Veritas Data Insight 6.1 Administrator's Guide
- Section I. Getting started
- Introduction to Veritas Data Insight administration
- Configuring Data Insight global settings
- Overview of Data Insight licensing
- About scanning and event monitoring
- About filtering certain accounts, IP addresses, and paths
- About archiving data
- About Data Insight integration with Symantec Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
- Configuring advanced analytics
- About open shares
- About bulk assignment of custodians
- Section II. Configuring Data Insight
- Configuring Data Insight product users
- Configuring Data Insight product servers
- About node templates
- About automated alerts for patches and upgrades
- Configuring saved credentials
- Configuring directory service domains
- Adding a directory service domain to Data Insight
- Configuring containers
- Section III. Configuring native file systems in Data Insight
- Configuring NetApp file server monitoring
- Configuring clustered NetApp file server monitoring
- About configuring secure communication between Data Insight and cluster-mode NetApp devices
- Configuring EMC Celerra or VNX monitoring
- Configuring EMC Isilon monitoring
- Configuring Hitachi NAS file server monitoring
- Configuring Windows File Server monitoring
- Configuring Veritas File System (VxFS) file server monitoring
- Configuring monitoring of a generic device
- Managing file servers
- Adding filers
- Adding shares
- Renaming storage devices
- Configuring NetApp file server monitoring
- Section IV. Configuring SharePoint data sources
- Configuring monitoring of SharePoint web applications
- About the Data Insight web service for SharePoint
- Adding web applications
- Adding site collections
- Configuring monitoring of SharePoint Online accounts
- About SharePoint Online account monitoring
- Adding SharePoint Online accounts
- Adding site collections to SharePoint Online accounts
- Configuring monitoring of SharePoint web applications
- Section V. Configuring cloud data sources
- Section VI. Configuring ECM data sources
- Section VII. Health and monitoring
- Section VIII. Alerts and policies
- Section IX. Remediation
- Section X. Reference
- Appendix A. Backing up and restoring data
- Appendix B. Data Insight health checks
- Appendix C. Command File Reference
- Appendix D. Data Insight jobs
- Appendix E. Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting FPolicy issues on NetApp devices
Considerations for running a parallel scan
You can configure a collector to scan multiple shares of filers in parallel. By default, each scan process uses a single thread to perform the scanning. For certain large shares, scanning with a single thread can take a long time to complete. For such shares, Data Insight lets you use multiple parallel scanning threads within a scan process to enable faster scans.
To configure parallel scanning for a collector or a filer from the Advanced Settings page:
See Configuring advanced settings.
To configure multiple threads to scan a single share:
See Add New Share/Edit Share options .
Enabling multiple threads for a scan process has certain performance implications for the collector and the filer.
The following considerations apply when you enable parallel scanning for one or more shares on a collector:
It is recommended that the collector meets the following system requirements for running multi-threaded scans:
32 cores
Windows Server 2012. The operating system must be 64-bit.
As a precautionary measure to avoid excessive load on the filers, Data Insight runs a maximum of four multi-threaded scans in parallel on a collector regardless of the value configured on the Advanced Settings page.
Based on your scanning requirements and available system resources, you can set the number of scan threads that you want Data Insight to use in parallel within a share from the Add New Share/Edit Share page. Data Insight interprets the scan thread count as follows:
Automatic: Data Insight computes the number of parallel scan threads based on the number of processors and the amount of workload. The maximum number of threads that Data Insight runs is between 1-16.
1-128: Data Insight runs the specified number of scan threads.
For optimal parallel scan performance, it is recommended to select the scan option as Automatic.
When a parallel scan is configured for certain shares, those shares are scanned faster. However, higher number of parallel scan threads may introduce a resource overhead on the filers. Thus, ensure that you do not set an excessively high value.
It is recommended that the DatainsightComm service should be stopped only after the parallel scans are completed. Or, on the next restart of the service, the parallel scan automatically starts a fresh scan.
If you edit a share to use parallel scanner instead of the single-threaded scanner while scanning is in the running or paused state, the single-threaded scan continues to run till it completes. For the subsequent full scans, the parallel scanner is executed. If you need to start using the parallel scanner immediately, then you must cancel the current scan from the Settings > Scan Status> In-Progress Scan page and restart the scan.
The following limitations apply for the parallel scanner.
Support for incremental scan is not available. Only full scans are supported.
Support for NFS shares, and SharePoint Online, Microsoft OneDrive, and Documentum data sources is not available.
Support for filtering out shares based on the Exclude Rules configuration is not available.
Support for throttling of parallel scans for NetApp 7-mode and Cluster-Mode file servers is not available.
The Scan History sub-tab on the Scanning dashboard does not display the historical details of a parallel scan.
For Windows File Server agents version older than 5.2, the parallel scanner cannot be executed. Even if it is configured, the single thread scan runs.
Support for scanning circular or symbolic links is not available.
Support for scanning junction-based paths is not available.