Veritas Access Appliance 8.2 Solutions Guide for NetBackup

Last Published:
Product(s): Appliances (8.2)
Platform: Veritas 3340,Veritas 3350,Veritas 3360
  1. Access Appliance integration with NetBackup
      About Access Appliance as a NetBackup client
      About Access Appliance as backup storage for NetBackup
      Use cases for long-term data retention
  2. System requirements
      Supported configurations and versions for NetBackup with Veritas Data Deduplication
      Supported configurations and versions for NetBackup with MSDP-C
  3. Configuring Veritas Data Deduplication with Access Appliance
      About Veritas Data Deduplication
      Benefits of using Veritas Data Deduplication with Access Appliance
      Supported features with different versions of Veritas Data Deduplication
    4. Configuring Veritas Data Deduplication without WORM
        Configuring Veritas Data Deduplication using the GUI
        Configuring Veritas Data Deduplication using the Access CLISH
    5. Configuring Veritas Data Deduplication with WORM
        Configuring Veritas Data Deduplication with WORM using GUI
        Configuring Veritas Data Deduplication with WORM using the Access CLISH
      Managing Veritas Data Deduplication using the Access CLISH
    7. Managing Veritas Data Deduplication using GUI
        Viewing information about Veritas Data Deduplication
        Starting or stopping the Veritas Data Deduplication service
        Increasing storage for Veritas Data Deduplication
        Unconfiguring Veritas Data Deduplication
        Adding secondary IP for Veritas Data Deduplication
        Deleting secondary IP for Veritas Data Deduplication
        Changing the primary IP for Veritas Data Deduplication
        Upgrade the deduplication version for Veritas Data Deduplication
        Setting affinity node for Veritas Data Deduplication
    8. Accessing Access Appliance storage shell for management tasks
      1. About the Access Appliance storage server shell
        1. About the dedupe command
            Stopping and starting the MSDP services
          About the retention command
          About the setting command
          About the support command
      Support for multiple domains across networks for Veritas Data Deduplication
      Veritas Data Deduplication storage layout
      Configuring a Veritas Data Deduplication storage unit on NetBackup
      Configuring global deduplication using the Veritas Data Deduplication storage server across the domain
      Enabling Veritas Data Deduplication encryption
      Support for bandwidth throttling during duplication
      Setting up secure communication between Veritas Data Deduplication on Access Appliance and the NetBackup primary server
      About MSDP encryption using NetBackup KMS service
    17. Support for NetBackup Auto Image Replication
        Separating the duplication and replication network
      Setting up Auto Image Replication (AIR) between two Access Appliances which have secure communication enabled
  4. NetBackup Dedupe Direct for Oracle
      Support for NetBackup Dedupe Direct for Oracle
  5. Configuring MSDP-C with Access Appliance
      Starting the Access S3 server and provisioning the S3 bucket
      Configuring Access S3 bucket with NetBackup MSDP-C
  6. Migrating the NetBackup images from existing storage to Veritas Access storage
      Migrating NetBackup images from CloudCatalyst/S3/MSDP-C to Veritas Data Deduplication storage
      Migrating the NetBackup images from the Veritas Data Deduplication STU to the MSDP-C STU
  7. Configuring Access Appliance with the NetBackup client
      Configuring Access Appliance for NetBackup client
      Installing the NetBackup client add-on packages
      Prerequisites for configuring the NetBackup client
      Configuring the NetBackup client
      Adding an optional media server
      Adding multiple primary servers
      Adding file systems to the backup configuration
      Removing file systems from backup configuration
      Changing the virtual IP address used by the NetBackup client
      Upgrade the NetBackup client
      Unconfiguring the NetBackup client
      Enabling Veritas Data Deduplication catalog backup with NetBackup client
      Disabling Veritas Data Deduplication catalog backup from NetBackup client
      Displaying the status of NetBackup services
      Configuring backup operations using NetBackup or other third-party backup applications
      Restoring filesystems backed up with NetBackup client
  8. Configuring isolated recovery environment (IRE)
      Configuring the network isolation
      Configuring an isolated recovery environment using the command line
      Configuring an isolated recovery environment on a storage server
      Managing an isolated recovery environment on a storage server
      Configuring data transmission between a production environment and an IRE storage server
  9. Troubleshooting
      Additional resources
      Generating Access Appliance S3 server keys using the helper script

Support for NetBackup Auto Image Replication

You can use the NetBackup Auto Image Replication (AIR) feature to replicate from one media to another media with Veritas Data Deduplication storage: You have to create a trust relationship between two NetBackup primary/media servers to configure NetBackup AIR.

