Veritas Access Administrator's Guide
- Section I. Introducing Veritas Access
- Section II. Configuring Veritas Access
- Adding users or roles
- Configuring the network
- Configuring authentication services
- Section III. Managing Veritas Access storage
- Configuring storage
- Configuring data integrity with I/O fencing
- Configuring ISCSI
- Veritas Access as an iSCSI target
- Configuring storage
- Section IV. Managing Veritas Access file access services
- Configuring the NFS server
- Setting up Kerberos authentication for NFS clients
- Using Veritas Access as a CIFS server
- About Active Directory (AD)
- About configuring CIFS for Active Directory (AD) domain mode
- About setting trusted domains
- About managing home directories
- About CIFS clustering modes
- About migrating CIFS shares and home directories
- About managing local users and groups
- Configuring an FTP server
- Using Veritas Access as an Object Store server
- Configuring the NFS server
- Section V. Monitoring and troubleshooting
- Section VI. Provisioning and managing Veritas Access file systems
- Creating and maintaining file systems
- Considerations for creating a file system
- Modifying a file system
- Managing a file system
- Creating and maintaining file systems
- Section VII. Configuring cloud storage
- Section VIII. Provisioning and managing Veritas Access shares
- Creating shares for applications
- Creating and maintaining NFS shares
- Creating and maintaining CIFS shares
- Using Veritas Access with OpenStack
- Integrating Veritas Access with Data Insight
- Section IX. Managing Veritas Access storage services
- Compressing files
- About compressing files
- Compression tasks
- Configuring SmartTier
- Configuring SmartIO
- Configuring episodic replication
- Episodic replication job failover and failback
- Configuring continuous replication
- How Veritas Access continuous replication works
- Continuous replication failover and failback
- Using snapshots
- Using instant rollbacks
- Compressing files
- Section X. Reference
Creating a file system
Veritas Access supports the following types of file systems:
Cluster File System (CFS) - creates a standard CFS file system. The CFS file system is the default file system when creating a new file system.
scale-out - creates a scale-out file system that manages a single namespace spanning over both on-premises storage as well as cloud storage.
Veritas Access supports the following file system layouts:
Simple - creates a file system of a specified size, and you can specify a block size for the file system.
Mirrored - creates a mirrored file system with a specified number of mirrors along with a list of pools and online status.
Mirrored-stripe - creates a mirrored-stripe file system with a specified number of columns, mirrors, pools, and protection options.
Striped - creates a striped file system. A striped file system is a file system that stores its data across multiple disks rather than storing the data on just one disk.
Striped-mirror - creates a striped-mirror file system with a specified number of columns, mirrors, pools, and protection options.
The default block size is determined based on the size of the file system when the file system is created. For example, 1 KB is the default block size for up to a 2-TB file system size. Other default block sizes, 2 KB, 4 KB, and 8 KB are available for different ranges of file system sizes. If you create a 1-TB file system, and then increase it to 3 TB, the file system block size remains at 1 KB.
See the storage_fs(1) man page for detailed examples.
For details on the limitations on the length of the file system name, See About creating and maintaining file systems.
You can also create a file system for customized workloads.
See About creating a tuned file system for a specific workload.
If the configuration file system creation fails, the originating file system request also fails. Veritas Access requires at least two disks for the mirrored configuration file system, and in case of Flexible Shared Storage (FSS), at least two nodes are required to be part of the storage pool.
Veritas recommends that you do not create a file system whose name format is such as <file system name_integer>. This is because such file names are reserved for internal objects and may lead to file system creation errors.
To create a simple file system of a specified size
- Create a simple file system with a specified size.
Storage> fs create simple fs_name size pool1[,disk1,...] [blksize=bytes]
To create a mirrored file system
- Create a mirrored file system.
Storage> fs create mirrored fs_name size nmirrors pool1[,disk1,...] [protection=disk|pool] [blksize=bytes]
To create a mirrored-stripe file system
- Create a mirrored-stripe file system.
Storage> fs create mirrored-stripe fs_name size nmirrors ncolumns pool1[,disk1,...] [protection=disk|pool] [stripeunit=kilobytes] [blksize=bytes]
To create a striped-mirror file system
- Create a striped-mirror file system.
Storage> fs create striped-mirror fs_name size nmirrors ncolumns pool1[,disk1,...] [protection=disk|pool] [stripeunit=kilobytes] [blksize=bytes]
To create a striped file system
- Create a striped file system.
Storage> fs create striped fs_name size ncolumns pool1[,disk1,...] [stripeunit=kilobytes] [blksize=bytes]
To create a simple scale-out file system
- Create a simple scale-out file system.
Storage> fs create largefs simple fs_name size pool1 [blksize=bytes]
You can create the same types of file system layouts for a scale-out file system as for a Cluster File System (CFS) file system.
fs_name | Specifies the name of the file system being created. The file system name should be a string. If you enter a file that already exists, you receive an error message and the file system is not created. |
size | Specifies the size of a file system. To create a file system, you need at least 10 MB of space. You can create a file system in the following units:
You can enter the units with either uppercase (10 M) or lowercase (10 m) letters. To see how much space is available on a pool, use the Storage> pool free command. |
nmirrors | Specifies the number of mirrors for the file system. You must enter a positive integer. |
ncolumns | Specifies the number of columns for the striped file system. The number of columns represents the number of disks to stripe the information across. If the number of columns exceeds the number of disks for the entered pools, an error message is displayed. This message indicates that there is not enough space to create the striped file system. |
pool1[,disk1,...] | Specifies the pool(s) or disk(s) for the file system. If you specify a pool or disk that does not exist, you receive an error message. You can specify more than one pool or disk by separating the name with a comma. Do not include a space between the comma and the name. To find a list of pools and disks, use the Storage> pool list command. To find a list of disks, use the Storage> disk list command. The disk must be part of the pool or an error message is displayed. |
protection | If you do not specify a protection option, the default is "disk." The available options for this field are:
stripeunit=kilobytes | Specifies a stripe unit (in kilobytes). The following are the possible values:
blksize=bytes | Specifies the block size for the file system. The following are the possible values in bytes:
Block sizes can affect the file size. For example, to create a file system greater than 32 TB, the block size needs to be 8192. |
pdir_enable | Specifies if you want to enable a partition directory for the file system. By default, this feature is not enabled. |
After a file system is created, the file system reserves some space for internal logging. Internal logging provides additional data integrity. Due to the space that is reserved for internal logging, the file system may appear to be used immediately after file system creation. The space that is reserved for internal logging increases with the number of nodes in the Veritas Access cluster.
Log file sizes for the file systems are as follows:
10 GB to 100 GB | Log size = 60 MB per node |
100 GB to 1 TB | Log size = 100 MB per node |
1 TB and above | Log size = 256 MB per node |