Veritas Access Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Appliances (Version Not Specified)
Platform: 3340
  1. Section I. Introducing Veritas Access
    1. Introducing Veritas Access
        About Veritas Access
        Accessing the Access CLISH
        Navigating the Access CLISH
        Getting help using the Access CLISH
        Displaying the command history
        Using the more command
  2. Section II. Configuring Veritas Access
    1. Adding users or roles
        About user roles and privileges
        About the naming requirements for adding new users
        Adding Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users
    2. Configuring the network
        About configuring the Veritas Access network
        About bonding Ethernet interfaces
        Bonding Ethernet interfaces
        Configuring DNS settings
        About Ethernet interfaces
        Displaying current Ethernet interfaces and states
        Configuring IP addresses
        Configuring Veritas Access to use jumbo frames
        Configuring VLAN interfaces
        Configuring NIC devices
        Swapping network interfaces
        Excluding PCI IDs from the cluster
        About configuring routing tables
        Configuring routing tables
        Changing the firewall settings
        IP load balancing
        Configuring Veritas Access in IPv4 and IPv6 mixed mode
    3. Configuring authentication services
        About configuring LDAP settings
        Configuring LDAP server settings
        Administering the Veritas Access cluster's LDAP client
        Configuring the NIS-related settings
        Configuring NSS lookup order
  3. Section III. Managing Veritas Access storage
    1. Configuring storage
        About storage provisioning and management
        About configuring disks
        About configuring storage pools
        Configuring storage pools
        About quotas for usage
        Enabling, disabling, and displaying the status of file system quotas
        Setting and displaying file system quotas
        Setting user quotas for users of specified groups
        About quotas for CIFS home directories
        About Flexible Storage Sharing
        Limitations of Flexible Storage Sharing
        Configuring erasure coding for a Flexible Storage Sharing file system
        Workflow for configuring and managing storage using the Veritas Access CLI
        Displaying information for all disk devices associated with the nodes in a cluster
        Displaying WWN information
        Importing new LUNs forcefully for new or existing pools
        Initiating host discovery of LUNs
        Increasing the storage capacity of a LUN
        Formatting or reinitializing a disk
        Removing a disk
    2. Configuring data integrity with I/O fencing
        About I/O fencing
      2. Configuring disk-based I/O fencing
          Replacing an existing coordinator disk
          Disabling I/O fencing
          Destroying the coordinator pool
        Using majority-based fencing
        Manually enabling and disabling majority fencing in a non-SSH environment
        Shutdown and restart the Veritas Access cluster in a non-SSH environment
    3. Configuring ISCSI
        About iSCSI
        Configuring the iSCSI initiator
        Configuring the iSCSI initiator name
        Configuring the iSCSI devices
        Configuring discovery on iSCSI
        Configuring the iSCSI targets
        Modifying tunables for iSCSI
    4. Veritas Access as an iSCSI target
        About Veritas Access as an iSCSI target
        Managing the iSCSI target service
        Managing the iSCSI targets
        Managing the LUNs
        Managing the mappings with iSCSI initiators
        Managing the users
  4. Section IV. Managing Veritas Access file access services
    1. Configuring the NFS server
        About using the NFS server with Veritas Access
        Using the kernel-based NFS server
        Using the NFS-Ganesha server
        Switching between NFS servers
        Recommended tuning for NFS-Ganesha version 3 and version 4
        Accessing the NFS server
        Displaying and resetting NFS statistics
        Configuring Veritas Access for ID mapping for NFS version 4
        Configuring the NFS client for ID mapping for NFS version 4
        About authenticating NFS clients
      11. Setting up Kerberos authentication for NFS clients
          Adding and configuring Veritas Access to the Kerberos realm
    2. Using Veritas Access as a CIFS server
        About configuring Veritas Access for CIFS
        About configuring CIFS for standalone mode
        Configuring CIFS server status for standalone mode
        Changing security settings
      5. About Active Directory (AD)
          Configuring entries for Veritas Access DNS for authenticating to Active Directory (AD)
      6. About configuring CIFS for Active Directory (AD) domain mode
          Joining Veritas Access to Active Directory (AD)
          Verifying that Veritas Access has joined Active Directory (AD) successfully
          Using multi-domain controller support in CIFS
          About leaving an AD domain
          Changing domain settings for AD domain mode
          Removing the AD interface
        Setting NTLM
      8. About setting trusted domains
          Specifying trusted domains that are allowed access to the CIFS server
          Allowing trusted domains access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to rid
          Allowing trusted domains access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to ldap
          Allowing trusted domains access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to hash
          Allowing trusted domains access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to ad
          About configuring Windows Active Directory as an IDMAP backend for CIFS
          Configuring the Active Directory schema with CIFS-schema extensions
          Configuring the LDAP client for authentication using the CLI
          Configuring the CIFS server with the LDAP backend
          Setting Active Directory trusted domains
        About storing account information
        Storing user and group accounts
        Reconfiguring the CIFS service
        About mapping user names for CIFS/NFS sharing
        About the mapuser commands
        Adding, removing, or displaying the mapping between CIFS and NFS users
        Automatically mapping UNIX users from LDAP to Windows users
      16. About managing home directories
          Setting the home directory file systems
          Setting up home directories
          Displaying home directory usage information
          Deleting home directories and disabling creation of home directories
      17. About CIFS clustering modes
          About switching the clustering mode
      18. About migrating CIFS shares and home directories
          Migrating CIFS shares and home directories from normal to ctdb clustering mode
          Migrating CIFS shares and home directories from ctdb to normal clustering mode
        Setting the CIFS aio_fork option
      20. About managing local users and groups
          Creating a local CIFS user
          Configuring a local group
        Enabling CIFS data migration
    3. Configuring an FTP server
        About FTP
        Creating the FTP home directory
        Using the FTP server commands
        About FTP server options
        Customizing the FTP server options
        Administering the FTP sessions
        Uploading the FTP logs
        Administering the FTP local user accounts
        About the settings for the FTP local user accounts
        Configuring settings for the FTP local user accounts
        File sharing for a scale-out file system using FTP
    4. Using Veritas Access as an Object Store server
        About the Object Store server
        Use cases for configuring the Object Store server
        Configuring the Object Store server
        About buckets and objects
        File systems used for objectstore buckets
        Multi-protocol support for NFS with S3
  5. Section V. Monitoring and troubleshooting
    1. Configuring event notifications and audit logs topics
        About event notifications
        About severity levels and filters
        About SNMP notifications
        Configuring an email group
        Configuring a syslog server
        Exporting events in syslog format to a given URL
        Displaying events on the console
        Configuring events for event reporting
        Configuring an SNMP management server
  6. Section VI. Provisioning and managing Veritas Access file systems
    1. Creating and maintaining file systems
        About creating and maintaining file systems
        About scale-out file systems
        Read performance tunables for a cloud tier in a scale-out file system
        About encryption at rest
      5. Considerations for creating a file system
          Best practices for creating file systems
          Choosing a file system layout type
          Determining the initial extent size for a file system
          About striping file systems
          About creating a tuned file system for a specific workload
          About FastResync
          About fsck operation
          Setting retention in files
          Setting WORM over NFS
          Manually setting WORM-retention on a file over CIFS
          About managing application I/O workloads using maximum IOPS settings
        Creating a file system
        Bringing the file system online or offline
        Listing all file systems and associated information
      9. Modifying a file system
          Adding or removing a mirror from a file system
