Veritas Access Appliance 8.2 Solutions Guide for NetBackup
- Access Appliance integration with NetBackup
- System requirements
- Configuring Veritas Data Deduplication with Access Appliance
- Configuring Veritas Data Deduplication without WORM
- Configuring Veritas Data Deduplication with WORM
- Managing Veritas Data Deduplication using GUI
- Accessing Access Appliance storage shell for management tasks
- Support for NetBackup Auto Image Replication
- NetBackup Dedupe Direct for Oracle
- Configuring MSDP-C with Access Appliance
- Migrating the NetBackup images from existing storage to Veritas Access storage
- Configuring Access Appliance with the NetBackup client
- Configuring isolated recovery environment (IRE)
- Troubleshooting
Configuring Veritas Data Deduplication with WORM
You can configure Veritas Data Deduplication with WORM using both the Access Appliance GUI and command-line interface. Veritas recommends that you configure Veritas Data Deduplication usng the GUI as it ensures that the configuration is performed with the appropriate filesystem size, and volume layout along with catalog filesystem creation.
You can configure Veritas Data Deduplication with WORM when the lockdown mode is Enterprise or Compliance.
For more information, see the About lockdown modes section in the Access Appliance Administrator's Guide.
When you provision storage using the GUI or the command-line interface, specify the storage pool size and the size configured for Veritas Data Deduplication in MiB, GiB, TiB, or PiB. You can also specify the input size in decimal values.
Two Veritas Data Deduplication pools are supported on Access Appliance. The pools can be any combination of WORM and non-WORM instances. Veritas supports converting an existing Veritas Data Deduplication pool (without WORM) to a Veritas Data Deduplication pool with WORM.
You can enable Veritas Data Deduplication with WORM using the following command:
# dedupe enable-worm <minret> <maxret> <config_name>
minret | Specifies the minimum image retention period. It can contain: [1-9](s|S). |
maxret | Specifies the maximum image retention period. It can contain: [1-9](s|S). |
config_name | Name for the deduplication service. Default value is msdp-engine. Note: This is an optional parameter when the first deduplication server is configured. It is mandatory when you configure the second deduplication server. |
Access Appliance supports in-line migration of non-WORM Veritas Data Deduplication server to a WORM capable Veritas Data Deduplication server. When you upgrade to Access 8.1, non-WORM Veritas Data Deduplication server is unconfigured and has to reconfigured again. Once it is reconfigured, you can change the lockdown mode from Normal to either Enterprise or Compliance mode. Then, you can change the deduplication pool to a WORM capable pool using the dedupe enable worm command. This command converts the existing non-WORM pool to a WORM capable pool, without any loss of data. You must update the storage unit in the NetBackup primary server to enable WORM on it so that the new images getting duplicated to this STU are WORM-enabled. Alternatively, you can continue to use the existing STU for storing non-WORM backups and create a new STU which is WORM-enabled, for storing WORM-enabled backups.
The old images stored in the pool are not WORM-enabled. To make the older images WORM-enabled:
Method 1
Duplicate the non-WORM images from the Access Appliance storage pool to another Veritas Data Deduplication or MSDP-C storage pool.
Expire these images from the Access Appliance storage pool.
Duplicate these images back onto the Access Appliance storage pool using the WORM-enabled storage unit.
Method 2
You can convert non-WORM images to WORM-enabled images using the NetBackup GUI.
Update the disk pool in the NetBackup UI to refresh the WORM status of the pool.
Create a new storage unit using the same disk pool, and select the
option for the new storage unit.Using NetBackup UI, list down all the images in the catalog.
Select the
option for each image, and select the WORM enabled STU.
Method 3
You can convert non-WORM images to WORM-enabled images using the NetBackup command line.
Run the bpimagelist command to list down the images you want to duplicate.
Run the bpduplicate command to duplicate the images to the WORM STU.