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Enterprise Vault™ Monitoring Enterprise Vault
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (12.3, 12.2, 12.1, 12.0)
- Monitoring Enterprise Vault
- Enterprise Vault locations
- Enterprise Vault Directory database
- Vault Store Group fingerprint database
- Vault Store database
- Vault Store
- Vault Store partitions
- Index locations
- IIS Service
- Enterprise Vault services
- Monitoring Enterprise Vault tasks
- Monitoring Enterprise Vault event logs
- Enterprise Vault performance counters
About monitoring services
This section describes how to check the state of each Enterprise Vault service.
You can use the Get-EVService cmdlet to get a list of the services that are configured on an Enterprise Vault server. For example:
PS C:\> Get-EVService | Format-List Name : Enterprise Vault Directory Service DisplayName : Enterprise Vault Directory Service EntryID : Type : DirectoryService Name : EnterpriseVaultAdminService DisplayName : Enterprise Vault Admin Service EntryID : Type : AdminService Name : EnterpriseVaultSMTPService DisplayName : Enterprise Vault SMTP Service EntryID : Type : SMTPService Name : EnterpriseVaultIndexingService DisplayName : Enterprise Vault Indexing Service EntryID : 1378CA2286087EF4182F49569C3D9F80A1710000evserver1 Type : IndexingService Name : EnterpriseVaultShoppingService DisplayName : Enterprise Vault Shopping Service EntryID : 16205CAC637FE6943BD091320B6385E371c10000evserver1 Type : ShoppingService Name : EnterpriseVaultTaskControllerService DisplayName : Enterprise Vault Task Controller Service EntryID : 16781741032B3B641BA75034C5C1BD48A1011v00evserver1 Type : TaskControllerService Name : EnterpriseVaultStorageService DisplayName : Enterprise Vault Storage Service EntryID : 1CA3B5B05FAEBF04597FB6C4CC1F43B941e10000evserver1 Type : StorageService
You can use the Get-EVDependencyService cmdlet to get a list of the dependency services that are configured on an Enterprise Vault server. For example:
PS C:\> Get-EVDependencyService | Format-List Name : MSMQ DisplayName : Message Queuing EntryID : Type : MSMQService Name : W3SVC DisplayName : World Wide Web Publishing Service EntryID : Type : IISService