Enterprise Vault.cloud™ Legacy Import Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Veritas Alta Archiving (Version Not Specified)

Legacy email message extraction FAQ

The following frequently asked questions provide more information about legacy email message extraction.

Question: What tools can I use to extract legacy email messages from my current email environment?

Answer: Veritas recommends Microsoft ExMerge for Microsoft Exchange email environments.

Question: How should our organization provide our legacy email messages to the Veritas data management team?

Answer: You can send your legacy email messages in the following forms:

  • You can transfer your data using the Veritas S-FTP site. Restrict this method to collections that are no larger than 1024 GB.

    For security reasons, Veritas limits the IP addresses that are allowed to connect to the S-FTP site. Therefore, your organization must provide Veritas with the IP addresses to be used for transferring your data.

  • For collections that are larger than 1024 GB Veritas recommends that you send the collection on external USB 3.0 or NAS drives.

    For security reasons, Veritas requires that your organization encrypts the data using Bitlocker. The use of other encryption methods may cause delays, or your data may be returned without being ingested.

Question: What is the preferred media for sending the legacy email messages?

Answer: Veritas prefers that your organization sends your legacy email messages on an external USB 3.0 drive, to provide the fastest data extraction.

Question: What is the preferred method for encrypting the legacy email messages?

Answer: Veritas recommends that you use BitLocker encryption.

Question: What is the maximum email message size that can be imported into Enterprise Vault.cloud?

Answer: The maximum email message size that can be ingested is 200 MB for messages that are ingested from PST files, and 200 MB for EML messages.

Question: Are there any types of legacy email messages that cannot be imported into Enterprise Vault.cloud?

Answer: Veritas cannot import the following:

  • Emails that exceed the maximum message size for import.

  • Corrupted emails

  • Encrypted emails

  • Inaccessible emails