          Adding or removing a column from a file system
          Increasing the size of a file system
          Decreasing the size of a file system
      10. Managing a file system
          Defragmenting a file system
          Checking and repairing a file system
          Configuring FastResync for a file system
          Disabling the FastResync option for a file system
          Checking and resynchronizing stale mirrors
          Setting file system alerts
          Displaying file system alert values
          Removing file system alerts
        Destroying a file system
        Upgrading disk layout versions
  7. Section VII. Configuring cloud storage
    1. Configuring the cloud gateway
        About the cloud gateway
        Configuring the cloud gateway
    2. Configuring cloud as a tier
        Configuring the cloud as a tier for scale-out file systems
        Moving files between tiers in a scale-out file system
      3. About policies for scale-out file systems
          About pattern matching for data movement policies
          About schedules for running policies
          Creating and scheduling a policy for a scale-out file system
        Obtaining statistics on data usage in the cloud tier
  8. Section VIII. Provisioning and managing Veritas Access shares
    1. Creating shares for applications
        About file sharing protocols
        About concurrent access
        Sharing directories using CIFS and NFS protocols
        Sharing a file system as a CIFS home directory
        About concurrent access with NFS and S3
    2. Creating and maintaining NFS shares
        About NFS file sharing
        Displaying file systems and snapshots that can be exported
        Exporting an NFS share
        Displaying exported directories
        About managing NFS shares using netgroups
        Unexporting a directory or deleting NFS options
        Exporting an NFS share for Kerberos authentication
        Mounting an NFS share with Kerberos security from the NFS client
        Exporting an NFS snapshot
    3. Creating and maintaining CIFS shares
        About managing CIFS shares
        Exporting a directory as a CIFS share
        Configuring a CIFS share as secondary storage for an Enterprise Vault store
        Exporting the same file system/directory as a different CIFS share
        About the CIFS export options
        Setting share properties
        Displaying CIFS share properties
        Hiding system files when adding a CIFS normal share
        Allowing specified users and groups access to the CIFS share
        Denying specified users and groups access to the CIFS share
        Exporting a CIFS snapshot
        Deleting a CIFS share
        Modifying a CIFS share
        Making a CIFS share shadow copy aware
        Creating CIFS shares for a scale-out file system
    4. Using Veritas Access with OpenStack
        About the Veritas Access integration with OpenStack
      2. About the Veritas Access integration with OpenStack Cinder
        1. About the Veritas Access integration with OpenStack Cinder architecture
          1. Veritas Access NFS-based Cinder driver
              Configuring Veritas Access with OpenStack Cinder
            Veritas Access iSCSI based Cinder driver
          Configuring OpenStack Cinder
      3. About the Veritas Access integration with OpenStack Manila
          OpenStack Manila use cases
          Configuring Veritas Access with OpenStack Manila
          Creating a new share backend on the OpenStack controller node
          Creating an OpenStack Manila share type
          Creating an OpenStack Manila file share
          Creating an OpenStack Manila share snapshot
    5. Integrating Veritas Access with Data Insight
        Veritas Access integration with Data Insight
  9. Section IX. Managing Veritas Access storage services
    1. Compressing files
      1. About compressing files
          About the compressed file format
          About the file compression attributes
          About the file compression block size
        Use cases for compressing files
        Best practices for using compression
      4. Compression tasks
          Compressing files
          Showing the scheduled compression job
          Scheduling compression jobs
          Listing compressed files
          Uncompressing files
          Modifying the scheduled compression
          Removing the specified schedule
          Stopping the schedule for a file system
          Removing the pattern-related rule for a file system
          Removing the modified age related rule for a file system
    2. Configuring SmartTier
        About Veritas Access SmartTier
        How Veritas Access uses SmartTier
        Configuring the policy of each tiered file system
        Adding tiers to a file system
        Adding or removing a column from a secondary tier of a file system
        Configuring a mirror to a tier of a file system
        Listing all of the files on the specified tier
        Displaying a list of SmartTier file systems
        About tiering policies
        About configuring the policy of each tiered file system
        Best practices for setting relocation policies
        Relocating a file or directory of a tiered file system
        Displaying the tier location of a specified file
        About configuring schedules for all tiered file systems
        Configuring schedules for tiered file systems
        Displaying the files that may be moved or pruned by running a policy
        Allowing metadata information on the file system to be written on the secondary tier
        Restricting metadata information to the primary tier only
        Removing a tier from a file system
    3. Configuring SmartIO
        About SmartIO for solid-state drives
        About configuring SmartIO
        About SmartIO read caching for applications running on Veritas Access file systems
        Setting up SmartIO read caching for Veritas Access
        Verifying the VxFS cache area and monitoring the caching
        Setting the caching mode
        Customizing the caching behavior
        Viewing the caching statistics for a cache area
    4. Configuring episodic replication
        About Veritas Access episodic replication
        How Veritas Access episodic replication works
        Starting Veritas Access episodic replication
        Setting up communication between the source and the destination clusters
        Setting up the file systems to replicate
        Setting up files to exclude from an episodic replication unit
        Scheduling the episodic replication
        Defining what to replicate
        About the maximum number of parallel episodic replication jobs
        Managing an episodic replication job
        Replicating compressed data
        Displaying episodic replication job information and status
        Synchronizing an episodic replication job
        Behavior of the file systems on the episodic replication destination target
        Accessing file systems configured as episodic replication destinations
      16. Episodic replication job failover and failback
          Process summary
          Overview of the planned failover process
          Overview of the planned failback process
          Overview of the unplanned failover process
          Overview of the unplanned failback process
    5. Configuring continuous replication
        About Veritas Access continuous replication
      2. How Veritas Access continuous replication works
          How data flows in continuous replication synchronous mode
          How data flows in continuous replication asynchronous mode
        Starting Veritas Access continuous replication
        Setting up communication between the source and the destination clusters
        Setting up the file system to replicate
        Managing continuous replication
        Displaying continuous replication information and status
        Unconfiguring continuous replication
      9. Continuous replication failover and failback
          Process summary
          Overview of the planned failover process
          Overview of the planned failback process
          Overview of the unplanned failover process
          Overview of the unplanned failback process
    6. Using snapshots
        About snapshots
        Creating snapshots
        Displaying snapshots
        Managing disk space used by snapshots
        Bringing snapshots online or taking snapshots offline
        Restoring a snapshot
        About snapshot schedules
        Configuring snapshot schedules
        Managing automated snapshots
    7. Using instant rollbacks
        About instant rollbacks
        Creating a space-optimized rollback
        Creating a full-sized rollback
        Listing Veritas Access instant rollbacks
        Restoring a file system from an instant rollback
        Refreshing an instant rollback from a file system
        Bringing an instant rollback online
        Taking an instant rollback offline
        Destroying an instant rollback
        Creating a shared cache object for Veritas Access instant rollbacks
        Listing cache objects
        Destroying a cache object of a Veritas Access instant rollback
  10. Section X. Reference
    1. Appendix A. Veritas Access documentation
        Using the Veritas Access product documentation
        About accessing the online man pages
    2. Appendix B. Veritas Access tuning
        File system mount-time memory usage
    3. Appendix C. Manual steps for addition and deletion of nodes in a non-SSH environment
        Adding a new node to a Veritas Access cluster
        Deleting a node from a Veritas Access cluster


