Veritas Access Appliance 8.2 Solutions Guide for NetBackup
- Access Appliance integration with NetBackup
- System requirements
- Configuring Veritas Data Deduplication with Access Appliance
- Configuring Veritas Data Deduplication without WORM
- Configuring Veritas Data Deduplication with WORM
- Managing Veritas Data Deduplication using GUI
- Accessing Access Appliance storage shell for management tasks
- Support for NetBackup Auto Image Replication
- NetBackup Dedupe Direct for Oracle
- Configuring MSDP-C with Access Appliance
- Migrating the NetBackup images from existing storage to Veritas Access storage
- Configuring Access Appliance with the NetBackup client
- Configuring isolated recovery environment (IRE)
- Troubleshooting
Managing Veritas Data Deduplication using the Access CLISH
This section describes the various operations that you can perform on the deduplication server using the Access CLISH.
To change the user password
- You can change the password of the deduplication server user.
To change the password, enter the following:
Dedupe> passwd user_name config_name
You are prompted to enter your current password and the new password. After you confirm the new password, the password gets updated.
If the user is not present on NetBackup, you have to add the user on the NetBackup server.
# /usr/openv/pdde/pdcr/bin/spauser -a -u user_name
You also must update the password on NetBackup if you have updated the password for the Veritas Data Deduplication server from Access Appliance.
# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -update -stype PureDisk -storage_server IP address -sts_user_id user_name
To start the deduplication storage server
- The storage server is started on the node on which affinity is set. If only one storage server is configured and affinity is not set, the server starts on the node on which the virtual IP, which you specified in the dedupe config command is online.
To start the deduplication storage server, enter the following:
Dedupe> start config_name
The deduplication storage server should be already configured before you start the deduplication storage server.
If config_name is not specified, all the deduplication servers that are in stopped state are started.
To display information the deduplication storage server
- To display information about the deduplication storage server, enter the following:
Dedupe> show config_name
If config_name is not specified, the details of all the configured deduplication servers are displayed.
The information includes details such as the file system(s) being used, the IP, and the cluster node on which the server is running, affinity, encryption, shrink status and errors.
To display the deduplication storage server statistics
- To display the deduplication storage server statistics, enter the following:
Dedupe> stats config_name
The information includes details like total storage size, free storage, and deduplication ratio. The deduplication storage server should be online for this operation.
If the deduplication server is offline, the values of the attributes are displayed as "-". If config_name is not specified, the statistics of all the configured deduplication servers are displayed.
To show the status of the deduplication storage server
- To show the status of the deduplication storage server, enter the following:
Dedupe> status config_name
The information includes details such as whether the server is running and the cluster node on which the server is running.
If config_name is not specified, the status of all the configured deduplication servers is displayed.
To stop the deduplication storage server
- To stop the deduplication storage server, enter the following:
Dedupe> stop config_name
The deduplication storage server must be configured and running. If any backup job is running when the server is stopped, the job aborts with an error.
If config_name is not specified, all the deduplication servers are stopped.
To increase the storage capacity of the deduplication storage server
- To increase the storage capacity of the deduplication storage server to the given size, enter the following:
Dedupe> grow size config_name
The deduplication storage server should be online for this operation.
The size parameter specifies the size to which the deduplication storage size is grown.
The config_name is the name of the deduplication server whose storage capacity is to be grown. It must be specified if more than one deduplication server is running on the cluster.
To reduce the storage capacity of the deduplication storage server
- To reduce the storage capacity of the deduplication storage server to the given size, enter the following:
Dedupe> shrink size config_name data_correct={yes|no}
The size parameter specifies the size to which the deduplication storage size is shrunk.
The config_name parameter must be specified if more than one deduplication server is running on the cluster.
The data_correct parameter is set to no, by default, for shrink operation. If data_correct is set to yes, this command only corrects data errors that were caused by earlier shrink operation failures. If data_correct operation needs to be performed, the size parameter must be set to vxdefault.
