Veritas NetBackup™ Troubleshooting Guide
- Introduction
- Troubleshooting procedures
- Troubleshooting NetBackup problems
- Troubleshooting vnetd proxy connections
- Troubleshooting security certificate revocation
- Verifying host name and service entries in NetBackup
- Frozen media troubleshooting considerations
- Troubleshooting problems with the NetBackup web services
- Resolving PBX problems
- Troubleshooting problems with validation of the remote host
- Troubleshooting Auto Image Replication
- Using NetBackup utilities
- About the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- About the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- About the robotic test utilities
- About the NetBackup Smart Diagnosis (nbsmartdiag) utility
- Disaster recovery
- About disk recovery procedures for UNIX and Linux
- About clustered NetBackup server recovery for UNIX and Linux
- About disk recovery procedures for Windows
- About clustered NetBackup server recovery for Windows
- About recovering the NetBackup catalog
- About NetBackup catalog recovery and OpsCenter
- About recovering the entire NetBackup catalog
- About recovering the NetBackup catalog image files
- About recovering the NetBackup relational database
vnetd proxy connection requirements
For communication within the same NetBackup domain:
Host ID-based certificates and a certificate revocation list must be present on all NetBackup 8.1 and later hosts.
The NetBackup global security settings configure how NetBackup provisions certificates.
Verify the global settings under Security Management in the NetBackup Administration Console.
To observe the certificates that NetBackup uses between hosts, use the -verbose option with the bptestbpcd -host command and option and with the bpclntcmd -pn command and option.
Host IDs must be mapped for host names on all NetBackup 8.1 and later hosts.
The NetBackup global security settings configure how NetBackup maps host IDs to name.
Verify the global settings under Security Management in the NetBackup Administration Console. Alternatively, you can use the following command and option:
install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbseccmd -getsecurityconfig -autoaddhostmapping
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbseccmd -getsecurityconfig -autoaddhostmapping
For NetBackup hosts earlier than 8.1, you must allow insecure communication.
The NetBackup global security settings configure if NetBackup can communicate with hosts earlier than 8.1.
Verify the global settings under Security Management in the NetBackup Administration Console. Alternatively, you can use the following command and option:
install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\nbseccmd -getsecurityconfig -insecurecommunication
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbseccmd -getsecurityconfig -insecurecommunication
The NetBackup web services on the master server must be active. To confirm that they are active, use the following NetBackup command and option:
Windows: install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\nbcertcmd -ping
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbcertcmd -ping
If the master server is configured to use external CA-signed certificates, the hosts should enroll their external CA-signed certificates with the appropriate master server domain.
For more information on external CA support and certificate enrollment, refer to the NetBackup Security and Encryption Guide.
For Auto Image Replication, host ID-based certificates from the source master server are required on all of the trusted master servers in the destination domains.
If the master server is configured to use external CA-signed certificates, ensure that trust is established between the source and target master servers using external CA-signed certificates.
For more information, see the NetBackup Deduplication Guide.