Veritas Data Insight 6.1 Administrator's Guide
- Section I. Getting started
- Introduction to Veritas Data Insight administration
- Configuring Data Insight global settings
- Overview of Data Insight licensing
- About scanning and event monitoring
- About filtering certain accounts, IP addresses, and paths
- About archiving data
- About Data Insight integration with Symantec Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
- Configuring advanced analytics
- About open shares
- About bulk assignment of custodians
- Section II. Configuring Data Insight
- Configuring Data Insight product users
- Configuring Data Insight product servers
- About node templates
- About automated alerts for patches and upgrades
- Configuring saved credentials
- Configuring directory service domains
- Adding a directory service domain to Data Insight
- Configuring containers
- Section III. Configuring native file systems in Data Insight
- Configuring NetApp file server monitoring
- Configuring clustered NetApp file server monitoring
- About configuring secure communication between Data Insight and cluster-mode NetApp devices
- Configuring EMC Celerra or VNX monitoring
- Configuring EMC Isilon monitoring
- Configuring Hitachi NAS file server monitoring
- Configuring Windows File Server monitoring
- Configuring Veritas File System (VxFS) file server monitoring
- Configuring monitoring of a generic device
- Managing file servers
- Adding filers
- Adding shares
- Renaming storage devices
- Configuring NetApp file server monitoring
- Section IV. Configuring SharePoint data sources
- Configuring monitoring of SharePoint web applications
- About the Data Insight web service for SharePoint
- Adding web applications
- Adding site collections
- Configuring monitoring of SharePoint Online accounts
- About SharePoint Online account monitoring
- Adding SharePoint Online accounts
- Adding site collections to SharePoint Online accounts
- Configuring monitoring of SharePoint web applications
- Section V. Configuring cloud data sources
- Section VI. Configuring ECM data sources
- Section VII. Health and monitoring
- Section VIII. Alerts and policies
- Section IX. Remediation
- Section X. Reference
- Appendix A. Backing up and restoring data
- Appendix B. Data Insight health checks
- Appendix C. Command File Reference
- Appendix D. Data Insight jobs
- Appendix E. Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting FPolicy issues on NetApp devices
Configuring audit settings on EMC Isilon cluster using OneFS GUI console
To enable Data Insight to receive access event information from the Isilon cluster, you must configure auditing on the Isilon cluster. You can configure the audit settings either from the Isilon OneFS web-based GUI console. Alternatively, you can perform the same configuration using the Isilon command line interface.
See Configuring audit settings on EMC Isilon cluster using the OneFS CLI.
To configure audit settings on Isilon using OneFS console
- On the OneFS WebUI, navigate to the CLUSTER MANAGEMENT > Auditing.
- Under the Edit Auditing Settings section, select Enable Protocol Access Auditing.
It is recommended that you enable the OneFS auditing feature only after you install and configure Data Insight for your storage environment. Otherwise, the backlog consumed by Data Insight may be so large that results may be stale for a prolonged time.
- Under the Audited Zones section, add the access zone that you want to audit. To enable auditing for the entire Isilon cluster, you can select the default System zone. For more information about access zones, see the EMC Isilon documentation.
Do not enable auditing for the access zones having file systems configured only for the NFS protocol. Data Insight currently does not support monitoring of NFS shares.
- Under the Event Forwarding section, enter the uniform resource identifier for the server where the Common Event Enabler is installed. The format of the entry is: http://<IP of the CEE server>:port/cee.
For example: http://10.209.302.152:12228/cee.
Note that 12228 is the default CEE HTTP listen port. You must choose a port number that is same as the one configured in the registry on the computer where CEE is installed.
See Preparing Veritas Data Insight to receive event notifications from an EMC Isilon cluster.
- Under the section, Event Forwarding, add the host name of the storage cluster. You can either use the EMC Isilon SmartConnect cluster name or the DNS resolvable host name of one of the nodes of the cluster. Do not leave this field blank. This host name is later used to add the EMC Isilon cluster to the Veritas Data Insight configuration.
More Information
Configuring Isilon audit settings for performance improvement