Dynamic Multi-Pathing 7.3.1 Administrator's Guide - Linux
- Understanding DMP
- Setting up DMP to manage native devices
- Using Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) devices with Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
- Administering DMP
- Administering DMP using the vxdmpadm utility
- Gathering and displaying I/O statistics
- Specifying the I/O policy
- Administering disks
- Discovering and configuring newly added disk devices
- About discovering disks and dynamically adding disk arrays
- How to administer the Device Discovery Layer
- Changing the disk device naming scheme
- Dynamic Reconfiguration of devices
- Reconfiguring a LUN online that is under DMP control using the Dynamic Reconfiguration tool
- Manually reconfiguring a LUN online that is under DMP control
- Event monitoring
- Performance monitoring and tuning
- Appendix A. DMP troubleshooting
- Appendix B. Reference
Setting customized names for DMP nodes
The Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) node name is the metadevice name that represents the multiple paths to a disk. The Device Discovery Layer (DDL) generates the DMP node name from the device name according to the Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) naming scheme.
See Disk device naming in DMP.
You can specify a customized name for a DMP node. User-specified names are persistent even if names persistence is turned off.
You cannot assign a customized name that is already in use by a device. However, if you assign names that follow the same naming conventions as the names that the DDL generates, a name collision can potentially occur when a device is added. If the user-defined name for a DMP device is the same as the DDL-generated name for another DMP device, the vxdisk list command output displays one of the devices as 'error'.
To specify a custom name for a DMP node
- Use the following command:
# vxdmpadm setattr dmpnode dmpnodename name=name
You can also assign names from an input file. This enables you to customize the DMP nodes on the system with meaningful names.
To specify a custom name for an enclosure
- Use the following command:
# vxdmpadm setattr enclosure enc_name name=custom_name
To assign DMP nodes from a file
- To obtain a file populated with the names of the devices in your configuration, use the following command:
# vxddladm -l assign names > filename
The sample file shows the format required and serves as a template to specify your customized names.
You can also use the script vxgetdmpnames to get a sample file populated from the devices in your configuration.
- Modify the file as required. Be sure to maintain the correct format in the file.
- To assign the names, specify the name and path of the file to the following command:
# vxddladm assign names file=pathname
To clear custom names
- To clear the names, and use the default operating system-based naming or enclosure-based naming, use the following command:
# vxddladm -c assign names