NetBackup™ Deployment Guide for Kubernetes Clusters
- Introduction
- Section I. Deployment
- Prerequisites for Kubernetes cluster configuration
- Deployment with environment operators
- Deploying NetBackup
- Primary and media server CR
- Deploying NetBackup using Helm charts
- Deploying MSDP Scaleout
- Deploying Snapshot Manager
- Section II. Monitoring and Management
- Monitoring NetBackup
- Monitoring MSDP Scaleout
- Monitoring Snapshot Manager
- Managing the Load Balancer service
- Managing MSDP Scaleout
- Performing catalog backup and recovery
- Section III. Maintenance
- MSDP Scaleout Maintenance
- Upgrading
- Uninstalling
- Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting AKS and EKS issues
- Troubleshooting AKS-specific issues
- Troubleshooting EKS-specific issues
- Troubleshooting AKS and EKS issues
- Appendix A. CR template
Deploying the operators
To perform these steps, log on to the Linux workstation or VM where you have extracted the TAR file.
To deploy the operators
- Install the MSDP kubectl plug-in at some location which is set in the path environment variable of your shell. For example, copy the file
. - Run the following commands to load each of the product images to the local docker instance.
$ docker load -i netbackup-main-10.2.tar.gz
$ docker load -i netbackup-operator-10.2.tar.gz
$ docker load -i pdcluster-18.0.tar.gz
$ docker load -i pdde-18.0.tar.gz
$ docker load -i pdk8soptr-18.0.tar.gz
$ docker load -i netbackup-flexsnap-$(SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION).tar.gz
Run the command docker image ls to confirm that the product images are loaded properly to the docker cache.
- Run the following commands to re-tag the images to associate them with your container registry, keep the image name and version same as original:
(AKS-specific) $ REGISTRY=<> (Replace with your own container registry name)
(EKS-specific) $ REGISTRY=<<AccountID>.dkr.ecr.<region>
$ docker tag netbackup/main:10.2 ${REGISTRY}/netbackup/main:10.2
$ docker tag netbackup/operator:10.2 ${REGISTRY}/netbackup/operator:10.2
$ docker tag uss-engine:18.0 ${REGISTRY}/uss-engine:18.0
$ docker tag uss-controller:18.0 ${REGISTRY}/uss-controller:18.0
$ docker tag uss-mds:18.0 ${REGISTRY}/uss-mds:18.0
$ docker tag msdp-operator:18.0 ${REGISTRY}/msdp-operator:18.0
$ docker tag veritas/flexsnap-certauth:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION} ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-certauth:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
$ docker tag veritas/flexsnap-rabbitmq:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION} ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-rabbitmq:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
$ docker tag veritas/flexsnap-fluentd:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION} ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-fluentd:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
$ docker tag veritas/flexsnap-datamover:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION} ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-datamover:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
$ docker tag veritas/flexsnap-nginx:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION} ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-nginx:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
$ docker tag veritas/flexsnap-mongodb:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION} ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-mongodb:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
$ docker tag veritas/flexsnap-core:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION} ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-core:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
$ docker tag veritas/flexsnap-deploy:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION} ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-deploy:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
- (EKS-specific) Login using the following command:
docker login -u AWS -p $(aws ecr get-login-password --region <region-name>) <account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region-name>
If the repository is not created, then create the repository using the following command:
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name <image-name> --region <region-name>
For example, aws ecr create-repository --repository-name veritas/flexsnap-datamover --region us-east-2
- Run the following commands to push the images to the container registry.
$ docker push ${REGISTRY}/netbackup/main:10.2
$ docker push ${REGISTRY}/netbackup/operator:10.2
$ docker push ${REGISTRY}/uss-engine:18.0
$ docker push ${REGISTRY}/uss-controller:18.0
$ docker push ${REGISTRY}/uss-mds:18.0
$ docker push ${REGISTRY}/msdp-operator:18.0
$ docker push ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-certauth:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
$ docker push ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-rabbitmq:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
$ docker push ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-fluentd:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
$ docker push ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-datamover:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
$ docker push ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-nginx:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
$ docker push ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-mongodb:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
$ docker push ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-core:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
$ docker push ${REGISTRY}/veritas/flexsnap-deploy:${SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION}
- Create a namespace for deploying the NetBackup and MSDP Scaleout operators. These instructions use the default netbackup-operator-system namespace but a custom namespace is also supported, run:
$ kubectl create namespace netbackup-operator-system
- Install the MSDP Scaleout operator in the created namespace, using this command. To run this command you must define a full image name in step 3, define a storage class for storing logs from the MSDP operator, and define node selector labels (optional) for scheduling the MSDP operator pod on specific nodes. See Prerequisites.
$ kubectl msdp init --image ${REGISTRY}/msdp-operator:18.0 --storageclass x --namespace netbackup-operator-system -l key1=value1
- To verify that the MSDP Scaleout operator is running, run:
$ kubectl get all --namespace netbackup-operator-system
Here, we are using the namespace created in step 5.
The msdp-operator pod should show status as Running.
- In this step, configure the namespace, image name, and node selector to use for the NetBackup operator image by editing the provided configuration yaml files.
(Optional) Perform this step only when using a custom namespace. Edit the file
and change `namespace` to your custom namespace. For example: namespace: my-custom-namespaceEdit the file
and change newName and newTag. For example:images: - name: netbackupoperator newName: newTag: 'SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION'
Edit the
file to add or remove node selectors and toleration that control what nodes Kubernetes may schedule the operator to run on. Use the key value pair same as given during cloud node creation. For example:nodeSelector: nbpool: nbnodes # Support node taints by adding pod tolerations equal to the
specified nodeSelectors # For Toleartion NODE_SELECTOR_KEY used as a key and
NODE_SELECTOR_VALUE as a value. tolerations: - key: nbpool operator: "Equal" value: nbnodes
- Configure the namespace, image name, and node selector to use for NetBackup Snapshot Manager operator image by editing the provided configuration yaml files. Edit the
file and change newName and newTag. Also change Snapshot Manager operator's node selector and toleration (CONTROL_NODE_KEY and CONTROL_NODE_VALUE).The value of CONTROL_NODE_KEY and CONTROL_NODE_VALUE should match with the value of the fields listed in operator/patches/operator_patch.yaml > nodeSelector (labelKey, labelValue) and tolerations (key, value), so that the Snapshot Manager operator will also run on the same node as NetBackup operator. For example:
images: - name: cloudpointoperator newName: newTag: 'SNAPSHOT_MANAGER_VERSION' patches: - target: kind: Deployment name: flexsnap-operator patch: | - op: replace path: /spec/template/spec/tolerations/0/key value: nbu-control-pool - op: replace path: /spec/template/spec/tolerations/0/value value: nbupool - op: replace path: /spec/template/spec/affinity/nodeAffinity/ requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution/nodeSelectorTerms/0/matchExpressions/0/key value: nbu-control-pool - op: replace path: /spec/template/spec/affinity/nodeAffinity/ requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution/nodeSelectorTerms/0/matchExpressions/0/values/0 value: nbupool
- To install the NetBackup and Snapshot Manager operator, run the following command from the installer's root directory:
$ kubectl apply -k operator
- To verify if the operators are running, run:
$ kubectl get all --namespace netbackup-operator-system
Verify that
STATUS is showing as Running.