Active Directory (AD), About Active Directory (AD)
bonding Ethernet interfaces, About bonding Ethernet interfaces
buckets and objects, About buckets and objects
changing share properties, Setting share properties
configuring CIFS for AD domain mode, About configuring CIFS for Active Directory (AD) domain mode
configuring disks, About configuring disks
configuring in IPv4 and IPv6 mixed mode, Configuring Veritas Access in IPv4 and IPv6 mixed mode
configuring routing tables, About configuring routing tables
configuring storage pools, About configuring storage pools
configuring the policy of each tiered file system, About configuring the policy of each tiered file system
configuring Veritas Access for CIFS, About configuring Veritas Access for CIFS
configuring Veritas Access to use jumbo frames, Configuring Veritas Access to use jumbo frames
Continuous replication failover and failback, Continuous replication failover and failback
creating and maintaining file systems, About creating and maintaining file systems
episodic replication job failover and failback, Episodic replication job failover and failback
Ethernet interfaces, About Ethernet interfaces
FTP, About FTP
FTP local user set, About the settings for the FTP local user accounts
FTP set, About FTP server options
I/O fencing, About I/O fencing
IP load balancing, IP load balancing
iSCSI, About iSCSI
leaving AD domain, About leaving an AD domain
managing CIFS shares, About managing CIFS shares
Multi-protocol support for NFS with S3, Multi-protocol support for NFS with S3
NFS file sharing, About NFS file sharing
scale-out file systems, About scale-out file systems
setting trusted domains, About setting trusted domains
shares, About file sharing protocols
snapshot schedules, About snapshot schedules
snapshots, About snapshots
storage provisioning and management, About storage provisioning and management
storing account information, About storing account information
striping file systems, About striping file systems
the IP addresses for the Ethernet interfaces, About Ethernet interfaces
Veritas Access continuous replication, About Veritas Access continuous replication
Veritas Access episodic replication, About Veritas Access episodic replication
cloud gateway, About the cloud gateway
compressed file format, About the compressed file format
compressing files, About compressing files
concurrent access, About concurrent access
configuring SmartIO, About configuring SmartIO
FastResync, About FastResync
file compression attributes, About the file compression attributes
file compression block size, About the file compression block size
integration with OpenStack Cinder, About the Veritas Access integration with OpenStack Cinder
policies for scale-out file systems, About policies for scale-out file systems
SNMP notifications, About SNMP notifications
About Configuring
network, About configuring the Veritas Access network
about maximum IOPS, About managing application I/O workloads using maximum IOPS settings
about Veritas Access
as an iSCSI target, About Veritas Access as an iSCSI target
accessing the CLISH, Accessing the Access CLISH
CLISH, Accessing the Access CLISH
episodic replication destinations, Accessing file systems configured as episodic replication destinations
man pages, About accessing the online man pages
Veritas Access product documentation, Using the Veritas Access product documentation
Active Directory
setting the trusted domains for, Setting Active Directory trusted domains
Active Directory (AD)
about, About Active Directory (AD)
joining Veritas Access to, Joining Veritas Access to Active Directory (AD)
verifying Veritas Access has joined successfully, Verifying that Veritas Access has joined Active Directory (AD) successfully
AD domain mode
changing domain settings, Changing domain settings for AD domain mode
configuring CIFS, About configuring CIFS for Active Directory (AD) domain mode
security settings, Changing domain settings for AD domain mode
AD interface
using, Removing the AD interface
AD trusted domains
disabling, Setting Active Directory trusted domains
add local user
FTP, Administering the FTP local user accounts
a column to a file system, Adding or removing a column from a file system
a column to a tiered file system, Adding or removing a column from a secondary tier of a file system
a severity level to an email group, Configuring an email group
a syslog server, Configuring a syslog server
an email address to a group, Configuring an email group
an email group, Configuring an email group
CIFS share, Setting share properties
filter to a group, Configuring an email group
IP address to a cluster, Configuring IP addresses
Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users, Adding Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users
mirror to a file system, Adding or removing a mirror from a file system
mirror to a tier of a file system, Configuring a mirror to a tier of a file system
mirrored tier to a file system, Adding tiers to a file system
mirrored-striped tier to a file system, Adding tiers to a file system
second tier to a file system, Adding tiers to a file system
SNMP management server, Configuring an SNMP management server
striped tier to a file system, Adding tiers to a file system
striped-mirror tier to a file system, Adding tiers to a file system
users, Adding Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users
VLAN interfaces, Configuring VLAN interfaces
adding a mapping
between CIFS and NFS users, Adding, removing, or displaying the mapping between CIFS and NFS users
adding and configuring
Veritas Access to the Kerberos realm, Adding and configuring Veritas Access to the Kerberos realm
addition of nodes
non-SSH environment, Adding a new node to a Veritas Access cluster
aio_fork option
setting, Setting the CIFS aio_fork option
file system removing, Removing file system alerts
metadata information to be written on the secondary tier, Allowing metadata information on the file system to be written on the secondary tier
specified users and groups access to the CIFS share, Allowing specified users and groups access to the CIFS share
as an iSCSI target
about Veritas Access, About Veritas Access as an iSCSI target
NFS clients, About authenticating NFS clients
NFS clients using Kerberos, Setting up Kerberos authentication for NFS clients
configuring the LDAP client using the CLI, Configuring the LDAP client for authentication using the CLI


