Veritas Access Administrator's Guide
- Section I. Introducing Veritas Access
- Section II. Configuring Veritas Access
- Adding users or roles
- Configuring the network
- Configuring authentication services
- Section III. Managing Veritas Access storage
- Configuring storage
- Configuring data integrity with I/O fencing
- Configuring ISCSI
- Veritas Access as an iSCSI target
- Configuring storage
- Section IV. Managing Veritas Access file access services
- Configuring the NFS server
- Setting up Kerberos authentication for NFS clients
- Using Veritas Access as a CIFS server
- About Active Directory (AD)
- About configuring CIFS for Active Directory (AD) domain mode
- About setting trusted domains
- About managing home directories
- About CIFS clustering modes
- About migrating CIFS shares and home directories
- About managing local users and groups
- Configuring an FTP server
- Using Veritas Access as an Object Store server
- Configuring the NFS server
- Section V. Monitoring and troubleshooting
- Section VI. Provisioning and managing Veritas Access file systems
- Creating and maintaining file systems
- Considerations for creating a file system
- Modifying a file system
- Managing a file system
- Creating and maintaining file systems
- Section VII. Configuring cloud storage
- Section VIII. Provisioning and managing Veritas Access shares
- Creating shares for applications
- Creating and maintaining NFS shares
- Creating and maintaining CIFS shares
- Using Veritas Access with OpenStack
- Integrating Veritas Access with Data Insight
- Section IX. Managing Veritas Access storage services
- Compressing files
- About compressing files
- Compression tasks
- Configuring SmartTier
- Configuring SmartIO
- Configuring episodic replication
- Episodic replication job failover and failback
- Configuring continuous replication
- How Veritas Access continuous replication works
- Continuous replication failover and failback
- Using snapshots
- Using instant rollbacks
- Compressing files
- Section X. Reference
Managing an episodic replication job
You can manage an episodic replication job using the Replication> episodic job commands. The commands are required only on the source system.
The Replication> episodic job enable, Replication> episodic job sync, Replication> episodic job disable, Replication> episodic job abort, Replication> episodic job pause, and Replication> episodic job resume commands change the status of an existing episodic replication job.
You can use the Replication> episodic job modify, and Replication> episodic job destroy commands to modify or destroy an episodic replication job definition.
The Replication> episodic job enable command starts episodic replication immediately and initiates episodic replication after every subsequent set frequency interval. When an episodic replication job is created it is disabled by default, and you must enable the job to start episodic replication.
To enable an episodic replication job
- To enable an episodic replication job, type the following command:
Replication> episodic job enable job_name
Specify the name of the episodic replication job you want to enable.
At each frequency interval, a fresh file system Storage Checkpoint is taken and episodic replication is started against the new Storage Checkpoint. If a previous episodic replication run has not completed, a new Storage Checkpoint is not taken and the current run is skipped.
Running the Replication> episodic job enable command on a previously aborted episodic replication job automatically restarts the job.
The Replication> episodic job sync command lets you start an episodic replication job, but then stops the episodic replication job after one iteration (full or incremental) is complete. You can use this command to recover from the secondary site in the event that the primary file system is completely destroyed. This command can also be used if you want to run an episodic replication job at a predefined time using a script or a cron job.
See Synchronizing an episodic replication job.
The Replication> episodic job disable command drops the episodic replication job from the schedule and waits for any already running iterations to complete. The Replication> episodic job disable command disables a job definition which is in one of these states: ENABLED, PAUSED, or FAILED. This process can take some time if the network is slow or if a large amount of data has changed since the last episodic replication run.
To disable an episodic replication job
- To disable an episodic replication job, type the following command:
Replication> episodic job disable job_name
Specify the name of the episodic replication job you want to stop.
The Replication> episodic job abort command forcefully cancels an episodic replication job even if it is in progress. Aborting an episodic replication job may leave Storage Checkpoints mounted on the source system and the target file system may be left in an intermediate state.
