NetBackup™ Deployment Guide for Kubernetes Clusters
- Introduction
- Section I. Deployment
- Prerequisites for Kubernetes cluster configuration
- Deployment with environment operators
- Deploying NetBackup
- Primary and media server CR
- Deploying NetBackup using Helm charts
- Deploying MSDP Scaleout
- Deploying Snapshot Manager
- Section II. Monitoring and Management
- Monitoring NetBackup
- Monitoring MSDP Scaleout
- Monitoring Snapshot Manager
- Managing the Load Balancer service
- Managing MSDP Scaleout
- Performing catalog backup and recovery
- Section III. Maintenance
- MSDP Scaleout Maintenance
- Upgrading
- Uninstalling
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting AKS and EKS issues
- Troubleshooting AKS-specific issues
- Troubleshooting EKS-specific issues
- Troubleshooting AKS and EKS issues
- Appendix A. CR template
Initializing the MSDP operator
Run the following command to initialize MSDP operator.
kubectl msdp init -i <acr-url>/msdp-operator:<version> -s <storage-class-name> [-l agentpool=<nodepool-name>]
kubectl msdp init -i <ecr-url>/msdp-operator:<version> -s <storage-class-name> [-l agentpool=<nodegroup-name>]
You can use the following init command options.
Table: init command options
Option | Description |
-i | MSDP operator images on your ACR or ECR. |
-s | The storage class name. |
-l | Node selector of the MSDP operator. By default, each node pool has a unique label with key-value pair.
If you have assigned a different and cluster-wise unique label for the node pool, you can use that instead of agentpool. |
-c | Core pattern of the operator pod. Default value: "/core/core.%e.%p.%t" |
-d | Enable debug-level logging in MSDP operator. |
-a | The maximum number of days to retain the old log files. Range: 1-365 Default value: 28 |
-u | The maximum number of old log files to retain. Range: 1-20 Default value: 20 |
-n | Namespace scope for this request. Default value: msdp-operator-system |
-o | Generate MSDP operator CRD YAML. |
-h | Help for the init command. |
This command installs Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) and deploys MSDP operator in the Kubernetes environment. MSDP operator runs with Deployment Kubernetes workload type with single replica size in the default namespace msdp-operator-system.
MSDP operator also exposes the following services:
Webhook service
The webhook service is consumed by Kubernetes api-server to mutate and validate the user inputs and changes of the MSDP CR for the MSDP Scaleout configuration.
Metrics service
AKS: The metric service is consumed by Kubernetes/AKS for Azure Container Insight integration.
EKS: The metric service is consumed by Kubernetes/EKS for Amazon CloudWatch integration.
You can deploy only one MSDP operator instance in a Kubernetes cluster.
Run the following command to check the MSDP operator status.
kubectl -n msdp-operator-system get pods -o wide