best practices
creating file systems, Best practices for creating file systems
setting relocation policies, Best practices for setting relocation policies
Best practices
using compression, Best practices for using compression
bind distinguished name
setting for LDAP server, Configuring LDAP server settings
Ethernet interfaces, Bonding Ethernet interfaces
bonding Ethernet interfaces
about, About bonding Ethernet interfaces
file system online or offline, Bringing the file system online or offline
buckets and objects
about, About buckets and objects


cache area
monitoring, Verifying the VxFS cache area and monitoring the caching
verifying, Verifying the VxFS cache area and monitoring the caching
viewing statistics, Viewing the caching statistics for a cache area
Cache behavior
customizing, Customizing the caching behavior
cache object
destroying for an instant rollback, Destroying a cache object of a Veritas Access instant rollback
cache objects
listing, Listing cache objects
caching mode
setting, Setting the caching mode
caching VxFS in read mode, Setting up SmartIO read caching for Veritas Access
an IP address to online
on any running node, Configuring IP addresses
domain settings for AD domain mode, Changing domain settings for AD domain mode
local CIFS user password, Creating a local CIFS user
security settings, Changing security settings
share properties about, Setting share properties
changing the caching mode, Setting the caching mode
and repairing a file system, Checking and repairing a file system
for stale mirrors on file systems, Checking and resynchronizing stale mirrors
I/O fencing status, Configuring disk-based I/O fencing
on the status of the NFS server, Accessing the NFS server
allowing specified users and groups access to the CIFS share, Allowing specified users and groups access to the CIFS share
configuring schema extensions, Configuring the Active Directory schema with CIFS-schema extensions
denying specified users and groups access to the CIFS share, Denying specified users and groups access to the CIFS share
export options, About the CIFS export options
mapuser commands, About the mapuser commands
standalone mode, About configuring CIFS for standalone mode
using multi-domain controller support, Using multi-domain controller support in CIFS
CIFS aio_fork option
setting, Setting the CIFS aio_fork option
CIFS and NFS protocols
share directories, Sharing directories using CIFS and NFS protocols
CIFS clustering modes
about, About configuring Veritas Access for CIFS
CIFS data migration
enabling, Enabling CIFS data migration
CIFS home directories
quotas, About quotas for CIFS home directories
CIFS operating modes
about, About configuring Veritas Access for CIFS
CIFS server
configuring with the LDAP backend, Configuring the CIFS server with the LDAP backend
starting, Reconfiguring the CIFS service
trusted domains that are allowed access, Specifying trusted domains that are allowed access to the CIFS server
CIFS server status
standalone mode, Configuring CIFS server status for standalone mode
CIFS service
standalone mode, Configuring CIFS server status for standalone mode
CIFS share
adding, Setting share properties
deleting, Deleting a CIFS share
exporting as a directory, Exporting a directory as a CIFS share
exporting the same file system/directory as a different CIFS share, Exporting the same file system/directory as a different CIFS share
making shadow copy aware, Making a CIFS share shadow copy aware
modifying, Modifying a CIFS share
CIFS share and home directory
migrating from ctdb to normal clustering mode, Migrating CIFS shares and home directories from ctdb to normal clustering mode
CIFS shares
scale-out file system, Creating CIFS shares for a scale-out file system
CIFS shares and home directories
migrating from ctdb clustering modes, About migrating CIFS shares and home directories
migrating from normal to ctdb clustering mode, Migrating CIFS shares and home directories from normal to ctdb clustering mode
CIFS snapshot
exporting, Exporting a CIFS snapshot
CIFS/NFS sharing
mapping user names, About mapping user names for CIFS/NFS sharing
DNS domain names, Configuring DNS settings
DNS name servers, Configuring DNS settings
LDAP configured settings, Configuring LDAP server settings
configure and manage storage, Workflow for configuring and managing storage using the Veritas Access CLI
client configurations
displaying, Administering the Veritas Access cluster's LDAP client
LDAP server, Administering the Veritas Access cluster's LDAP client
Cloud gateway
about, About the cloud gateway
cloud tier
obtaining data usage statistics, Obtaining statistics on data usage in the cloud tier
adding an IP address to, Configuring IP addresses
changing an IP address to online for any running node, Configuring IP addresses
displaying all the IP addresses for, Configuring IP addresses
Excluding PCI IDs, Excluding PCI IDs from the cluster
clustering modes
ctdb, About CIFS clustering modes
FSS, About Flexible Storage Sharing
adding or removing, Adding or removing a column from a file system
adding or removing from a tiered file system, Adding or removing a column from a secondary tier of a file system
command history
displaying, Displaying the command history
Command-Line Interface (CLI)
getting help on how to use, Getting help using the Access CLISH
source and destination clusters, Setting up communication between the source and the destination clusters, Setting up communication between the source and the destination clusters
Compressed file format
about, About the compressed file format
Compressing files
about, About compressing files
use cases, Use cases for compressing files
tasks, Compression tasks
Concurrent access
about, About concurrent access
concurrent access
NFS and S3, About concurrent access with NFS and S3
Configure and manage storage
CLI, Workflow for configuring and managing storage using the Veritas Access CLI
AD schema with CIFS-schema extensions, Configuring the Active Directory schema with CIFS-schema extensions
CIFS for standalone mode, About configuring CIFS for standalone mode
CIFS server with the LDAP backend, Configuring the CIFS server with the LDAP backend
cloud gateway, Configuring the cloud gateway
event notifications, About event notifications
IP routing, Configuring routing tables
IPv4 and IPv6 mixed mode, Configuring Veritas Access in IPv4 and IPv6 mixed mode
iSCSI devices, Configuring the iSCSI devices
iSCSI discovery, Configuring discovery on iSCSI
iSCSI initiator, Configuring the iSCSI initiator
iSCSI initiator name, Configuring the iSCSI initiator name
iSCSI targets, Configuring the iSCSI targets
job resynchronization, Synchronizing an episodic replication job
NFS client for ID mapping, Configuring the NFS client for ID mapping for NFS version 4
NIC devices, Configuring NIC devices
NSS lookup order, Configuring NSS lookup order
the policy of each tiered file system, About configuring the policy of each tiered file system
Veritas Access for CIFS, About configuring Veritas Access for CIFS
VLAN interfaces, Configuring VLAN interfaces
Windows Active Directory as an IDMAP backend, About configuring Windows Active Directory as an IDMAP backend for CIFS
Object Store server, Configuring the Object Store server
configuring CIFS share
secondary storage for an Enterprise Vault store, Configuring a CIFS share as secondary storage for an Enterprise Vault store
configuring disks
about, About configuring disks
configuring Ethernet interfaces
about, About Ethernet interfaces
configuring routing tables
about, About configuring routing tables
Configuring SmartIO
about, About configuring SmartIO
configuring storage pools
about, About configuring storage pools
configuring the cloud as a tier
scale-out file systems, Configuring the cloud as a tier for scale-out file systems
Configuring the Object Store server
use case, Use cases for configuring the Object Store server
Configuring Veritas Access
ID mapping for NFS version 4, Configuring Veritas Access for ID mapping for NFS version 4
configuring Veritas Access to use jumbo frames
about, Configuring Veritas Access to use jumbo frames
creating a file system, Considerations for creating a file system
continuous replication
display status, Displaying continuous replication information and status
setting up file system, Setting up the file system to replicate
unconfiguring, Unconfiguring continuous replication
Continuous replication failover and failback
about, Continuous replication failover and failback
existing file system into a cache object, Creating a shared cache object for Veritas Access instant rollbacks
coordinator disks
replacing, Configuring disk-based I/O fencing
full-sized rollback, Creating a full-sized rollback
local CIFS group, Configuring a local group
local CIFS user, Creating a local CIFS user
mirrored file systems, Creating a file system
mirrored-stripe file systems, Creating a file system
OpenStack Manila file share, Creating an OpenStack Manila file share
OpenStack Manila share snapshot, Creating an OpenStack Manila share snapshot
OpenStack Manila share type, Creating an OpenStack Manila share type
share backend on the OpenStack controller node, Creating a new share backend on the OpenStack controller node
shared cache object, Creating a shared cache object for Veritas Access instant rollbacks
simple file systems, Creating a file system
snapshot schedules, Configuring snapshot schedules
snapshots, Creating snapshots
space-optimized instant rollbacks, Creating a space-optimized rollback
storage pools, Configuring storage pools
striped file systems, Creating a file system
striped-mirror file systems, Creating a file system
Creating a file system
considerations, Considerations for creating a file system
creating and maintaining file systems
about, About creating and maintaining file systems
creating and scheduling a policy
scale-out file system, Creating and scheduling a policy for a scale-out file system
creating directory
FTP, Creating the FTP home directory
creating file systems
best practices, Best practices for creating file systems
ctdb clustering mode
about, About CIFS clustering modes
directory-level share support, Exporting a directory as a CIFS share
switching the clustering mode, About switching the clustering mode
current Ethernet interfaces and states
displaying, Displaying current Ethernet interfaces and states
current users
displaying list, Adding Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users
customizing server options
FTP, Customizing the FTP server options


data flow
continuous replication synchronous mode, How data flows in continuous replication synchronous mode
Data Insight
integrating Veritas Access, Veritas Access integration with Data Insight
size of a file system, Decreasing the size of a file system
resetting Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users, Adding Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users
what to replicate, Defining what to replicate
defrag, Defragmenting a file system
file systems, Defragmenting a file system
delete local user
FTP, Administering the FTP local user accounts
CIFS share, Deleting a CIFS share
configured mail server, Configuring an email group
email address from a specified group, Configuring an email group
email groups, Configuring an email group
filter from a specified group, Configuring an email group
home directories, Deleting home directories and disabling creation of home directories
home directory of given user, Deleting home directories and disabling creation of home directories
local CIFS group, Configuring a local group
local CIFS user, Creating a local CIFS user
NFS options, Unexporting a directory or deleting NFS options
route entries from routing tables of nodes in cluster, Configuring routing tables
severity from a specified group, Configuring an email group
snapshot schedules, Managing automated snapshots
syslog server, Configuring a syslog server
users, Adding Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users
VLAN interfaces, Configuring VLAN interfaces
Deletion of node
non-SSH environment, Deleting a node from a Veritas Access cluster
specified users and groups access to the CIFS share, Denying specified users and groups access to the CIFS share
description of Veritas Access continuous replication, How Veritas Access continuous replication works
description of Veritas Access episodic replication, How Veritas Access episodic replication works
a file system, Destroying a file system
cache object of an instant rollback, Destroying a cache object of a Veritas Access instant rollback
I/O fencing, Configuring disk-based I/O fencing
instant rollbacks, Destroying an instant rollback
snapshots, Managing disk space used by snapshots
storage pools, Configuring storage pools
displaying exported, Displaying exported directories
unexporting the share, Unexporting a directory or deleting NFS options
directory-level share support
ctdb clustering mode, Exporting a directory as a CIFS share
AD trusted domains, Setting Active Directory trusted domains
creation of home directories, Deleting home directories and disabling creation of home directories
DNS settings, Configuring DNS settings
FastResync option, Disabling the FastResync option for a file system
I/O fencing, Configuring disk-based I/O fencing
LDAP clients
configurations, Administering the Veritas Access cluster's LDAP client
NIS clients, Configuring the NIS-related settings
NTLM, Setting NTLM
quota limits used by snapshots, Managing disk space used by snapshots
formatting, Formatting or reinitializing a disk
removing, Removing a disk
disk layout versions
upgrading, Upgrading disk layout versions
Disk quotas
CIFS, About quotas for usage
file systems, About quotas for usage
usage, About quotas for usage
all the IP addresses for cluster, Configuring IP addresses
command history, Displaying the command history
current Ethernet interfaces and states, Displaying current Ethernet interfaces and states
current list of SNMP management servers, Configuring an SNMP management server
DNS settings, Configuring DNS settings
events on the console, Displaying events on the console
existing email groups or details, Configuring an email group
exported directories, Displaying exported directories
file system alert values, Displaying file system alert values
file systems that can be exported, Displaying file systems and snapshots that can be exported
files moved or pruned by running a policy, Displaying the files that may be moved or pruned by running a policy
home directory usage information, Displaying home directory usage information
information for all disk devices for the nodes in a cluster, Displaying information for all disk devices associated with the nodes in a cluster
LDAP client configurations, Administering the Veritas Access cluster's LDAP client
LDAP configured settings, Configuring LDAP server settings
list of current users, Adding Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users
list of SmartTier systems, Displaying a list of SmartTier file systems
list of syslog servers, Configuring a syslog server
local CIFS group, Configuring a local group
local CIFS user, Creating a local CIFS user
NFS statistics, Displaying and resetting NFS statistics
NIS-related settings, Configuring the NIS-related settings
NSS configuration, Configuring NSS lookup order
policy of each tiered file system, Configuring the policy of each tiered file system
routing tables of the nodes in the cluster, Configuring routing tables
schedules for tiered file systems, Configuring schedules for tiered file systems
share properties, Displaying CIFS share properties
snapshot quotas, Managing disk space used by snapshots
snapshot schedules, Configuring snapshot schedules
snapshots, Displaying snapshots
snapshots that can be exported, Displaying file systems and snapshots that can be exported
tier location of a specified file, Displaying the tier location of a specified file
time interval or number of duplicate events for notifications, Configuring events for event reporting
values of the configured SNMP notifications, Configuring an SNMP management server
values of the configured syslog server, Configuring a syslog server
VLAN interfaces, Configuring VLAN interfaces
displaying a mapping
between CIFS and NFS users, Adding, removing, or displaying the mapping between CIFS and NFS users
displaying WWN information, Displaying WWN information
domain names
clearing, Configuring DNS settings
name servers
clearing, Configuring DNS settings
specifying, Configuring DNS settings
disabling, Configuring DNS settings
displaying, Configuring DNS settings
enabling, Configuring DNS settings
setting, Reconfiguring the CIFS service
setting user name, Reconfiguring the CIFS service
domain controller
setting, Reconfiguring the CIFS service
domain name
for the DNS server
setting, Configuring DNS settings


