Enterprise Vault™ Registry Values
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File System
Location | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE \Wow6432Node \KVS \Enterprise Vault \External Filtering \File System |
Content | The File System sub-key can contain a string value that specifies the name of a filter. Filter names must be an unbroken numbered sequence that starts at 1. For the value of a custom filter setting, enter a string value that contains the name of the .NET assembly and the fully-qualified filter class name of the new external filter, as follows: PathToFilterAssembly!FilterClassName A fully-qualified class name includes the namespace. For example, if the class name is CustomFilter, the namespace is Veritas.EnterpriseVault.FileSystem, and the filter is implemented in the assembly Veritas.EnterpriseVault.FileSystemCustomFilter.dll, the value of the registry entry should be as follows: Veritas.EnterpriseVault.FileSystemCustomFilter.dll!Enterprise Vault.EnterpriseVault.FileSystem.CustomFilter |
Description | Enables custom filtering for all File System Archiving tasks on the computer. For instructions on how to configure file system filtering, see the Setting up File System Archiving guide. |