Veritas NetBackup™ Troubleshooting Guide
- Introduction
- Troubleshooting procedures
- Troubleshooting NetBackup problems
- Troubleshooting vnetd proxy connections
- Troubleshooting security certificate revocation
- Verifying host name and service entries in NetBackup
- Frozen media troubleshooting considerations
- Troubleshooting problems with the NetBackup web services
- Resolving PBX problems
- Troubleshooting problems with validation of the remote host
- Troubleshooting Auto Image Replication
- Using NetBackup utilities
- About the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- About the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- About the robotic test utilities
- About the NetBackup Smart Diagnosis (nbsmartdiag) utility
- Disaster recovery
- About disk recovery procedures for UNIX and Linux
- About clustered NetBackup server recovery for UNIX and Linux
- About disk recovery procedures for Windows
- About clustered NetBackup server recovery for Windows
- About recovering the NetBackup catalog
- About NetBackup catalog recovery and OpsCenter
- About recovering the entire NetBackup catalog
- About recovering the NetBackup catalog image files
- About recovering the NetBackup relational database
Troubleshooting backup failures
Backup fails with the following peer host validation error: Certificate operation failed because NetBackup CA certificates cannot be used for host communication in the domain.
Possible reasons for the failure are:
The master server (web server) is configured to use only external CA-signed certificates, but the media server or the clients are not configured to use external certificates. Their external certificates are not enrolled with the master server domain.
The master server (web server) is configured to use only external CA-signed certificates, but the media server or the clients are still not upgraded to 8.2 or later.
Check the master server certificate authority (CA) configuration using the nbcertcmd -getsecconfig -caUsage command, the NetBackup Administration Console, or the NetBackup Web UI.
If the web server is configured to use only external certificates, do the following:
Identify the two hosts for which the communication fails.
Check if any of the two hosts is 8.2 or later, but is not configured to use external certificates.
If it is true, enroll an external certificate for the host with the master server domain.
Check if any of the two hosts is 8.1.x.
If it is true, upgrade the host to 8.2 or later and enroll an external certificate for the host with the master server domain or configure the web server to use both external and NetBackup certificates.
Clear the cache memory on the hosts using the following command:
bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache
Check vnet proxy logs at: install_path/logs/nbpxyhelper.
Check the web service logs at: install_path/logs/nbwebservice