email address
adding to a group, Configuring an email group
deleting from a specified group, Configuring an email group
email groups
adding, Configuring an email group
adding ignore-string functionality, Configuring an email group
deleting, Configuring an email group
deleting ignore-string functionality, Configuring an email group
displaying existing and details, Configuring an email group
CIFS data migration, Enabling CIFS data migration
DNS settings, Configuring DNS settings
FastResync for a file system, Configuring FastResync for a file system
I/O fencing, Configuring disk-based I/O fencing
LDAP client configurations, Administering the Veritas Access cluster's LDAP client
majority fencing, Manually enabling and disabling majority fencing in a non-SSH environment
NIS settings, Configuring the NIS-related settings
NTLM, Setting NTLM
quota limits used by snapshots, Managing disk space used by snapshots
enabling, disabling, and displaying
file system quotas, Enabling, disabling, and displaying the status of file system quotas
KMS, About encryption at rest
Enterprise Vault store
configuring CIFS share as secondary storage, Configuring a CIFS share as secondary storage for an Enterprise Vault store
episodic replication destination file system behavior
about, Behavior of the file systems on the episodic replication destination target
episodic replication destinations
accessing, Accessing file systems configured as episodic replication destinations
episodic replication job
displaying status, Displaying episodic replication job information and status
enabling compression, Replicating compressed data
managing, Managing an episodic replication job
show job, Displaying episodic replication job information and status
episodic replication jobs
maximum number of parallel, About the maximum number of parallel episodic replication jobs
episodic replication unit
setting up files to exclude, Setting up files to exclude from an episodic replication unit
Ethernet interfaces
bonding, Bonding Ethernet interfaces
event notifications
configuring, About event notifications
displaying time interval for, Configuring events for event reporting
event reporting
setting events for, Configuring events for event reporting
displaying on the console, Displaying events on the console
excluding directories and files
setting up, Setting up files to exclude from an episodic replication unit
Excluding PCI IDs
cluster, Excluding PCI IDs from the cluster
export options
CIFS, About the CIFS export options
an NFS share, Exporting an NFS share
CIFS snapshot, Exporting a CIFS snapshot
directory as a CIFS share, Exporting a directory as a CIFS share
events in syslog format to a given URL, Exporting events in syslog format to a given URL
NFS snapshot, Exporting an NFS snapshot
same file system/directory as a different CIFS share, Exporting the same file system/directory as a different CIFS share
SNMP MIB file to a given URL, Configuring an SNMP management server
exporting for Kerberos authentication
NFS share, Exporting an NFS share for Kerberos authentication


failover and failback
about, Continuous replication failover and failback
about episodic replication, Episodic replication job failover and failback
about, About FastResync
File compression attributes
about, About the file compression attributes
File compression block size
about, About the file compression block size
file sharing
using FTP, File sharing for a scale-out file system using FTP
file system
converting into a cache object, Creating a shared cache object for Veritas Access instant rollbacks
file system alert values
displaying, Displaying file system alert values
file system alerts
removing, Removing file system alerts
setting, Setting file system alerts
File system mount-time
memory usage, File system mount-time memory usage
file system quotas
enabling, disabling, and displaying, Enabling, disabling, and displaying the status of file system quotas
setting and displaying, Setting and displaying file system quotas
file systems
adding a mirror to, Adding or removing a mirror from a file system
bringing online or offline, Bringing the file system online or offline
checking and repairing, Checking and repairing a file system
checking for stale mirrors, Checking and resynchronizing stale mirrors
creating, Creating a file system
decreasing the size of, Decreasing the size of a file system
defragmenting, Defragmenting a file system
destroying, Destroying a file system
disabling FastResync option, Disabling the FastResync option for a file system
enabling FastResync, Configuring FastResync for a file system
increasing the size of, Increasing the size of a file system
listing with associated information, Listing all file systems and associated information
removing a mirror from, Adding or removing a mirror from a file system
restoring from an instant rollback, Restoring a file system from an instant rollback
displaying, Displaying a list of SmartTier file systems
that can be exported
displayed, Displaying file systems and snapshots that can be exported
types of layout, Choosing a file system layout type
about, About severity levels and filters
adding to a group, Configuring an email group
deleting from a specified group, Configuring an email group
firewall setting, Changing the firewall settings
importing new LUNs for new or existing pools, Importing new LUNs forcefully for new or existing pools
a disk, Formatting or reinitializing a disk
about, About fsck operation
configuring erasure coding, Configuring erasure coding for a Flexible Storage Sharing file system
functionality, About Flexible Storage Sharing
limitations, Limitations of Flexible Storage Sharing
about, About FTP
add local user, Administering the FTP local user accounts
creating directory, Creating the FTP home directory
customizing server options, Customizing the FTP server options
delete local user, Administering the FTP local user accounts
local user password, Administering the FTP local user accounts
local user set download bandwidth, Configuring settings for the FTP local user accounts
local user set home directory, Configuring settings for the FTP local user accounts
local user set maximum connections, Configuring settings for the FTP local user accounts
local user set maximum disk usage, Configuring settings for the FTP local user accounts
local user set maximum files, Configuring settings for the FTP local user accounts
local user set upload bandwidth, Configuring settings for the FTP local user accounts
logupload, Uploading the FTP logs
server start, Using the FTP server commands
server status, Using the FTP server commands
server stop, Using the FTP server commands
session show, Administering the FTP sessions
session showdetail, Administering the FTP sessions
session terminate, Administering the FTP sessions
show local users, Administering the FTP local user accounts
FTP local user set
about, About the settings for the FTP local user accounts
FTP set
about, About FTP server options


group membership
managing, Creating a local CIFS user


system files when adding a CIFS normal share, Hiding system files when adding a CIFS normal share
history command
using, Displaying the command history
home directories
setting up, Setting up home directories
home directory file systems
setting, Setting the home directory file systems
home directory of given user
deleting, Deleting home directories and disabling creation of home directories
home directory usage information
displaying, Displaying home directory usage information
hostname or IP address
setting for LDAP server, Configuring LDAP server settings
how to use
Command-Line Interface (CLI), Getting help using the Access CLISH


