Enterprise Vault.cloud™ Legacy Import Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Veritas Alta Archiving (Version Not Specified)

Unassigned Legacy account

During the indexing process, some email messages may not match any Enterprise Vault.cloud account but still be imported into Enterprise Vault.cloud. The import process associates with your organization any email messages that contain your domain. For example, legacy stores and old PST files may contain email addresses from former employees, or may have corrupt email headers that contain your domain. In addition, the CSV file that is used to link Enterprise Vault.cloud accounts to PST files many contain misspellings or duplicate email addresses that contain your domain. In any of these cases, the import process may be unable to assign a legacy email message to a user account. Rather than discard these email messages, the import process assigns them to the Unassigned Legacy account.

The Unassigned Legacy account is a catch-all account for your organization. After the legacy email message import process is complete, the Enterprise Vault.cloud administrators for your organization can search and review the Unassigned Legacy account.


We recommend that you do not disable the Unassigned Legacy account because it prevents email messages from being lost during the import process.