Veritas™ System Recovery 18 Service Pack 2 User's Guide
- Introducing Veritas System Recovery
- Installing Veritas System Recovery
- Installing Veritas System Recovery
- Ensuring the recovery of your computer
- Creating a new Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Creation Options
- Storage and Network Drivers Options
- Customizing an existing Veritas System Recovery Disk
- About restoring a computer from a remote location by using LightsOut Restore
- Creating a new Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Getting Started
- Setting up default general backup options
- File types and file extension
- Best practices for backing up your data
- Backing up entire drives
- Backing up files and folders
- Running and managing backup jobs
- Running an existing backup job immediately
- Backing up remote computers from your computer
- Monitoring the status of your backups
- About monitoring backups
- Monitoring the backup status of remote computers using Veritas System Recovery Monitor
- Adding a remote computer to the Computer List
- Exploring the contents of a recovery point
- Managing backup destinations
- About managing file and folder backup data
- Managing virtual conversions
- Managing cloud storage
- Direct to cloud
- About creation of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) in Amazon from Veritas System Recovery backups
- About S3-Compatible Cloud Storage
- About Veritas System Recovery supporting Veritas Access
- Recovering files, folders, or entire drives
- Recovering a computer
- Booting a computer by using the Veritas System Recovery Disk
- About using the networking tools in Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Copying a hard drive
- Using the Veritas System Recovery Granular Restore Option
- Best practices when you create recovery points for use with the Granular Restore Option
- Appendix A. Backing up databases using Veritas System Recovery
- Appendix B. Backing up Active Directory
- Appendix C. Backing up Microsoft virtual environments
- Appendix D. Using Veritas System Recovery 18 and Windows Server Core
Configuring LightsOut Restore
Before you set up LightsOut Restore, review the following information:
If you use Microsoft's BitLocker Drive Encryption to encrypt the data on a drive, be aware that LightsOut Restore does not work on encrypted drives. You must turn off BitLocker and then decrypt the drive before you can use LightsOut Restore on it.
Ensure that all of your servers can be managed remotely through a hardware device such as RILO or DRAC.
Install Veritas System Recovery on the servers that you want to protect, and then define and run backups to create recovery points.
Run the Setup LightsOut Restore Wizard to install a custom Veritas System Recovery Disk directly to the computer's local file system.
The wizard creates an entry in the Windows boot menu that can be used to boot into Veritas System Recovery Disk .
LightsOut Restore works only on the primary operating system. It does not work on multiple-boot computers (for example, a computer that starts multiple operating systems from the same partition). LightsOut Restore is accessible only from the boot menu. If the file system becomes corrupt and you cannot access the boot menu, you must boot the computer from theVeritas System Recovery Disk.
The LightsOut Restore feature requires at least 1 GB of memory to run.
Use the RILO or the DRAC device to connect to the remote server so you can recover a file or system from a remote location. Then you can turn on the system or restart it.
Open the boot menu as the remote server starts, and then select the name that you have given to Veritas System Recovery Disk.
The remote server boots into Veritas System Recovery Disk and the connection through RILO or DRAC is lost.
You must run the Setup LightsOut Restore Wizard on the computer that you want to protect. The Setup LightsOut Restore Wizard installs a customized version of a Veritas System Recovery Disk to the computer's local file system. The wizard creates an entry in the Windows boot menu that you use to boot into the Setup LightsOut Restore Wizard.
If you need to edit the configuration settings, you must first uninstall LightsOut Restore from your computer and install it again. To uninstall LightsOut Restore, on the Tasks menu, click .
After the setup is completed, the LightsOut Restore metadata, recovery environment data, and scripts are stored at the following location:
<system drive>
Where <system drive>
is replaced with the actual drive letter.
Veritas recommends that only privileged users or an administrator should have the rights to access the folder.
To launch the Tasks menu and click .
go to theTo configure LightsOut Restore
- On the Tasks menu, click Set Up LightsOut Restore.
The Setup LightsOut Restore Wizard is displayed.
- In the Welcome panel, review the information, and then click Next.
See Welcome Panel.
- In the Source Location panel, specify the path or browse to the media drive in which you placed theVeritas System Recovery Disk, then click Next.
If you know the path to the source Veritas System Recovery Disk
Type the path in the Veritas System Recovery Disk media location field.
If you do not know the path to the source Veritas System Recovery Disk
Do the following in the order listed:
Click Browse.
Click Veritas System Recovery Disk ISO File to locate the path for the ISO image file or click Veritas System Recovery Disk Folder to locate the path for the disk on other media.
On the Open dialog box, navigate to the location of the appropriate ISO image file, media drive, or folder.
Click Open.
This panel is only displayed if your computer cannot use the local files to identify the source location of the media.
- In the Licensed Features panel, enter the license of the product and then click Next.
Use the license key that is activated on this computer
Enables the cold backup feature in the recovery environment using the product license key that is provided.
Use the following license key
Enables the cold backup feature in the new Veritas System Recovery Disk by typing a product license key.
Prompt for a license key
Prompts you for a product license key at the time you want to enable features in the customized Veritas System Recovery Disk.
- In the Storage and Network Drivers panel, review the list of any storage or network drivers to be included, add or remove storage and network drivers, and then click Next.
Storage and network drivers
Lets you review the list of any storage or network drivers to be included.
Lets you add additional drivers.
The location that you specify should contain the fully extracted installation package for the driver you add. If you have more than one missing storage or network driver, you must rerun the Set Up LightsOut Restore wizard for each missing driver.
Deletes the drivers you do not need.
Resets the list to the original list of drivers.
- In the Startup Options panel, select the time zone, display language, keyboard layout language for LightsOut Restore, and then click Next.
Time zone
Sets the time zone to use inside LightsOut Restore.
Display language
Sets the default display language for LightsOut Restore.
Keyboard layout
Lets you select the default keyboard layout to use when you run LightsOut Restore.
See Startup Options.
- In the Network Options panel, select the dynamic or static IP, save the Windows firewall settings for LightsOut Restore, and then click Next.
Automatically start network services
Select this option if u want to enable network services in a recovery environment. Networking starts automatically when you recover the computer through LightsOut Restore.
Dynamic IP
Connects to a network without the need for additional network configuration. This option is also appropriate if you know there is a DHCP server available on the network at the time you restore.
Static IP
Connects to a network with a particular network adapter and specific address settings. You should click this option if you know there is no DHCP server (or the DHCP server may be unavailable) when you recover.
Use Windows firewall settings
Applies the local computer's firewall settings to the recovery environment. For example, if you turn on the firewall for your local computer and then select this option, the firewall is turned on for the recovery environment.
See Network Options.
- In the Setup LightsOut Restore panel, enter the LightsOut Restore boot option label and boot menu display time, and then click Next.
Boot menu label
Indicates the title that you want to appear on the Windows boot menu for LightsOut Restore.
Time to display boot menu
Specifies (in seconds) how long you want the boot menu to display.
The default is 10 seconds.
- In the Summary panel, review all of the options that you selected, and then click Finish.
The Progress panel displays the progress status and the approximate time that is required to installing LightsOut Restore on your computer. The Result panel in the LightsOut Restore Wizard displays a success result if LightsOut Restore is installed successfully on your computer. Veritas recommends that you test the LightsOut Restore recovery environment. To test LightsOut Restore, boot into the LightsOut Restore recovery environment.