Veritas Access Administrator's Guide
- Section I. Introducing Veritas Access
- Section II. Configuring Veritas Access
- Adding users or roles
- Configuring the network
- Configuring authentication services
- Section III. Managing Veritas Access storage
- Configuring storage
- Configuring data integrity with I/O fencing
- Configuring ISCSI
- Veritas Access as an iSCSI target
- Configuring storage
- Section IV. Managing Veritas Access file access services
- Configuring the NFS server
- Setting up Kerberos authentication for NFS clients
- Using Veritas Access as a CIFS server
- About Active Directory (AD)
- About configuring CIFS for Active Directory (AD) domain mode
- About setting trusted domains
- About managing home directories
- About CIFS clustering modes
- About migrating CIFS shares and home directories
- About managing local users and groups
- Configuring an FTP server
- Using Veritas Access as an Object Store server
- Configuring the NFS server
- Section V. Monitoring and troubleshooting
- Section VI. Provisioning and managing Veritas Access file systems
- Creating and maintaining file systems
- Considerations for creating a file system
- Modifying a file system
- Managing a file system
- Creating and maintaining file systems
- Section VII. Configuring cloud storage
- Section VIII. Provisioning and managing Veritas Access shares
- Creating shares for applications
- Creating and maintaining NFS shares
- Creating and maintaining CIFS shares
- Using Veritas Access with OpenStack
- Integrating Veritas Access with Data Insight
- Section IX. Managing Veritas Access storage services
- Compressing files
- About compressing files
- Compression tasks
- Configuring SmartTier
- Configuring SmartIO
- Configuring episodic replication
- Episodic replication job failover and failback
- Configuring continuous replication
- How Veritas Access continuous replication works
- Continuous replication failover and failback
- Using snapshots
- Using instant rollbacks
- Compressing files
- Section X. Reference
Manually setting WORM-retention on a file over CIFS
You can set WORM-retention on a file manually over CIFS.
Perform the following steps:
Set the file's access time (atime) to the required retention time
Set the read-only attribute to file
The file is marked WORM with assigned retention after the successful completion of the above steps.
Veritas does not support extending the existing retention period of a WORM file over CIFS by changing the access time of the file as it is not possible to change the access time of a read-only file.
To manually set WORM-retention on a file over CIFS from a Windows client
- Create a WORM-enabled file system.
Storage> fs create simple fs_worm_ct 15g pool1 blksize=1024 pdir_enable=no encrypt=off worm=yes 100% [#] Creating simple filesystem ACCESS fs SUCCESS V-288-0 Created simple file system fs_worm_ct
- Create a CIFS share of the file system in full_acl mode.
CIFS> share add fs_worm_ct sh_fs_worm_ct allow=evlab\ vaultadmin,rw,full_acl Exporting CIFS filesystem : sh_fs_worm_ct ...Success.
- You can see the CIFS shares using the following command:
CIFS> share show ShareName FileSystem ShareOptions access_partition ev_vs_partition owner=root,group=root,fs_mode=1777,allow=EVLAB\ vaultadmin,rw access_worm_share ev_worm_fs owner=root,group=root,fs_mode=1777,allow=evlab\ vaultadmin,rw,full_acl sh_fs_worm_ct fs_worm_ct owner=root,group=root,fs_mode=1777,allow=evlab\ vaultadmin,rw,full_acl
- Verify the CIFS share from Windows explorer using the virtual IP associated with the share.
- Create some files on the CIFS share.
- Map the share to the network drive.
- Click Finish.
- The drive which is associated with the share is Z:.
- Use Microsoft PowerShell to set WORM-retention on a file manually over CIFS.
Go to Z: drive. Check the current access time of the file.
(Get-Item .\testf1.txt).LastAccessTime
Thursday, February 1, 2018 12:03:54 AM"
Where testf1.txt is the name of the file.
Set the file's access time (atime) to the required retention time using the following command:
(Get-Item .\testf1.txt).LastAccessTime="February 10, 2018 12:03:54 AM"
Set the read-only attribute to file.
Set-ItemProperty -Path "Z:\testf1.txt" -Name IsReadOnly -Value $true
The file is marked as WORM with retention time of Feb 10, 2018 12:03:54 AM.
If you execute a delete operation on a WORM-enabled file from Windows, then it appears that the WORM file is deleted even though the file is not deleted from the storage. This is Windows behavior, and is seen because the file delete command is issued from the Windows client over CIFS which asynchronously marks the file for deletion and returns success to the user. But the asynchronously issued delete command actually fails as the file is marked as WORM and you can see the file by refreshing directory contents.