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Veritas NetBackup™ Troubleshooting Guide
Last Published:
NetBackup (9.1)
- Introduction
- Troubleshooting procedures
- Troubleshooting NetBackup problems
- Troubleshooting vnetd proxy connections
- Troubleshooting security certificate revocation
- Verifying host name and service entries in NetBackup
- Frozen media troubleshooting considerations
- Troubleshooting problems with the NetBackup web services
- Resolving PBX problems
- Troubleshooting problems with validation of the remote host
- Troubleshooting Auto Image Replication
- Using NetBackup utilities
- About the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- About the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- About the robotic test utilities
- About the NetBackup Smart Diagnosis (nbsmartdiag) utility
- Disaster recovery
- About disk recovery procedures for UNIX and Linux
- About clustered NetBackup server recovery for UNIX and Linux
- About disk recovery procedures for Windows
- About clustered NetBackup server recovery for Windows
- About recovering the NetBackup catalog
- About NetBackup catalog recovery and OpsCenter
- About recovering the entire NetBackup catalog
- About recovering the NetBackup catalog image files
- About recovering the NetBackup relational database
- about restoring disaster recovery package, About restoring disaster recovery package
- acstest, Robotic tests on Windows
- AdvancedDisk, About disk recovery procedures for UNIX and Linux, About disk recovery procedures for Windows
- Alternate client restores
- host.xlate file, About troubleshooting networks and host names
- archiving
- Auth User
- for PBX, Checking that PBX is set correctly
- auto-configuration problems, Device configuration problem resolution
- Bare Metal Restore, Recommended backup practices, About recovering the master server disk for UNIX and Linux, Recovering a Windows client disk
- bp.conf
- SERVER entries, About SERVER entries in the bp.conf file
- bp.kill_all, Troubleshooting PBX security, Determining if the PBX daemon or service is available
- bp.start_all, Determining if the PBX daemon or service is available
- bpdown command, Troubleshooting PBX security, Determining if the PBX daemon or service is available, Recovering the master server with Windows intact, Recovering the master server and Windows
- bpps, Verifying that all processes are running on UNIX servers
- bpup command, Determining if the PBX daemon or service is available
- bundling
- catalog backups
- disaster recovery packages, Disaster recovery packages
- catalog recovery
- catalog image files, About recovering the NetBackup catalog image files
- clustered master server, About recovering the NetBackup catalog image files
- certificate revocation list
- determining if a certificate is revoked, Determining a NetBackup host's certificate state
- client
- NetBackup
- configured name, About troubleshooting networks and host names
- installation problems, Troubleshooting installation problems
- multiple hostnames, About troubleshooting networks and host names
- peername, About troubleshooting networks and host names
- testing configuration, Testing the master server and clients, Testing the media server and clients
- Client Properties dialog, Using the Host Properties window to access configuration settings
- client, NetBackup
- Windows disk recovery, Recovering a Windows client disk
- communications problems
- compression
- configuration problems, Troubleshooting configuration problems
- debug logs
- analysis utilities, About the analysis utilities for NetBackup debug logs
- debugging
- device configuration problems, Device configuration problem resolution
- Device Configuration Wizard, Recovering the master server with Windows intact
- disaster recovery
- preparing for disaster, About disaster recovery
- disaster recovery package, Disaster recovery packages
- disk full, Resolving full disk problems
- disk recovery
- Windows client, Recovering a Windows client disk
- disk space
- for logs and temporary files, Extra disk space required for logs and temporary files for the NetBackup Administration Console
- duplex mode and performance, Troubleshooting network interface card performance
- E-mail, Recommended backup practices
- extra disk space for logs and temporary files, Extra disk space required for logs and temporary files for the NetBackup Administration Console
- full disk, Resolving full disk problems
- full duplex mode, Troubleshooting network interface card performance
- Half duplex and poor performance, Troubleshooting network interface card performance
- host name entries
- Host Properties, Using the Host Properties window to access configuration settings
- host validation logs, Viewing logs pertaining to host validation
- host.xlate file, About troubleshooting networks and host names
- ifconfig
- for checking NIC duplex mode, Troubleshooting network interface card performance
- inetd, Troubleshooting installation problems
- Information E-mail, Recommended backup practices
- installation
- installation problems, Troubleshooting installation problems
- ipconfig
- for checking NIC duplex mode, Troubleshooting network interface card performance
- jobs
- queued for long periods, Resolving full disk problems
- KMS configuration
- troubleshooting, Issues with KMS configuration
