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NetBackup™ Deployment Guide for Kubernetes Clusters
Last Published:
NetBackup (10.2)
- Introduction
- Section I. Deployment
- Prerequisites for Kubernetes cluster configuration
- Deployment with environment operators
- Deploying NetBackup
- Primary and media server CR
- Deploying NetBackup using Helm charts
- Deploying MSDP Scaleout
- Deploying Snapshot Manager
- Section II. Monitoring and Management
- Monitoring NetBackup
- Monitoring MSDP Scaleout
- Monitoring Snapshot Manager
- Managing the Load Balancer service
- Managing MSDP Scaleout
- Performing catalog backup and recovery
- Section III. Maintenance
- MSDP Scaleout Maintenance
- Upgrading
- Uninstalling
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting AKS and EKS issues
- Troubleshooting AKS-specific issues
- Troubleshooting EKS-specific issues
- Troubleshooting AKS and EKS issues
- Appendix A. CR template
Resolving the certificate error issue in NetBackup operator pod logs
Following error is displayed in NetBackup operator pod logs when the primary server certificate is changed:
ERROR controller-runtime.manager.controller.environment Error defining desired resource {"reconciler group": "", "reconciler kind": "Environment", "name": "test-delete", "namespace": "netbackup-environment", "Type": "MSDPScaleout", "Resource": "dedupe1", "error": "Unable to get primary host UUID: Get \"\": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of \"crypto/rsa: verification error\" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate \"nbatd\")"}
To resolve this issue, restart the NetBackup operator by deleting the NetBackup operator pod using the following command:
kubectl delete <Netbackup-operator-pod-name> -n <namespace>