Veritas Data Insight 6.1 Administrator's Guide
- Section I. Getting started
- Introduction to Veritas Data Insight administration
- Configuring Data Insight global settings
- Overview of Data Insight licensing
- About scanning and event monitoring
- About filtering certain accounts, IP addresses, and paths
- About archiving data
- About Data Insight integration with Symantec Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
- Configuring advanced analytics
- About open shares
- About bulk assignment of custodians
- Section II. Configuring Data Insight
- Configuring Data Insight product users
- Configuring Data Insight product servers
- About node templates
- About automated alerts for patches and upgrades
- Configuring saved credentials
- Configuring directory service domains
- Adding a directory service domain to Data Insight
- Configuring containers
- Section III. Configuring native file systems in Data Insight
- Configuring NetApp file server monitoring
- Configuring clustered NetApp file server monitoring
- About configuring secure communication between Data Insight and cluster-mode NetApp devices
- Configuring EMC Celerra or VNX monitoring
- Configuring EMC Isilon monitoring
- Configuring Hitachi NAS file server monitoring
- Configuring Windows File Server monitoring
- Configuring Veritas File System (VxFS) file server monitoring
- Configuring monitoring of a generic device
- Managing file servers
- Adding filers
- Adding shares
- Renaming storage devices
- Configuring NetApp file server monitoring
- Section IV. Configuring SharePoint data sources
- Configuring monitoring of SharePoint web applications
- About the Data Insight web service for SharePoint
- Adding web applications
- Adding site collections
- Configuring monitoring of SharePoint Online accounts
- About SharePoint Online account monitoring
- Adding SharePoint Online accounts
- Adding site collections to SharePoint Online accounts
- Configuring monitoring of SharePoint web applications
- Section V. Configuring cloud data sources
- Section VI. Configuring ECM data sources
- Section VII. Health and monitoring
- Section VIII. Alerts and policies
- Section IX. Remediation
- Section X. Reference
- Appendix A. Backing up and restoring data
- Appendix B. Data Insight health checks
- Appendix C. Command File Reference
- Appendix D. Data Insight jobs
- Appendix E. Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting FPolicy issues on NetApp devices
Preparing the EMC filer for CEPA
The Veritas Data Insight server registers with the EMC Celerra or the EMC VNX filer through the EMC Common Event Enabler (CEE) framework. Data Insight uses this framework to receive notifications of file access events from the filer.
To configure the EMC Celerra or EMC VNX filer to send event information to Veritas Data Insight
- Create a cepp.conf file on the EMC filer. The following is a sample of the code that the cepp.conf file must contain:
pool name=matrixpool \
servers=<IP Address/Hostname of Windows server running the EMC CAVA service> \
postevents=* \
option=ignore \
reqtimeout=500 \
If the CEE server pool contains more than one server, you may separate each of the server entry by a | character. The setting ensures that the filer sends events to the CEE servers in a round robin fashion which ensures load balancing and high availability. However, the filer does not concurrently forward events to the multiple CEE servers. In case of VNX, you must modify the
file so that events are simultaneously forwarded to the CEE server pool.If there are two or more applications that make use of EMC's CAVA / CEE audit functionality, the cepp.conf file that resides on the filer(s) must be configured to include both servers. In such a case, the cepp.config contains details of each application pool that uses the CAVA/CEE auditing functionality.
pool name=matrixpool \
servers=<IP Address/Hostname of Windows server running the EMC CAVA service> \
postevents=* \
option=ignore \
reqtimeout=500 \
pool name=QFSpool \
servers=<IP Address/Hostname of Windows server running the EMC CAVA service> \
postevents=* \
option=ignore \
reqtimeout=500 \
- Copy the cepp.conf file to the root directory of the Data Mover. Run the following command: server_file <datamover_name> -put cepp.conf cepp.conf
For example, server_file server_2 -put /tmp/CEPA/cepp.conf cepp.conf
- Start the CEPP service on the filer. Run the following command:
server_cepp <datamover_name> -service -start
Ensure that the service has started by running the following command:
server_cepp name of data mover -service -status
For detailed information about configuring CEPA, refer to the EMC documentation.
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