- Linux, Troubleshooting installation problems
- log analysis utilities
- debug logs, About the analysis utilities for NetBackup debug logs
- limitations, About the analysis utilities for NetBackup debug logs
- output format, About the analysis utilities for NetBackup debug logs
- master server
- media server
- test procedure, Testing the media server and clients
- NB_dbsrv daemon, Resolving full disk problems
- archiving and compression, Output from the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- does the following, About the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- introduction, About the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- location of, About the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- nbcc-info.txt file, About the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- Notes on running, About the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- output, Output from the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- progress display, Example of an NBCC progress display
- troubleshooting, About the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- when to use, About the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- nbcc-info.txt file, About the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- nbdb_move, Recovering the master server with Windows intact
- nbemm, Verifying that all processes are running on UNIX servers
- nbftclnt
- and bp.conf, About SERVER entries in the bp.conf file
- nbjm, Verifying that all processes are running on UNIX servers
- nbpem, Verifying that all processes are running on UNIX servers
- nbrb, Verifying that all processes are running on UNIX servers, Resolving full disk problems
- NBSD, About the NetBackup Smart Diagnosis (nbsmartdiag) utility
- nbsmartdiag, About the NetBackup Smart Diagnosis (nbsmartdiag) utility
- nbsu
- archiving and compression, Output from the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- bundling, Output from the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- introduction, About the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- location of, About the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- nbsu_info.txt file, About the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- output files, Output from the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- progress display, Example of a progress display for the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- troubleshooting, About the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- when to use, About the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- nbsu_info.txt file, About the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- NetBackup
- if unresponsive, Resolving full disk problems
- NetBackup Administration Console
- NetBackup Authentication service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Client Service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Compatibility service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup consistency check
- NetBackup Database Manager service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Deduplication Engine service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Deduplication Manager service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Device Manager service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Discovery Framework service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Enterprise Media Manager service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Event Manager service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Indexing Manager service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Job Manager service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Legacy Client Service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Policy Execution Manager service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Relational Database Manager, Resolving full disk problems
- NetBackup Relational Database Manager Service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Remote Manager and Monitor Service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Request Daemon service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Resource Broker service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Service Layer service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Service Monitor service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Smart Diagnosis, About the NetBackup Smart Diagnosis (nbsmartdiag) utility
- NetBackup Storage Lifecycle Manager service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Support Utility
- NetBackup Vault Manager service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Volume Manager service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackup Web Management Console service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- NetBackupDeduplication Multi-Threaded Agent service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- network connections
- network interface cards, Troubleshooting network interface card performance
- network problems
- NIC cards and full duplex, Troubleshooting network interface card performance
- patches (installing during recovery), Recovering a Windows client disk
- Auth User, Checking that PBX is set correctly
- logging, Accessing the PBX logs