I/O fencing
about, About I/O fencing
checking status, Configuring disk-based I/O fencing
destroying, Configuring disk-based I/O fencing
disabling, Configuring disk-based I/O fencing
enabling, Configuring disk-based I/O fencing
ID mapping for NFS version 4
configuring Veritas Access, Configuring Veritas Access for ID mapping for NFS version 4
new LUNs forcefully for new or existing pools, Importing new LUNs forcefully for new or existing pools
LUN storage capacity, Increasing the storage capacity of a LUN
size of a file system, Increasing the size of a file system
initiating host discovery of LUNs, Initiating host discovery of LUNs
instant rollbacks
about, About instant rollbacks
bringing online, Bringing an instant rollback online
creating a shared cache object, Creating a shared cache object for Veritas Access instant rollbacks
creating full-sized, Creating a full-sized rollback
creating space-optimized, Creating a space-optimized rollback
destroying, Destroying an instant rollback
listing, Listing Veritas Access instant rollbacks
refreshing from a file system, Refreshing an instant rollback from a file system
restoring a file system from, Restoring a file system from an instant rollback
taking offline, Taking an instant rollback offline
integrating Veritas Access with Data Insight, Veritas Access integration with Data Insight
integration of Veritas Access
with OpenStack, About the Veritas Access integration with OpenStack
Integration with OpenStack Cinder
about, About the Veritas Access integration with OpenStack Cinder
IP addresses
adding to a cluster, Configuring IP addresses
displaying for the cluster, Configuring IP addresses
modifying, Configuring IP addresses
removing from the cluster, Configuring IP addresses
IP addresses for the Ethernet interfaces
about, About Ethernet interfaces
IP load balancing, IP load balancing
IP routing
configuring, Configuring routing tables
about, About iSCSI
iSCSI devices
configuring, Configuring the iSCSI devices
iSCSI discovery
configuring, Configuring discovery on iSCSI
iSCSI initiator
configuring, Configuring the iSCSI initiator
iSCSI initiator name
configuring, Configuring the iSCSI initiator name
iSCSI target service
managing, Managing the iSCSI target service
iSCSI targets
configuring, Configuring the iSCSI targets
managing, Managing the iSCSI targets


job resynchronization
configuring, Synchronizing an episodic replication job
Veritas Access to Active Directory (AD), Joining Veritas Access to Active Directory (AD)


Kerberos authentication
authenticating NFS clients, Setting up Kerberos authentication for NFS clients
Kerberos realm
adding and configuring Veritas Access for, Adding and configuring Veritas Access to the Kerberos realm
Kerberos share
mounting from the NFS client, Mounting an NFS share with Kerberos security from the NFS client
NFS server, Using the kernel-based NFS server


types of file system, Choosing a file system layout type
before configuring, About configuring LDAP settings
LDAP client
configuring for authentication using the CLI, Configuring the LDAP client for authentication using the CLI
LDAP password hash algorithm
setting password for, Configuring LDAP server settings
LDAP server
clearing configured settings, Configuring LDAP server settings
disabling client configurations, Administering the Veritas Access cluster's LDAP client
displaying client configurations, Administering the Veritas Access cluster's LDAP client
displaying configured settings, Configuring LDAP server settings
enabling client configurations, Administering the Veritas Access cluster's LDAP client
setting over SSL, Configuring LDAP server settings
setting port number, Configuring LDAP server settings
setting the base distinguished name, Configuring LDAP server settings
setting the bind distinguished name, Configuring LDAP server settings
setting the hostname or IP address, Configuring LDAP server settings
setting the password hash algorithm, Configuring LDAP server settings
setting the root bind DN, Configuring LDAP server settings
setting the users, groups, and netgroups base DN, Configuring LDAP server settings
AD domain, About leaving an AD domain
list of SmartTier file systems
displaying, Displaying a list of SmartTier file systems
all file systems and associated information, Listing all file systems and associated information
all of the files on the specified tier, Listing all of the files on the specified tier
cache objects, Listing cache objects
free space for storage pools, Configuring storage pools
instant rollbacks, Listing Veritas Access instant rollbacks
storage pools, Configuring storage pools
Loading files to the cache, Customizing the caching behavior
local CIFS groups
creating, Configuring a local group
deleting, Configuring a local group
displaying, Configuring a local group
local CIFS user
creating, Creating a local CIFS user
deleting, Creating a local CIFS user
displaying, Creating a local CIFS user
local CIFS user password
changing, Creating a local CIFS user
local user and groups
managing, About managing local users and groups
local user password
FTP, Administering the FTP local user accounts
local user set download bandwidth
FTP, Configuring settings for the FTP local user accounts
local user set home directory
FTP, Configuring settings for the FTP local user accounts
local user set maximum connections
FTP, Configuring settings for the FTP local user accounts
local user set maximum disk usage
FTP, Configuring settings for the FTP local user accounts
local user set maximum files
FTP, Configuring settings for the FTP local user accounts
local user set upload bandwidth
FTP, Configuring settings for the FTP local user accounts
FTP, Uploading the FTP logs
LUN storage capacity
increasing, Increasing the storage capacity of a LUN
initiating host discovery, Initiating host discovery of LUNs
managing, Managing the LUNs


mail server
deleting the configured mail server, Configuring an email group
obtaining details for, Configuring an email group
setting the details of external, Configuring an email group
majority fencing
enabling, Manually enabling and disabling majority fencing in a non-SSH environment
non-SSH environment, Manually enabling and disabling majority fencing in a non-SSH environment
majority-based fencing, Using majority-based fencing
man pages
how to access, About accessing the online man pages
CIFS shares, About managing CIFS shares
continuous replication, Managing continuous replication
group membership, Creating a local CIFS user
home directories, About managing home directories
iSCSI target service, Managing the iSCSI target service
iSCSI targets, Managing the iSCSI targets
local users and groups, About managing local users and groups
LUNs, Managing the LUNs
mappings with iSCSI initiators, Managing the mappings with iSCSI initiators
users, Managing the users
managing NFS shares
using netgroups, About managing NFS shares using netgroups
of UNIX users from LDAP to Windows users, Automatically mapping UNIX users from LDAP to Windows users
mappings with iSCSI initiators
managing, Managing the mappings with iSCSI initiators
mapuser commands
about, About the mapuser commands
Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users
adding, Adding Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users
maximum number
parallel episodic replication jobs, About the maximum number of parallel episodic replication jobs
Memory usage
file system mount-time, File system mount-time memory usage
metadata information
allowing to be written on the secondary tier, Allowing metadata information on the file system to be written on the secondary tier
restricting to the primary tier only, Restricting metadata information to the primary tier only
CIFS share and home directory from ctdb to normal clustering mode, Migrating CIFS shares and home directories from ctdb to normal clustering mode
CIFS shares and home directories, About migrating CIFS shares and home directories
CIFS shares and home directories from normal to ctdb clustering mode, Migrating CIFS shares and home directories from normal to ctdb clustering mode
mirrored file systems
creating, Creating a file system
mirrored tier
adding to a file system, Adding tiers to a file system
mirrored-stripe file systems
creating, Creating a file system
mirrored-striped tier
adding to a file system, Adding tiers to a file system
an IP address, Configuring IP addresses
CIFS share, Modifying a CIFS share
policy of a tiered file system, Configuring the policy of each tiered file system
schedule of a tiered file system, Configuring schedules for tiered file systems
snapshot schedules, Configuring snapshot schedules
tunables for iSCSI, Modifying tunables for iSCSI
more command
using, Using the more command
NFS share from the NFS client, Mounting an NFS share with Kerberos security from the NFS client
mounting snapshots, Bringing snapshots online or taking snapshots offline
moving files between tiers
scale-out file system, Moving files between tiers in a scale-out file system
Multi-protocol support for NFS with S3
limitations, Multi-protocol support for NFS with S3


