Enterprise Vault.cloud™ Legacy Import Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Veritas Alta Archiving (Version Not Specified)

Legacy folder structure

If your organization provides Veritas with PST files that contain Microsoft Exchange folder structure information, the folder structure can be replicated in Enterprise Vault.cloud. In addition to user-created email folders, the following folders can be replicated in Enterprise Vault.cloud:

  • Inbox

  • Drafts

  • Sent items

  • Deleted items

Other types of folders that are available in Microsoft Outlook such as Calendar items, Contacts, Tasks, and Notes cannot be replicated in Enterprise Vault.cloud.

Note that only sent email messages are imported or journaled to Enterprise Vault.cloud. Therefore draft Microsoft Outlook email messages do not appear in Enterprise Vault.cloud, and users may find that the Drafts folder in Enterprise Vault.cloud is empty.


Enterprise Vault.cloud currently only supports replication of legacy folder structure from PST or NSF files. This functionality is currently not available for other file types.