To abort an episodic replication job
- To abort an episodic replication job, type the following command:
Replication> episodic job abort job_name
Specify the name of the episodic replication job you want to abort.
The Replication> episodic job pause command immediately stops the episodic replication job. You must use the Replication> episodic job resume command to resume the episodic replication job from where it was paused. When episodic replication is resumed, the episodic replication job replicates the set of selected files before pausing the job, and attempts to replicate as much of the latest data as possible. This action allows the customer to have two recovery point objectives (RPO). When the episodic replication job is paused, the episodic replication frequency option is disabled. Once the episodic replication job is resumed, the frequency option resumes for subsequent iterations. The pause and the resume functions let you manage the episodic replication job based on workload requirements.
To pause and resume an episodic replication job
- To pause an episodic replication job, type the following command:
Replication> episodic job pause job_name
where job_name is the name of the episodic replication job you want to pause.
- To resume an episodic replication job, type the following command:
Replication> episodic job resume job_name
where job_name is the name of the episodic replication job you want to resume.
You cannot start or sync a paused job. You can abort a paused job. However, if synchronization is performed on a paused job that has been aborted, the last RPO for the paused job is not available.
The Replication> episodic job modify command lets you modify debugging or setting tubnables on an episodic replication job definition.
The addition or removal of a filesystem from the source episodic replication unit or the destination episodic replication unit is not supported. To remove a specific filesystem from the episodic replication unit you must destroy the episodic replication job and recreate the episodic replication job with the new set of file systems in the episodic replication unit. To add a specific filesystem from an existing episodic replication unit, you can either create a new episodic replication job with a new source episodic replication unit and target episodic replication unit, or destroy the episodic replication job and recreate it with the new set of file systems in the episodic replication unit to use the same job name
The Replication> episodic job modify debug command lets you enable or disable debugging on a given job.
To modify debugging on an episodic replication job
- To modify debugging on an episodic replication job definition, enter the following command:
Replication> episodic job modify debug job_name on|off
Specify the episodic replication job name you want to modify.
The Replication> episodic job modify tunables command allows you to modify the job configuration to use multiple network connections (sockets) for replicating data from source to target. In configurations where WAN latency is high, it is recommended to use multiple connections for significantly increased throughput. After the tunables are set for a job, only one job is supported.
To modify tunables on an episodic replication job
- To modify tunables on an episodic replication job definition, enter the following command:
Replication> episodic job modify tunables job_name netconn rw_count
Specify the episodic replication job name you want to modify.
Specify the number of connections.
Specify the number of threads.
The increased number of connections is effective in case of a relatively small number of large files. For large number of small files, full sync performance may be slower with increased number of connections.
The Replication> episodic job destroy command destroys a job definition. This command completely removes the specified job from the configuration, cleans up any saved job-related statistics, and removes any Storage Checkpoints. The episodic replication job must be disabled before the job definition can be destroyed.
To destroy an episodic replication job definition
- To destroy a job definition, enter the following command:
Replication> episodic job destroy job_name
Where job_name is the name of the job definition you want to delete. Make sure that the job is not enabled.
Using the Replication> episodic job destroy command with the force option removes the local job irrespective of the job state, and all episodic replication units are disassociated from the job. Cluster configurations, which are part of the job, are not modified.
When setting up episodic replication, Veritas does not advise you to make any modifications or deletions on the target side of the file system. In the event that some or all of the target data is modified or deleted, you must re-create the episodic replication job from the source cluster to resume episodic replication services
To re-create an episodic replication job
- To re-create an episodic replication job, you must first delete the job definition. Enter the following command on the source cluster:
Replication> episodic job destroy job_name
Where job_name is the name of the job definition you want to delete. Make sure that the job is not enabled.
- Re-create the job definition:
Replication> episodic job create job_name src_repunit tgt_repunit link_name schedule_name [evpsn] [metadata_only]
You can reuse the source episodic replication unit, target episodic replication unit, link, and schedule names.