naming requirement for new users, About the naming requirements for adding new users
navigating CLISH
Access, Navigating the Access CLISH
network interfaces
swapping, Swapping network interfaces
NFS client
configuring for ID mapping, Configuring the NFS client for ID mapping for NFS version 4
NFS clients
authenticating, About authenticating NFS clients
NFS file sharing
about, About NFS file sharing
NFS options
deleting, Unexporting a directory or deleting NFS options
NFS server
about, About using the NFS server with Veritas Access
checking on the status, Accessing the NFS server
kernel-based, Using the kernel-based NFS server
starting, Accessing the NFS server
stopping, Accessing the NFS server
NFS Servers
switching, Switching between NFS servers
NFS share
exporting, Exporting an NFS share
exporting for Kerberos authentication, Exporting an NFS share for Kerberos authentication
NFS shares
managing using netgroups, About managing NFS shares using netgroups
NFS snapshot
exporting, Exporting an NFS snapshot
NFS statistics
displaying, Displaying and resetting NFS statistics
resetting, Displaying and resetting NFS statistics
NFS-Ganesha server
use, Using the NFS-Ganesha server
NFS-Ganesha version 3 and version 4
recommended tuning parameters, Recommended tuning for NFS-Ganesha version 3 and version 4
NIC devices
configuring, Configuring NIC devices
disabling, Configuring the NIS-related settings
enabling, Configuring the NIS-related settings
domain name
setting on all the nodes of cluster, Configuring the NIS-related settings
related settings
displaying, Configuring the NIS-related settings
server name
setting on all the nodes of cluster, Configuring the NIS-related settings
nocache caching mode, Setting the caching mode
in a cluster
displaying information for all disk devices, Displaying information for all disk devices associated with the nodes in a cluster
non-SSH environment
restart, Shutdown and restart the Veritas Access cluster in a non-SSH environment
shutdown, Shutdown and restart the Veritas Access cluster in a non-SSH environment
displaying configuration, Configuring NSS lookup order
lookup order
configuring, Configuring NSS lookup order
disabling, Setting NTLM
enabling, Setting NTLM


object server, About the Object Store server
Object Store server
configuring, Configuring the Object Store server
objectstore buckets, File systems used for objectstore buckets
details of the configured email server, Configuring an email group
taking an instant rollback offline, Taking an instant rollback offline
bringing an instant rollback online, Bringing an instant rollback online
about the integration with OpenStack, About the Veritas Access integration with OpenStack
OpenStack Manila
integration with Veritas Access, About the Veritas Access integration with OpenStack Manila
OpenStack Manila file share
creating, Creating an OpenStack Manila file share
OpenStack Manila share snapshot
creating, Creating an OpenStack Manila share snapshot
OpenStack Manila share type
creating, Creating an OpenStack Manila share type


quota commands
setting and displaying file system quotas, Setting and displaying file system quotas
quota limits
enabling or disabling snapshot, Managing disk space used by snapshots
CIFS home directories, About quotas for CIFS home directories
setting user quotas for users of specified groups, Setting user quotas for users of specified groups


read caching, About SmartIO read caching for applications running on Veritas Access file systems
read caching mode, Setting the caching mode
read performance
scale-out file system, Read performance tunables for a cloud tier in a scale-out file system
recommended tuning parameters
NFS-Ganesha version 3 and version 4, Recommended tuning for NFS-Ganesha version 3 and version 4
instant rollbacks from a file system, Refreshing an instant rollback from a file system
policy of a tiered file system, Relocating a file or directory of a tiered file system
a column from a file system, Adding or removing a column from a file system
a column from a tiered file system, Adding or removing a column from a secondary tier of a file system
a disk, Removing a disk
IP address from the cluster, Configuring IP addresses
mirror from a file system, Adding or removing a mirror from a file system
mirror from a tier spanning a specified disk, Configuring a mirror to a tier of a file system
mirror from a tier spanning a specified pool, Configuring a mirror to a tier of a file system
mirror from a tiered file system, Configuring a mirror to a tier of a file system
policy of a tiered file system, Configuring the policy of each tiered file system
schedule of a tiered file system, Configuring schedules for tiered file systems
snapshot schedules, Managing automated snapshots
tier from a file system, Removing a tier from a file system
removing a mapping
between CIFS and NFS users, Adding, removing, or displaying the mapping between CIFS and NFS users
storage pools, Configuring storage pools
coordinator disks, Configuring disk-based I/O fencing
replicating file systems
setting up, Setting up the file systems to replicate
default passwords
Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users, Adding Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users
NFS statistics, Displaying and resetting NFS statistics
a file system from an instant rollback, Restoring a file system from an instant rollback
snapshots, Restoring a snapshot
metadata information to the primary tier only, Restricting metadata information to the primary tier only
stale mirrors on file systems, Checking and resynchronizing stale mirrors
about, About user roles and privileges
route entries
deleting from routing tables, Configuring routing tables
routing tables
of the nodes in the cluster
displaying, Configuring routing tables
policy of a tiered file system, Configuring the policy of each tiered file system


