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Enterprise Vault™ Monitoring Enterprise Vault
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (12.3, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0)
- Monitoring Enterprise Vault
- Enterprise Vault locations
- Enterprise Vault Directory database
- Vault Store Group fingerprint database
- Vault Store database
- Vault Store
- Vault Store partitions
- Index locations
- IIS Service
- Enterprise Vault services
- Monitoring Enterprise Vault tasks
- Monitoring Enterprise Vault event logs
- Enterprise Vault performance counters
Directory database data file backup
Determine the time since the most recent back up.
Suggested frequency
Every 4 hours
Suggested thresholds
Warning alert: 48 hours
Critical alert: 72 hours
Method 1 (preferred)
Use the Hours since last backup performance counter to determine the number of days since the last backup.
\Enterprise Vault Database Files\Hours since last backup Hours since last backup of the database file
Method 2
Use the Get-EVDatabaseFileInfo cmdlet to determine the number of hours since the last backup:
Get-EVDatabaseFileInfo -databasetype directory
Sample output
Typical output: DatabaseName : EnterpriseVaultDirectory LogicalFileName : VaultDev70 PhysicalFileName : D:\SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\VaultDevdb.mdf FileType : Data TotalQuotaGBytesUsed : TotalQuotaGBytesAvailable : TotalQuotaGBytesFree : LastBackupDate : HoursSinceLastBackup : 25
TotalQuotaGBytesUsed, TotalQuotaGBytesAvailable, TotalQuotaGBytesFree are not available if the SQL Server version is earlier than SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1.
To determine the number of hours since the last backup:
(Get-EVDatabaseFileInfo -databasetype directory) | where ' $_.filetype -eq "data"}).hourssincelastbackup 25