- Secure Mode, Checking that PBX is set correctly, Troubleshooting PBX security
- starting, Checking that PBX is running
- starting/stopping, Troubleshooting PBX security
- troubleshooting, Resolving PBX problems
- pbx_exchange, Checking that PBX is running
- pbxcfg, Checking that PBX is set correctly
- peer validation failure, Examine the log files of the connecting and accepting processes
- preliminary troubleshooting procedure, Troubleshooting NetBackup problems
- Private Branch Exchange (PBX), Resolving PBX problems
- Private Branch Exchange service
- start and stop, Verifying that all processes are running on Windows servers
- procedures
- recovery
- Windows client disk, Recovering a Windows client disk
- troubleshooting
- communications problems, Resolving network communication problems with UNIX clients, Resolving network communication problems with Windows clients
- host names and services, Verifying host name and service entries in NetBackup
- installation and configuration, Troubleshooting installation problems
- introduction, About troubleshooting procedures
- master server and clients, Testing the master server and clients
- media server and clients, Testing the media server and clients
- preliminary, Troubleshooting NetBackup problems
- queued jobs, Resolving full disk problems
- recording information, Troubleshooting a problem
- recovery procedures
- Windows client disk, Recovering a Windows client disk
- RedHat, Troubleshooting installation problems
- relational database, Resolving full disk problems
- remote host validation issues
- troubleshooting, Troubleshooting problems with validation of the remote host
- restoring disaster recovery package
- revoked certificate failure, Test the vnetd proxy connections
- robotic test utility, About the robotic test utilities
- acstest, Robotic tests on Windows
- tldtest, Robotic tests on UNIX, Robotic tests on Windows
- robtest, Robotic tests on UNIX, Robotic tests on Windows
- SAN client
- and bp.conf, About SERVER entries in the bp.conf file
- Secure Mode
- for PBX, Checking that PBX is set correctly
- server
- installation problems, Troubleshooting installation problems
- test procedure for master, Testing the master server and clients, Testing the media server and clients
- test procedure for media server, Testing the media server and clients
- SERVER entries
- services entries
- SharedDisk, About disk recovery procedures for UNIX and Linux, About disk recovery procedures for Windows
- slow performance and NIC cards, Troubleshooting network interface card performance
- starting NetBackup processes, Determining if the PBX daemon or service is available
- stderr, Troubleshooting error messages in the NetBackup Administration Console
- stdout, Troubleshooting error messages in the NetBackup Administration Console
- stopping NetBackup processes, Troubleshooting PBX security, Determining if the PBX daemon or service is available
- storage units, About unavailable storage unit problems
- SuSE, Troubleshooting installation problems
- test utility
- robotic, About the robotic test utilities
- tldtest, Robotic tests on UNIX, Robotic tests on Windows
- tpautoconf, Recovering the master server when the root partition is lost
- traceroute, About troubleshooting networks and host names
- tracert, About troubleshooting networks and host names
- troubleshooting
- KMS configuration issues, Issues with KMS configuration
- Troubleshooting error messages in the NetBackup Administration Console for UNIX, Troubleshooting error messages in the NetBackup Administration Console
- troubleshooting issues for NAT clients, Troubleshooting backup failure issues with NAT clients or NAT servers
- troubleshooting issues with the nbmqbroker service, Troubleshooting issues with the NetBackup Messaging Broker (or nbmqbroker) service
- troubleshooting issues with the NetBackup Messaging Broker service, Troubleshooting issues with the NetBackup Messaging Broker (or nbmqbroker) service
- troubleshooting procedure
- communication problems
- general
- master server and clients, Testing the master server and clients, Testing the media server and clients
- media server and clients, Testing the media server and clients
- host name and services entries, Verifying host name and service entries in NetBackup
- installation, Troubleshooting installation problems
- preliminary, Troubleshooting NetBackup problems
- unavailable, About unavailable storage unit problems
- utility
- robotic test, About the robotic test utilities
- vnetd proxy
- troubleshooting, Where to begin to troubleshoot vnetd proxy connections
- vnetd proxy connections
- peer validation failure, Examine the log files of the connecting and accepting processes
- revoked certificate failure, Test the vnetd proxy connections
- troubleshooting, Troubleshooting vnetd proxy connections
- Volume Configuration Wizard, Recovering the master server with Windows intact
- vxpbx_exchanged, Troubleshooting PBX security
- web services account
- during recovery, Recovering the master server when root is intact, Recovering the master server when the root partition is lost, Replacing a failed node on a UNIX or Linux cluster, Recovering the entire UNIX or Linux cluster, Recovering the master server with Windows intact, Recovering the master server and Windows, Replacing a failed node on a Windows VCS cluster, Recovering the entire Windows VCS cluster