Arctera™ Insight Surveillance User Guide
- Introducing Arctera Insight Surveillance
- Getting started
- Working with dashboard widgets
- Managing employee groups
- Managing departments
- Managing department users
- Managing department-level searches
- Managing department-specific hotword sets
- Managing department-specific labels
- Managing department-specific trash rules
- Managing department-specific allowlist rules
- Managing department-specific review comments
- Viewing employees associated with departments
- Managing users, roles, and permissions
- Managing application-level searches
- Managing application-specific hotword sets
- Managing application-specific labels
- Managing application-specific trash rules
- Managing application-specific allowlist rules
- Managing application-specific review comments
- Managing data requests
- Managing search schedules
- Managing export operations
- Managing reviews
- Working with reports
- Enhanced reporting
- Departments API
- Users API
- UserRoles API
- Roles API
- Classification Tags API
- Labels API
- Searches API
- ItemMetrics API
- ReviewerMapping API
- MonitoredEmployees API
- Evidence of Review API
- Item Classification Metrics API
- Item Label Metrics API
- Item Archived Metrics API
- Managing Power BI templates for reporting APIs
- Managing Audit Settings
- Working with Audit viewer
Creating departments
The minimum information needed to create a department is its name and an owner. The owner can be any employee that you have added to the system but is typically the main system administrator for Insight Surveillance. You can add either a new department or a nested department (a child department of an existing department).
You must have the Create Departments permission to add a new department. By default, users with the App User Admin role have this permission.
To create a department
- In the left navigation pane, click Departments.
- On the action bar, click New Department or press Alt + N.
The New Department dialog box appears.
- In the Department section, specify the relevant information in the respective fields.
Type a unique name for the department. The name can contain spaces, all the special, and the text characters.
Choose Open to make the department open for monitoring.
Choose Closed to restrict monitoring of employees in the department. The closed department name appears on the start page of the application only when any of its child department is open. Employees who are also monitored in other departments continue to be monitored in the closed departments.
Select the name of the principal administrator for the department.
Each department has an owner, who must have a logon but does not need any special privileges assigned. By default, Insight Surveillance grants the permissions associated with the Admin role to department owners. These permissions are as follows:
Grant access to users
Add monitored employees
Configure department properties
View reports
Parent department
If the department itself is a parent department, do not select any previous department in this field.
If you want to create this department under any existing department, click the search icon to select the parent department.
- In the Options section, specify the relevant information in the respective fields.
Can contain departments
Click the slider switch to turn it ON to allow creating nested departments under this department.
Click the slider switch to turn it OFF to restrict creating nested departments under this department.
Can contain monitored employees
Click the slider switch to turn it ON to allow adding monitored employees to this department.
Click the slider switch to turn it OFF to restrict adding monitored employees to this department.
You may want to clear this option in cases where you need to set up a department hierarchy, where the top-level department do not contain any monitored employees, but the nested departments do.
- In the Search details section, specify the policy that Insight Surveillance must follow when it adds the results of a search to the department review set.
Default percentage sample for new searches
Specifies the minimum percentage of the items that a search returns to add to the review set. When you create a search, you can qualify this option further by specifying the minimum number of items that are required per employee.
Click the slider switch to turn it OFF to allow department administrators to change the sample rate for new searches.
Click the slider switch to turn it ON to restrict department administrators from changing the sample rate for new searches.
- In the Intelligent review section, specify a sampling method and relevancy threshold.
To use the Intelligent Review feature efficiently, ensure that the Add or remove content snippets permission is enabled for the departments in which you will be creating Searches. Else, you will not be able to capture or remove text for machine learning in Arctera Insight Surveillance. After you capture a sample text, Insight Surveillance adds it to the machine learning model.
When you execute a search in the same department, based on the actions that reviewers have taken on earlier items, Insight Surveillance quickly retrieves and categorizes other items as relevant or irrelevant for your review. Intelligent Review is not applicable in the case of Immediate searches, if Intelligent Review is not enabled at department level. To determine the relevance of an item for review, Insight Surveillance checks email metadata, classification tagging, the content of the items, and its route from sender to recipients. However, the Intelligent Review feature does not consider the Microsoft Teams items for machine learning, and always mark them as Relevant, by default.
Learning behavior for sampling
The options that are available depend on whether you use guaranteed sampling, which is the default sampling mode, or statistical sampling.
None: Insight Surveillance samples items in the normal way, without implementing Intelligent Review.
