are no matches for the hotwords in the primary emails, the Top Level node will not be displayed. Similarly, if there are no matches for the hotwords in the attachments, those attachments will also not be displayed.
Click the hyperlinks to view the respective hotwords in the Preview pane. Click the arrows to navigate to the next or previous match. The navigation is limited to the content of email body message and attachments, and not within the email metadata.
- To review the filtered collaboration messages, select the Collaboration tab.
Collaboration tab displays maximum 100 groups per page. To view the next records in the group, use the navigation bar available in the bottom of a page. The chat or channel icons displays number of items in an individual group. The check box of a group remains disabled when the groups are in the collapsed state.
Expand the chat or channel group to view and select the review items.
Each group displays record of maximum 20 messages per page. However, if the group contains more than 20 items that are spread across multiple pages, you can do any of the following:
To select all the items displayed on the page of the expanded group, expand the group and select the parent check box of the group. After selecting the items, on the navigation bar of the page of the expanded group, the application displays the total count of selected items from that group.
To select items from the multiple pages of the expanded groups, expand the groups and use the navigation bar to access pages, and then select the items. After selecting the items from multiple pages of multiple groups,
- On the navigation bar of a group row, the application displays the total count of selected items from that group.
- On the navigation bar of the Collaboration page, the application displays the total count of selected items from multiple groups.
- On the Collaboration page, if you select items from multiple groups and navigate to the next page, application clears the selection.
- However, on the Collaboration page, if you select items from the same group and navigate to the next page, the application retains the item selection.
After you expand the chat or the group, select an individual message for review.
On the Preview tab, you can do the following:
Scroll up or down to view more messages to understand the context of the selected message. The application displays 30 previous conversation messages above and 30 conversation messages below the selected message. However, you can further scroll up or down to read more messages.
The typography of the displayed messages in the preview pane and its meaning is explained below.
Message Typography
A. The messages that are selected for review after performing a search are highlighted in the yellow box.
B. The messages that are part of the review process, and are displayed to get context for the reviewer, are marked in the grey box.
C. The messages that are not a part of the review set for that department are highlighted in the dashed box.
D. The messages displaying the reactions (smileys).
E. The messages displaying various statuses applied. For example, pending, escalated, appraised, and so on. You can hover over the status symbols to view the status name.
F. The messages containing attachments.
To download the attachment from the chat messages, click the Download icon provided on the attachment.
To preview the attachment from the chat messages without downloading it, either click on the attachment itself or click the Preview icon provided on the attachment
G. The messages containing images. You cannot download the images. However, to copy or save the images from the chat messages, right-click on the images and select appropriate actions.
Preview and download attachments
Refer to the sample image above.
To preview content of an attachment in a new window without downloading the attachment, either click on the attachment itself or click the Preview icon provided on the attachment.
To download an attachment, access the attachment and click the download icon.
The attachment preview also supports displaying hotwords and classification hit highlighting along with navigation.
On the Comments tab, you can view previous review comments for the selected message.
On the History tab, you can view the detailed summary of the operations that are performed on the selected message.
To comment on the selected collaboration message, click Add Comment. A reviewer can comment on individual messages, not on the entire conversation thread.See Adding comments to items.
To assign status to the selected collaboration message, click Pending, Questioned, Review Irrelevant, Reviewed Relevant, Escalate (See Escalating the review items.), or Appraised as required.
While reviewing collaboration messages, you cannot select more than 100 messages for commenting and assigning status.