Veritas™ System Recovery 18 Service Pack 2 User's Guide
- Introducing Veritas System Recovery
- Installing Veritas System Recovery
- Installing Veritas System Recovery
- Ensuring the recovery of your computer
- Creating a new Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Creation Options
- Storage and Network Drivers Options
- Customizing an existing Veritas System Recovery Disk
- About restoring a computer from a remote location by using LightsOut Restore
- Creating a new Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Getting Started
- Setting up default general backup options
- File types and file extension
- Best practices for backing up your data
- Backing up entire drives
- Backing up files and folders
- Running and managing backup jobs
- Running an existing backup job immediately
- Backing up remote computers from your computer
- Monitoring the status of your backups
- About monitoring backups
- Monitoring the backup status of remote computers using Veritas System Recovery Monitor
- Adding a remote computer to the Computer List
- Exploring the contents of a recovery point
- Managing backup destinations
- About managing file and folder backup data
- Managing virtual conversions
- Managing cloud storage
- Direct to cloud
- About creation of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) in Amazon from Veritas System Recovery backups
- About S3-Compatible Cloud Storage
- About Veritas System Recovery supporting Veritas Access
- Recovering files, folders, or entire drives
- Recovering a computer
- Booting a computer by using the Veritas System Recovery Disk
- About using the networking tools in Veritas System Recovery Disk
- Copying a hard drive
- Using the Veritas System Recovery Granular Restore Option
- Best practices when you create recovery points for use with the Granular Restore Option
- Appendix A. Backing up databases using Veritas System Recovery
- Appendix B. Backing up Active Directory
- Appendix C. Backing up Microsoft virtual environments
- Appendix D. Using Veritas System Recovery 18 and Windows Server Core
About support of OneDrive for Business
OneDrive is the Microsoft cloud service that connects you to all your files. It lets you store and protect your files, share them with others, and get to them from anywhere on all your devices. OneDrive used by an organization is OneDrive for Business.
Veritas System Recovery now supports Microsoft OneDrive for Business as a primary destination for backups and you can restore recovery points from a OneDrive sync location. The Microsoft OneDrive for Business must be configured on a machine locally.
OneDrive for Business does not support backup and restore of recovery points from a Veritas System Recovery Disk, physical to virtual conversion, file and folder backup.
To configure OneDrive for Business locally, use the following link:
When you configure OneDrive for Business, there are some limitations for file names and file types. refer to the following link to know more about the limitations:
When you specify a OneDrive for Business location as the primary destination for backups, the recovery points larger than 9180 MB are automatically split into smaller files of 9180 MB. You can reduce the size of the recovery points to less than 9180 MB. Recovery points greater than 9180 MB are not synced by OneDrive to the cloud.
If a volume being backed up has an existing OneDrive folder, that folder is not included as a part of the generated recovery point when the backup actually runs.