Veritas Data Insight 6.1 Administrator's Guide
- Section I. Getting started
- Introduction to Veritas Data Insight administration
- Configuring Data Insight global settings
- Overview of Data Insight licensing
- About scanning and event monitoring
- About filtering certain accounts, IP addresses, and paths
- About archiving data
- About Data Insight integration with Symantec Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
- Configuring advanced analytics
- About open shares
- About bulk assignment of custodians
- Section II. Configuring Data Insight
- Configuring Data Insight product users
- Configuring Data Insight product servers
- About node templates
- About automated alerts for patches and upgrades
- Configuring saved credentials
- Configuring directory service domains
- Adding a directory service domain to Data Insight
- Configuring containers
- Section III. Configuring native file systems in Data Insight
- Configuring NetApp file server monitoring
- Configuring clustered NetApp file server monitoring
- About configuring secure communication between Data Insight and cluster-mode NetApp devices
- Configuring EMC Celerra or VNX monitoring
- Configuring EMC Isilon monitoring
- Configuring Hitachi NAS file server monitoring
- Configuring Windows File Server monitoring
- Configuring Veritas File System (VxFS) file server monitoring
- Configuring monitoring of a generic device
- Managing file servers
- Adding filers
- Adding shares
- Renaming storage devices
- Configuring NetApp file server monitoring
- Section IV. Configuring SharePoint data sources
- Configuring monitoring of SharePoint web applications
- About the Data Insight web service for SharePoint
- Adding web applications
- Adding site collections
- Configuring monitoring of SharePoint Online accounts
- About SharePoint Online account monitoring
- Adding SharePoint Online accounts
- Adding site collections to SharePoint Online accounts
- Configuring monitoring of SharePoint web applications
- Section V. Configuring cloud data sources
- Section VI. Configuring ECM data sources
- Section VII. Health and monitoring
- Section VIII. Alerts and policies
- Section IX. Remediation
- Section X. Reference
- Appendix A. Backing up and restoring data
- Appendix B. Data Insight health checks
- Appendix C. Command File Reference
- Appendix D. Data Insight jobs
- Appendix E. Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting FPolicy issues on NetApp devices
Overview of Data Insight licensing
You must install a license key file that covers the Data Insight features that you want to implement. To use all Data Insight functionality, you must have the following licenses:
Data Insight base license - The base product license enables you to access basic product features including viewing audit and scan data, reports, classifying content, and adding resources such as filers and SharePoint web applications.
The Data Insight base license is available in two types - based on the number of users and based on the amount of storage that is monitored by Data Insight. When the storage limit-based license is applied, Data Insight computes the total storage that it monitors on filers, generic devices, Documentum devices, and SharePoint servers. It also includes the storage space that is occupied by disabled shares. However, it does not include the storage monitored on DFS paths and cloud storage resources such as Box.
For paths on generic devices, Data Insight considers the storage occupied by parent and child shares independently. This behavior is observed because for generic devices, Data Insight is not able to distinguish between the physical and the logical paths. As a result, during the computation of the total storage capacity, Data Insight considers the nested storage as independent storage.
Self-Service Portal license - A separate add-on license is needed if you want to create workflow templates and workflows. The Self-Service Portal license enables you to access the portal to take action on remediation workflows. You will also not be able to access the Self-Service Portal until valid base and portal licenses are applied.
Data Insight cloud license - The cloud license is an add-on license that enables you to monitor data sources residing within the cloud environment, such as Box, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive. The cloud license is granted based on the number of users for your cloud accounts.
A valid cloud license lets you add cloud sources for monitoring, discovering and scanning data, and viewing the audit and metadata information.
If you do not have a valid base license or when the license expires, the software continues to run in a restricted mode. The following functionality is disabled on the Management Console:
The Workspace, Policies, and Reports tab are hidden on the Management Console. Only the Workflows and Settings tabs are visible on the UI. However, you will not be able to take any remediation actions from the > page.
The options on the console to add new filers, shares, SharePoint web applications, SharePoint Online accounts, site collections, repositories, cloud storage resources, and directory services are disabled. However, Data Insight lets you edit properties of the resources that are already configured in Data Insight.
Auto-discovery does not result in discovering new shares, site collections, OneDrive user accounts, Documentum repositories, or equivalents that are created on storage device, filer, or web application if the license on the Data Insight system is not valid.
Creation of workflow templates and workflows is disabled, even if portal license is valid but the base license has expired.
Ability to add cloud data sources is disabled even if the cloud license is valid but the base license has expired.
Until Data Insight 5.0.x, the product functionality operates on Trust and Verify model. A message in the footer indicates whether the base as well as Self-Service portal license has expired, but product features are fully functional if the license has expired or in the absence of a valid license.
Note that if the portal license is not valid:
When you click
> , > , or for the first time, a pop-up is displayed in the bottom right corner indicating that a valid Self-Service Portal license must be applied to use the feature.The options to add workflow templates and workflows are disabled.
Custodians for a workflow continue to receive reminder emails for existing workflows. However, when you click the portal link in the email, they see a message indicating that the license has expired and must be renewed.
The footer of the reminder email contains a message indicating that the license has expired.
Depending on the state of the license, the following warnings and errors are displayed in the footer of the Management Console:
In case of a license in grace period, the footer shows an icon and message indicating that the license has expired and is in grace period. On clicking the footer, a detailed message indicating the number of grace days and the fact that features will be disabled after expiry is displayed. Additionally, a Data Insight event is raised daily at the WARNING level indicating that the license is in grace period.
After the grace period ends, a warning period will then be in effect until the license completely expires.
In case of a license in warning period, Data Insight displays an icon and a message indicating that the license is in the warning period and is due to expire in a certain number of days. The Licensing team configures the warning period. Click the footer icon or message to view the detailed message. Additionally, a Data Insight event is raised daily at the INFO level indicating that a warn policy is in effect for the license.
On license expiry, the footer displays the message indicating that the license has expired. On clicking the message, a detailed message is displayed indicating that some of the features are disabled. Additionally, a Data Insight event is raised daily at the CRITICAL level stating that the license has expired.
After the license expires, certain functionality is disabled and the application runs in a restricted mode.
In case of a storage limit-based license, if the storage monitored by Data Insight exceeds the licensed limit then the footer displays a warning message indicating that the storage monitored by Data Insight has exceeded. However, Data Insight continues to function with uninterrupted access to all functionality. Click the footer message to view the detailed message.
In case of a cloud license, if the cloud license is expired then the ability to add new cloud data sources such as SharePoint Online and Box for monitoring and to add shares or their equivalent data containers is disabled until the license is renewed. However, Data Insight continues to monitor the existing data sources without any interruption. To view the detailed message, click the footer message.
In case of multiple error conditions, the error message pop-up populates the messages based on their severity status.
For more information about licenses, contact your Licensing team.