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Enterprise Vault™ Monitoring Enterprise Vault
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (12.3, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0)
- Monitoring Enterprise Vault
- Enterprise Vault locations
- Enterprise Vault Directory database
- Vault Store Group fingerprint database
- Vault Store database
- Vault Store
- Vault Store partitions
- Index locations
- IIS Service
- Enterprise Vault services
- Monitoring Enterprise Vault tasks
- Monitoring Enterprise Vault event logs
- Enterprise Vault performance counters
Application location used disk space
Determine the space used and space available on the Enterprise Vault installation disk.
Suggested frequency
Every 5 minutes
Suggested thresholds
Warning alert: 90% used
Critical alert: 95% used
Method 1 (preferred)
Use the Application instance of the Disk space % used performance counter:
Enterprise Vault Disk Location\Disk space % used\Application Monitors the volume that hosts the Application location
Method 2
Use the Get-EVFileLocation PowerShell cmdlet.
Sample output
PS C:> Get-EVFileLocation -type application Path : C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault Type : Application TotalQuotaGBytesFree : 68.12 TotalQuotaGBytesUsed : 31.78 TotalQuotaGBytesAvailable : 99.9
To determine the amount of free space at the Enterprise Vault application location:
(Get-EVFileLocation Application).TotalQuotaGbytesFree