NetBackup™ Deployment Guide for Kubernetes Clusters
- Introduction
- Section I. Deployment
- Prerequisites for Kubernetes cluster configuration
- Deployment with environment operators
- Deploying NetBackup
- Primary and media server CR
- Deploying NetBackup using Helm charts
- Deploying MSDP Scaleout
- Deploying Snapshot Manager
- Section II. Monitoring and Management
- Monitoring NetBackup
- Monitoring MSDP Scaleout
- Monitoring Snapshot Manager
- Managing the Load Balancer service
- Managing MSDP Scaleout
- Performing catalog backup and recovery
- Section III. Maintenance
- MSDP Scaleout Maintenance
- Upgrading
- Uninstalling
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting AKS and EKS issues
- Troubleshooting AKS-specific issues
- Troubleshooting EKS-specific issues
- Troubleshooting AKS and EKS issues
- Appendix A. CR template
About the Load Balancer service
Key features of the Load Balancer service:
Load balancer services are created in primary server and media server deployment that allows you to access the NetBackup application from public domains.
In primary server or media server CR spec, networkLoadBalancer section is used for handling the IP address and DNS name allocation for load balancer services. This section combines to sub fields
, , and whereas these fields are optional. If is provided in CR spec, IP address count must match the replica count in case of media server CR whereas in case of primary server CR, only one IP address needs to be mentioned.The networkLoadBalancer section can be used to provide static IP address and DNS name allocation to the Load Balancer services.
In CR yaml, networkLoadBalancer is an optional field. If not defined in CR yaml, by default value of type is
and services are added with "true"
. In this case, by default internal load balancer is selected for deployment.If networkLoadBalancer section is not defined, by default internal load balancer with dynamic IP address allocation are done. In this case, DNS names for the services can be obtained from kubectl describe <CR name> -n <namespace> command.
in CR status using theWhenever,
in CR status is not in FQDN format, you must add entry of hostname and its corresponding IP address in/etc/host
to access the primary server and its corresponding IP address in hosts file of computer accessing the primary server. Hosts file is present at the following location:For Linux:
For Windows:
In case of media server, FQDN per media server replica is generated using
mentioned in media server CR and listed under status attributes of the media server CR.
The networkLoadBalancer section can be used to provide static IP address and DNS name allocation to the loadbalancer services. For more information to create and use static loadbalancer, see Microsoft documentation.
Static IP addresses and FQDN if used must be created before being used. Refer the below section:
Pre-allocation of static IP address and FQDN from resource group
In this case, it is required to provide the network resource group in annotations. This resource group is the resource group of load balancer public IPs that are in the same resource group as the cluster infrastructure (node resource group). This static FQDN and IP address must be valid in case of pod failure or upgrades scenarios as well.
In case user wants to use public load balancer, add
in networkLoadBalancer section in primary and media server section in environment CR.Example: In primary CR,
networkLoadBalancer: type: Public annotations: - resource-group:<name of network resource-group> ipList: - fqdn: ipAddr:
Media server section in environment CR -
networkLoadBalancer: annotations: - resource-group: ""<name of network resource-group>"" ipList: - fqdn: ipAddr: - fqdn: ipAddr:
NetBackup supports the network load balancer with AWS Load Balancer scheme as
.FQDN must be created before being used. Refer below sections for different allowed annotations to be used in CR spec.
User must add the following annotations: <subnet1 name>
In addition to the above annotations, if required user can add more annotations supported by AWS. For more information, see AWS Load Balancer Controller Annotations.
Example: CR spec in primary server,
networkLoadBalancer: type: Private annotations: <subnet1 name> ipList: ""
CR spec in media server,
networkLoadBalancer: type: Private annotations: <subnet1 name> ipList: "" ""
The IP address, the subnet provided in ipList and annotations in networkLoadBalancer section in CR spec must belong to same availability zone that of the node group.
The subnet provided here should be same as the one given in node pool used for primary server and media server.
If NetBackup client is outside VPC or to access Web UI from outside VPC, then client CIDR must be added with all NetBackup ports in security group rule of cluster. Run the following command, to obtain the cluster security group:
aws eks describe-cluster --name <my-cluster> --query cluster.resourcesVpcConfig.clusterSecurityGroupId
For more information on cluster security group, see Amazon EKS security group requirements and considerations.
Add inbound rule to security group. For more information, see Add rules to a security group.
Table: Preferred annotations
Annotations | Value | Description |
---|---|---| azure-load-balancer- internal | true or false | Specify whether the load balancer should be internal. Added by default when type is selected as in load balancer service annotations. | azure-load-balancer- internal-subnet | Name of the subnet | Specify which subnet the internal load balancer should be bound to. | azure-load-balancer -resource-group | Name of the resource group | Specify the resource group of load balancer public IPs that are not in the same resource group as the cluster infrastructure (node resource group). |
Primary server:
Used as bidirectional port. Primary server to/from media servers and primary server to/from client require this TCP port for communication.
Used to inbound to java nbwmc on the primary server.
Used to inbound to vnet proxy tunnel on the primary server. Also, this is used Nutanix workload, communication from primary server to the deduplication media server.
The MQBroker is listening on TCP port 13781. NetBackup client hosts - typically located behind a NAT gateway - be able to connect to the message queue broker (MQBroker) on the primary server.
Used by primary server for bpcd process.
Port 22
Used by NetBackup IT Analytics data collector for data collection.
Media server:
Used as bidirectional port. Primary server to/from media servers and primary server to/from client require this TCP port for communication.
Used by media server for bpcd process.
The Snapshot Manager user interface uses this port as the default HTTPS port.
The Snapshot Manager RabbitMQ server uses this port for internal service communications. This port must be open to support multiple agents, extensions, backup from snapshot, and restore from backup jobs.
(EKS-specific) 2049
It is used for Amazon EFS access.
For more information, see Source ports for working with EFS.
Add the NFS rule that allows traffic on port 2049 directly to the cluster security group. The security group attached to EFS must also allow traffic from port 2049.