To set up trust between NetBackup primary servers

  1. Log on to the NetBackup primary server (NBU1) from the web UI.
  2. Navigate to Hosts > Host properties. Select the Edit primary server tab.
  3. Click on Servers > Trusted primary servers. Click Add. Provide the target NetBackup primary server (NBU2) FQDN. Click on the Validate Certificate Authority option.
  4. After verifying the CA fingerprint, click Next.
  5. Generate token on the target NetBackup primary server (NBU2) and use it for authentication. Or, you can specify the target NetBackup primary server (NBU2) credentials for authentication. Click on Create trust. The NetBackup primary server (NBU2) is listed in the Trusted primary servers tab.
  6. Repeat the same steps on the target NetBackup primary server (NBU2) to set up trust with the NetBackup primary server (NBU1).

To configure storage servers for NetBackup Auto Image replication (AIR)

  1. Configure the deduplication servers on the Access Appliances (both source and target) for AIR configuration.
  2. In case of AIR with KMS Encryption support, See Setting up Auto Image Replication (AIR) between two Access Appliances which have secure communication enabled.
  3. Add storage servers on the target NetBackup primary server ( NBU2) with the target Access Appliance MSDP server's FQDN and credentials.
  4. Log on to the target NetBackup primary server (NBU2) with the web UI. Navigate to Storage > Storage configuration > Add Storage server. Configure the storage server, disk pool and STU to complete the storage server configuration on the target.
  5. Log on to the source NetBackup primary server (NBU1) with the web UI. Navigate to Storage > Storage configuration > Add Storage server. Add the storage server.
  6. While adding the MSDP disk pool, add the replication target. Select the trusted primary server (NBU2) and the target storage server.

    Scroll down and provide login credentials for the replication target storage servers. Click Add.

  7. Review the MSDP pool configuration and click Finish.
  8. Create an STU to complete the storage server configuration for the source.
  9. Relogin to the target NetBackup primary (NBU2 and navigate to the earlier configured disk pool. Click on the disk pool name and navigate to replication target option. Click Add.
  10. Select a trusted primary server (NBU1) and storage server. Enter the password for the deduplication service on the storage server.
  11. Verify that the replication target is added.

NetBackup AIR process:

  1. Backup - This is performed on the originating primary server (source domain, NBU1). Clients are backed up according to a backup policy that is indicated by the SLP specified in the Policy storage selection. The SLP must include at least one replication operation to a similar storage in the target domain.

  2. Duplication - Images are duplicated to the source domain secondary storage server.

  3. Replication - Images are replicated from the source domain to the target domain.

  4. Device notifies NetBackup - The storage server in the target domain recognizes that a replication event has occurred. It notifies the NetBackup primary server in the target domain.

  5. Import - NetBackup imports the image immediately, based on an SLP that contains an import operation. NetBackup can import the image quickly because the metadata is replicated as part of the image.

To create Storage LifeCycle Policy (SLP) for AIR

  1. Create SLP Policy (import) on the target: cluster.
    • On the target NetBackup primary (NBU2), navigate to Storage > Storage lifecycle policies. Click Add.

    • Provide the SLP name. Click Add to add the import operation. Select Import from the drop-down. Select the destination storage STU. Click Create.

    • Verify the import operation, storage and SLP name. Click Create.

    • Verify that the Import SLP has been added.

  2. Create SLP Policy (backup, duplication and replication) on the source NetBackup primary (NBU1):
    • Log on to the source NetBackup primary (NBU1). Navigate to Storage > Storage lifecycle policies. Click Add.

    • Provide the SLP name. Click Add.

    • Select Backup from the drop-down. Select the destination storage pool as the local MSDP pool which stores the primary data backup. Provide retention type and retention period. Click Create.

    • Select the created backup operation on the SLP window, click on Add child to add the duplication operation as a child for backup operation.

    • Set the destination storage attributes.

    • Select the created duplication operation on the SLP window. Click Add child to add the replication operation as a child for duplication operation.

    • Set the destination storage attributes. Choose the target primary server and target import SLP policy.

    • Verify that the backup, duplication and replication operations are added correctly. Click Create.

  3. On the source NetBackup primary server (NBU1), create a policy and select the policy storage as the SLP you created. Configure the policy Attributes, Schedules, Clients and Backup selections.
  4. Run the policy manually. The backup job is responsible for the data backup. The duplication job is responsible for duplicating backed up data on source storage server. The replication job is responsible for the replication of data to the target NetBackup primary server.
  5. On the target NetBackup primary server (NBU2), verify that the Activity monitor lists the import job.