Sample exact percentage and prioritize: Sample exact percentage and prioritize for guaranteed sampling. Insight Surveillance samples both relevant items and irrelevant items without favoring one over the other. So, if your monitoring policy requires that you capture and review 10% of items, Insight Surveillance captures 10% - but a substantial number of the items may be irrelevant. With this option, however, Insight Surveillance does give the items a status of either Unreviewed (Irrelevant) or Unreviewed (Relevant) as it adds them to the review set. When you later review the items in the Review pane, you can filter them by their Unreviewed status to distinguish between the relevant and irrelevant items.
Sample exact percentage of relevant content in addition to current sample: Sample exact percentage of relevant content in addition to current sample (guaranteed sampling only). Insight Surveillance adds both relevant items and irrelevant items to the review set until it has captured the required percentage of relevant items. With this option, therefore, Insight Surveillance may capture more items for review than your monitoring policy demands. For example, suppose that your policy requires you to review 10% of items. To achieve the required number of items, you may need to capture 20% of items, only half of which are relevant.
Sample exact percentage of available relevant content: Sample exact percentage of available relevant content (guaranteed sampling).Insight Surveillance discards all content that it considers irrelevant and samples relevant content only, until it has captured the required percentage. So, if your monitoring policy requires that you capture and review 10% of items, Insight Surveillance captures precisely 10%.
In the case of guaranteed sampling only, if there are too few relevant items to fulfil the monitoring policy then Insight Surveillance supplements them with irrelevant items. For example, suppose that 100 items are available for sampling, and your monitoring policy requires you to capture 10% of them.
If only seven items are relevant, Insight Surveillance adds three irrelevant items to achieve the required number of 10 items.
Relevance threshold
Relevance Threshold specifies the level of confidence that Insight Surveillance must have in the accuracy of its prediction before it marks the item as Unreviewed Relevant. Depending on the relevance threshold value, Insight Surveillance determines whether the item is relevant or irrelevant for review and accordingly marks the item as Unreviewed relevant or Unreviewed irrelevant.
On a scale of 0 to 100, the default threshold value is 40, with a recommended range of 20 to 80. Though it is recommended to set the relevance threshold value between 20 and 80, depending on the requirement, it can still be set to a lower or higher value by adjusting the slider as shown in the sample image below.
An item with a relevance score greater than or equal to the set relevance threshold is classified as Relevant, or otherwise Irrelevant.
Clear learning
Discards all the accumulated learning behavior for this department.
Last learning cleared on
Specifies the date when the accumulated learning behavior for this department was discarded.
- In the Monitoring policies section, specify the sampling percentages for the configured and enabled content sources as shown in the sample image below.
The administrator or compliance supervisor can -
View the content sources that are configured and enabled for customers.
The list of content sources updates when new content sources are configured and enabled for the customer. For detailed list of supported content sources, See Sampling support for content sources.
If the content source is no longer required, it is recommended to disable it, as valuable data may be retained for potential future use. The list of content sources does not update when a content source is disabled.
Set the monitoring policy at the department, child department, and the user level.
Create a monitoring policy by setting sampling percentages for the items from these content sources, with the option to specify different percentages for each individual service.
Perform the following actions:
Disable monitoring of employees
This option controls if the employees of the department will be eligible for random sampling.
Do not select this check box if you want to allow employee monitoring in this department.
Select this check box to disable monitoring of employees in the department. If you select this option, you disable all the other options on this tab. However, the reviewers and department administrator can still access the department. Employees who are also monitored in other departments continue to be monitored in those departments.
Review requirement for
Select All policies and specify the percentage of items to set the same monitoring policy for all the configured and enabled content sources (message types). For example, if you set the sampling percentage value as 5%, then 5% items of all these services will be captured and provided for review.
When new message types are added to the list, the existing monitoring policy automatically apply to them.
Select Per policy and specify the percentage of items to set different percentages for each individual content source (message type). For example, if you set the sampling percentage for one service as 5%, you can set different sampling percentage values for other services.
When new message types are added to the list, the default sampling percentage for these types will be set to 2%.
For some message types, such as Exchange and Domino, you can also set percentages on the items that travel in a particular direction. Refer to the above-mentioned image.
Internal. Selects the items where the author and all recipients are internal to your organization.
Inbound. Selects the items where the author is external to your organization and at least one recipient is internal.
Outbound. Selects the items where the author is internal to your organization and at least one recipient is external.
- Click Save.