Veritas™ System Recovery 18 Service Pack 2 User's Guide
- Introducing Veritas System Recovery
- Installing Veritas System Recovery
- Installing Veritas System Recovery
- Ensuring the recovery of your computer
- Creating a new Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Creation Options
- Storage and Network Drivers Options
- Customizing an existing Veritas System Recovery Disk
- About restoring a computer from a remote location by using LightsOut Restore
- Creating a new Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Getting Started
- Setting up default general backup options
- File types and file extension
- Best practices for backing up your data
- Backing up entire drives
- Backing up files and folders
- Running and managing backup jobs
- Running an existing backup job immediately
- Backing up remote computers from your computer
- Monitoring the status of your backups
- About monitoring backups
- Monitoring the backup status of remote computers using Veritas System Recovery Monitor
- Adding a remote computer to the Computer List
- Exploring the contents of a recovery point
- Managing backup destinations
- About managing file and folder backup data
- Managing virtual conversions
- Managing cloud storage
- Direct to cloud
- About creation of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) in Amazon from Veritas System Recovery backups
- About S3-Compatible Cloud Storage
- About Veritas System Recovery supporting Veritas Access
- Recovering files, folders, or entire drives
- Recovering a computer
- Booting a computer by using the Veritas System Recovery Disk
- About using the networking tools in Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Copying a hard drive
- Using the Veritas System Recovery Granular Restore Option
- Best practices when you create recovery points for use with the Granular Restore Option
- Appendix A. Backing up databases using Veritas System Recovery
- Appendix B. Backing up Active Directory
- Appendix C. Backing up Microsoft virtual environments
- Appendix D. Using Veritas System Recovery 18 and Windows Server Core
How Offsite Copy works for cloud storage
When you create or edit a backup job, you can provide an Amazon S3 storage as an offsite destination. After the backup is complete, the recovery points are copied at the offsite destination (Amazon S3 storage).
Requirements for using the Amazon S3 storage
Veritas System Recovery 18 installed.
You must create buckets before configuring the offsite destination in Veritas System Recovery. The buckets are not available for use in Veritas System Recovery if the bucket name does not comply with the bucket naming convention.
Refer to the following technote to view the bucket naming conventions:
Ensure that you have Internet connectivity and access to HTTP (Port 80) and HTTPS (Port 443).
The recovery points created during backup are stored on the cloud storage as OST (OpenStorage Technology) files. You cannot directly restore your computer using the OST files available on the Amazon S3 storage. You must first download these recovery points using the Download OpenStorage Files utility to your computer or a network location and then start the restore process.
See Downloading OpenStorage Files.
When you create or edit a backup job, you can provide a Microsoft Azure storage as an offsite destination. After the backup is complete, the recovery points are copied at the offsite destination (Microsoft Azure storage).
Requirements for using the Microsoft Azure storage
Veritas System Recovery 18.0 installed.
A Microsoft Azure portal account. You should also have a "Storage Account" and a "Container" associated with that "Storage Account.
To understand more about how to configure a "Storage Account" in Azure portal, see the following link:
A Microsoft Azure storage account, and at least one storage access key (Primary access key or Secondary access key).
Ensure that the Blob Service containers are already created. Containers represent a logical unit of storage on the cloud-based storage device.
As a best practice, specific containers should be created to use exclusively with Veritas System Recovery.
Ensure that the container names meet the following Veritas System Recovery requirements:
Container names can contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
Containers names cannot begin with a hyphen.
The containers are not available for use in Veritas System Recovery if the container names do not comply with the container naming convention.
The recovery points created during backup are stored on the cloud storage as OST (OpenStorage Technology) files. You cannot directly restore your computer using the OST files available on the Microsoft Azure storage. You must first download these recovery points using the Download OpenStorage Files utility to your computer or a network location and then start the restore process.
See Downloading OpenStorage Files.
When you create or edit a backup job, you can provide a Generic S3 or Veritas Access storage as an offsite destination. After the backup is complete, the recovery points are copied at the offsite destination (Generic S3 or Veritas Access storage).
Requirements for using the Generic S3 or Veritas Access storage
Veritas System Recovery 18.0.1 or later installed.
Requirements as per the Generic S3 or Veritas Access storage that you have configured.
The recovery points created during backup are stored on the cloud storage as OST (OpenStorage Technology) files. You cannot directly restore your computer using the OST files available on the Generic S3 or Veritas Access storage. You must first download these recovery points using the Download OpenStorage Files utility to your computer or a network location and then start the restore process.
See Downloading OpenStorage Files.
See About S3-Compatible Cloud Storage.
See About Veritas System Recovery supporting Veritas Access.