Dynamic Multi-Pathing 7.3.1 Administrator's Guide - Linux
- Understanding DMP
- Setting up DMP to manage native devices
- Using Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) devices with Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
- Administering DMP
- Administering DMP using the vxdmpadm utility
- Gathering and displaying I/O statistics
- Specifying the I/O policy
- Administering disks
- Discovering and configuring newly added disk devices
- About discovering disks and dynamically adding disk arrays
- How to administer the Device Discovery Layer
- Changing the disk device naming scheme
- Dynamic Reconfiguration of devices
- Reconfiguring a LUN online that is under DMP control using the Dynamic Reconfiguration tool
- Manually reconfiguring a LUN online that is under DMP control
- Event monitoring
- Performance monitoring and tuning
- Appendix A. DMP troubleshooting
- Appendix B. Reference
Disk devices
The device name (sometimes referred to as devname or disk access name) defines the name of a disk device as it is known to the operating system.
Such devices are usually, but not always, located in the /dev directory. Devices that are specific to hardware from certain vendors may use their own path name conventions.
VxVM supports the disk partitioning scheme provided by the operating system. The syntax of a device name is hdx[N] or sdx[N], where x is a letter that indicates the order of EIDE (hd) or SCSI (sd) disks seen by the operating system, and N is an optional partition number in the range 1 through 15. An example of a device name is sda7, which references partition 7 on the first SCSI disk. If the partition number is omitted, the device name indicates the entire disk.
Devices that are specific to hardware from certain vendors may have different path names. For example, the COMPAQ SMART and SMARTII controllers use device names of the form /dev/ida/cXdXpX and /dev/cciss/cXdXpX.
Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) uses the device name to create metadevices in the /dev/vx/[r]dmp directories. DMP uses the metadevices (or DMP nodes) to represent disks that can be accessed by one or more physical paths, perhaps via different controllers. The number of access paths that are available depends on whether the disk is a single disk, or is part of a multiported disk array that is connected to a system.
You can use the vxdisk utility to display the paths that are subsumed by a DMP metadevice, and to display the status of each path (for example, whether it is enabled or disabled).
Device names may also be remapped as enclosure-based names.