scale-out file system
CIFS shares, Creating CIFS shares for a scale-out file system
creating and scheduling a policy, Creating and scheduling a policy for a scale-out file system
file sharing, File sharing for a scale-out file system using FTP
move the files, Moving files between tiers in a scale-out file system
read performance
tubables, Read performance tunables for a cloud tier in a scale-out file system
scale-out file systems
about, About scale-out file systems
configuring the cloud as a tier, Configuring the cloud as a tier for scale-out file systems
displaying for tiered file systems, Configuring schedules for tiered file systems
modifying for a tiered file system, Configuring schedules for tiered file systems
removing from a tiered file system, Configuring schedules for tiered file systems
episodic replication, Scheduling the episodic replication
second tier
adding to a file system, Adding tiers to a file system
standalone mode, Configuring CIFS server status for standalone mode
security settings
AD domain mode, Changing domain settings for AD domain mode
changing, Changing security settings
server start
FTP, Using the FTP server commands
server status
FTP, Using the FTP server commands
server stop
FTP, Using the FTP server commands
session show
FTP, Administering the FTP sessions
session showdetail
FTP, Administering the FTP sessions
session terminate
FTP, Administering the FTP sessions
aio_fork option, Setting the CIFS aio_fork option
base distinguished name for the LDAP server, Configuring LDAP server settings
bind distinguished name for LDAP server, Configuring LDAP server settings
details of the external mail server, Configuring an email group
domain, Reconfiguring the CIFS service
domain controller, Reconfiguring the CIFS service
domain name for the DNS server, Configuring DNS settings
domain user name, Reconfiguring the CIFS service
events for event reporting, Configuring events for event reporting
file system alerts, Setting file system alerts
filter of the syslog server, Configuring a syslog server
home directory file systems, Setting the home directory file systems
IDMAP backend to ad for access to CIFS, Allowing trusted domains access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to ad
IDMAP backend to hash for accessing CIFS, Allowing trusted domains access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to hash
IDMAP backend to ldap for trusted domain access to CIFS, Allowing trusted domains access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to ldap
IDMAP backend to rid for access to CIFS, Allowing trusted domains access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to rid
LDAP password hash algorithm, Configuring LDAP server settings
LDAP server hostname or IP address, Configuring LDAP server settings
LDAP server over SSL, Configuring LDAP server settings
LDAP server port number, Configuring LDAP server settings
LDAP users, groups, and netgroups base DN, Configuring LDAP server settings
NIS domain name on all the nodes of cluster, Configuring the NIS-related settings
prior to configuring LDAP, About configuring LDAP settings
retention, Setting retention in files
root bind DN for the LDAP server, Configuring LDAP server settings
severity of the syslog server, Configuring a syslog server
SNMP filter notifications, Configuring an SNMP management server
SNMP severity notifications, Configuring an SNMP management server
the NIS server name on all the nodes of cluster, Configuring the NIS-related settings
trusted domains, About setting trusted domains
trusted domains for the Active Directory, Setting Active Directory trusted domains
user quotas for users of specified groups, Setting user quotas for users of specified groups
WORM over NFS, Setting WORM over NFS
WORM-retention over CIFS, Manually setting WORM-retention on a file over CIFS
setting relocation policies
best practices, Best practices for setting relocation policies
setting the caching mode, Setting the caching mode
setting up
home directories, Setting up home directories
replicating file systems, Setting up the file systems to replicate
setting up an episodic replication unit
to exclude directories and files, Setting up files to exclude from an episodic replication unit
severity levels
about, About severity levels and filters
adding to an email group, Configuring an email group
severity notifications
setting, Configuring an SNMP management server
shadow copy
making a CIFS share aware, Making a CIFS share shadow copy aware
share backend
creating on the OpenStack controller node, Creating a new share backend on the OpenStack controller node
share directories
CIFS and NFS protocols, Sharing directories using CIFS and NFS protocols
share properties
displaying, Displaying CIFS share properties
shared cache object
creating, Creating a shared cache object for Veritas Access instant rollbacks
about, About file sharing protocols
show local users
FTP, Administering the FTP local user accounts
snapshot schedules, Managing automated snapshots
about, About SmartIO for solid-state drives
snapshot schedules
about, About snapshot schedules
creating, Configuring snapshot schedules
deleting, Managing automated snapshots
displaying, Configuring snapshot schedules
modifying, Configuring snapshot schedules
preserving, Managing automated snapshots
removing, Managing automated snapshots
showing, Managing automated snapshots
about, About snapshots
creating, Creating snapshots
destroying, Managing disk space used by snapshots
displaying, Displaying snapshots
displaying quotas, Managing disk space used by snapshots
enabling or disabling quota limits, Managing disk space used by snapshots
mounting, Bringing snapshots online or taking snapshots offline
restoring, Restoring a snapshot
that can be exported
displayed, Displaying file systems and snapshots that can be exported
unmounting, Bringing snapshots online or taking snapshots offline
filter notifications
setting, Configuring an SNMP management server
management server
adding, Configuring an SNMP management server
deleting configured, Configuring an SNMP management server
displaying current list of, Configuring an SNMP management server
MIB file
exporting to a given URL, Configuring an SNMP management server
displaying the values of, Configuring an SNMP management server
setting severity notifications, Configuring an SNMP management server
SNMP notifications
about, About SNMP notifications
solid-state drives (SSDs)
about, About SmartIO for solid-state drives
source and destination clusters
communicating, Setting up communication between the source and the destination clusters, Setting up communication between the source and the destination clusters
specific workload
creating a tuned file system, About creating a tuned file system for a specific workload
specified group
deleting a severity from, Configuring an email group
DNS name servers, Configuring DNS settings
setting the LDAP server for, Configuring LDAP server settings
standalone mode
CIFS server status, Configuring CIFS server status for standalone mode
CIFS service, Configuring CIFS server status for standalone mode
security, Configuring CIFS server status for standalone mode
CIFS server, Reconfiguring the CIFS service
NFS server, Accessing the NFS server
Veritas Access continuous replication, Starting Veritas Access continuous replication
Veritas Access episodic replication, Starting Veritas Access episodic replication
data usage in the cloud tier, Obtaining statistics on data usage in the cloud tier
NFS server, Accessing the NFS server
storage pools
creating, Configuring storage pools
destroying, Configuring storage pools
listing, Configuring storage pools
listing free space, Configuring storage pools
renaming, Configuring storage pools
storage provisioning and management
about, About storage provisioning and management
account information, About storing account information
user and group accounts in LDAP, Storing user and group accounts
user and group accounts locally, Storing user and group accounts
striped file systems
creating, Creating a file system
striped tier
adding to a file system, Adding tiers to a file system
striped-mirror file systems
creating, Creating a file system
striped-mirror tier
adding to a file system, Adding tiers to a file system
striping file systems
about, About striping file systems
network interfaces, Swapping network interfaces
NFS servers, Switching between NFS servers
ctdb clustering mode, About switching the clustering mode
syslog format
exporting events to a given URL, Exporting events in syslog format to a given URL
syslog server
adding, Configuring a syslog server
deleting, Configuring a syslog server
displaying the list of, Configuring a syslog server
displaying the values of, Configuring a syslog server
setting the filter of, Configuring a syslog server
setting the severity of, Configuring a syslog server
system files
hiding when adding a CIFS normal share, Hiding system files when adding a CIFS normal share


adding a tier to a file system, Configuring a mirror to a tier of a file system
displaying location of a specified file, Displaying the tier location of a specified file
listing all of the specified files on, Listing all of the files on the specified tier
removing a mirror from, Configuring a mirror to a tier of a file system
removing a mirror spanning a specified pool, Configuring a mirror to a tier of a file system
removing from a file system, Removing a tier from a file system
removing from a tier spanning a specified disk, Configuring a mirror to a tier of a file system
trusted domains
allowing access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to ad, Allowing trusted domains access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to ad
allowing access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to hash, Allowing trusted domains access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to hash
allowing access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to ldap, Allowing trusted domains access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to ldap
allowing access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to rid, Allowing trusted domains access to CIFS when setting an IDMAP backend to rid
specifying which are allowed access to the CIFS server, Specifying trusted domains that are allowed access to the CIFS server
tunables for iSCSI
modifying, Modifying tunables for iSCSI
tuned file system
creating for a specific workload, About creating a tuned file system for a specific workload


share of exported directory, Unexporting a directory or deleting NFS options
UNIX users from LDAP to Windows users
automatic mapping of, Automatically mapping UNIX users from LDAP to Windows users
unmounting snapshots, Bringing snapshots online or taking snapshots offline
Unpinning files from the cache, Customizing the caching behavior
unplanned failback
process overview, Overview of the unplanned failback process, Overview of the unplanned failback process
unplanned failover
process overview, Overview of the unplanned failover process, Overview of the unplanned failover process
disk layout versions, Upgrading disk layout versions
NFS-Ganesha server, Using the NFS-Ganesha server
Use case
configuring the Object Store server, Use cases for configuring the Object Store server
Use cases
compressing files, Use cases for compressing files
user and group accounts in LDAP
storing, Storing user and group accounts
user and group accounts locally
storing, Storing user and group accounts
user names
mapping for CIFS/NFS sharing, About mapping user names for CIFS/NFS sharing
user roles and privileges
about, About user roles and privileges
adding, Adding Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users
changing passwords, Adding Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users
deleting, Adding Master, System Administrator, and Storage Administrator users
managing, Managing the users
AD interface, Removing the AD interface
history command, Displaying the command history
more command, Using the more command
multi-domain controller support in CIFS, Using multi-domain controller support in CIFS
Using compression
best practices, Best practices for using compression
Using NFS Server, About using the NFS server with Veritas Access


Veritas Access has joined Active Directory (AD), Verifying that Veritas Access has joined Active Directory (AD) successfully
Veritas Access
about, About Veritas Access
integration with OpenStack Manila, About the Veritas Access integration with OpenStack Manila
key features, About Veritas Access
product documentation, Using the Veritas Access product documentation
Veritas Access continuous replication
about, About Veritas Access continuous replication
description of feature, How Veritas Access continuous replication works
starting, Starting Veritas Access continuous replication
Veritas Access episodic replication
about, About Veritas Access episodic replication
compression, Replicating compressed data
description of feature, How Veritas Access episodic replication works
scheduling, Scheduling the episodic replication
starting, Starting Veritas Access episodic replication
Veritas Access file systems
read caching, About SmartIO read caching for applications running on Veritas Access file systems
Veritas Access SmartTier
about, About Veritas Access SmartTier
Veritas Access to the Kerberos realm
adding and configuring, Adding and configuring Veritas Access to the Kerberos realm
Veritas File System (VxFS)
configuring read caching, Setting up SmartIO read caching for Veritas Access
customizing caching, Customizing the caching behavior
viewing detailed cache statistics, Viewing the caching statistics for a cache area
viewing file system cache statistics, Viewing the caching statistics for a cache area
adding interfaces, Configuring VLAN interfaces
configuring interfaces, Configuring VLAN interfaces
deleting interfaces, Configuring VLAN interfaces
displaying interfaces, Configuring VLAN interfaces


what to replicate
defining, Defining what to replicate
Windows Active Directory
configuring as an IDMAP backend, About configuring Windows Active Directory as an IDMAP backend for CIFS
object server, About the Object Store server
setting, Setting WORM over NFS
WORM-retention over CIFS
setting, Manually setting WORM-retention on a file over CIFS
writeback caching mode, Setting the caching mode
WWN information
displaying, Displaying WWN information