The deduplication storage server is brought offline for this operation. The storage server remains offline after the shrink operation if it was offline before the operation. It is brought online after the shrink operation if it was online earlier. Running the dedupe shrink command starts a background process to perform the operation. You can view the status using the dedupe show command. It is recommended to perform the shrink operation with size equal to the size of the file system.
For example:
If the file system layout is as follows:
Fs1 100TB Fs2 100TB Fs3 80TB Fs4 100TB
If you want to reduce the deduplication storage capacity from 380 TB to 200 TB, the dedupe shrink operation can be done in two steps.
Dedupe> shrink 300T msdp-engine data_correct=no
Dedupe> shrink 200T msdp-engine data_correct=no
The time taken to perform the dedupe shrink operation varies based on the size parameter passed to the dedupe shrink command. In order to minimize the downtime required during the dedupe shrink operation, Veritas strongly recommends that the operation be performed under the supervision of Veritas Technical Support.
Do not perform any file system offline operation or any kind of maintenance activity when the dedupe shrink command is in progress.
Backup jobs should be stopped before performing the dedupe shrink operation. They can be resumed once the dedupe shrink operation is complete.
If multiple filesystems are configured with deduplication, then NetBackup client backup should be performed after the dedupe shrink operation. This is because the dedupe shrink operation may destroy the file system(s) and any backup of deduplication filesystems done before the dedupe shrink operation may contain stale configuration entries of the deleted filesystem(s) due to which the deduplication service fails to come online after the dedupe shrink operation is completed.
To add a new user to the deduplication storage server
- To add a new user to the deduplication storage server, enter the following:
Dedupe> adduser username config_name
The user name that is mentioned here is the NetBackup media server user name which you use later to configure the storage server on the NetBackup server.
The config_name is the name of the deduplication server to which the user is being added. It must be specified if more than one deduplication server is running on the cluster.
To remove an existing user from the deduplication storage server
- To remove an existing user from the deduplication storage server, enter the following:
Dedupe> removeuser username config_name
The command prompts the user for the password for the given user name.
The config_name is the name of the deduplication server to which the user was added. It must be specified if more than one deduplication server is running on the cluster.
You cannot delete a user if the user has backup images present on the deduplication pool or if the the user is the primary user (if the username was passed during deduplication service configuration).
To show the list of users of the deduplication storage server
- To show the list of users of the deduplication storage server, enter the following:
Dedupe> listuser config_name
The config_name parameter must be specified if more than one deduplication server is running on the cluster. If config_name is not specified, all the users of the configured deduplication servers are listed.
To unconfigure the deduplication storage server
Ensure that you make a note of the following configuration details before you unconfigure the Veritas Data Deduplication server. These details are required when you reconfigure the service.
The virtual IP that you used to configure the Veritas Data Deduplication serve.
Credentials to access the Veritas Data Deduplication server
- To unconfigure the deduplication storage server, enter the following:
Dedupe> unconfig destroy_fs=yes/no config_name
The config_name is the name of the deduplication server which is being unconfigured. It must be specified if more than one deduplication server is configured on the cluster.
The destroy_fs is an optional parameter with default value set to no.
If destroy_fs=no, the file systems that are used in the deduplication configuration (both data and catalog file systems) are not destroyed. You can later reconfigure deduplication using the same file systems.
If destroy_fs=yes,:
If WORM was configured, a check is made to see if there are any backup images present in the system. If backup images are present, you cannot destroy the file system and the dedupe unconfig command fails. Before you unconfigure Veritas Data Deduplication and destroy the file systems, ensure that you have removed the storage unit, disk pool and storage server from the NetBackup primary server.
If WORM is not configured, the file systems are destroyed after unconfiguring deduplication.
To add an IP to the deduplication cluster
- To add an IP to the deduplication cluster, enter the following:
Dedupe> addip IP config_name
The config_name is the name of the deduplication server to which IP is being added. It must be specified if more than one deduplication server is configured on the cluster.
IPs of the same subnet cannot be used as primary and secondary IPs. Ensure that the secondary IP which is being added to the deduplication configuration should not belong to the same subnet as the primary or any of the already existing secondary IPs.
To remove an IP from the deduplication cluster
- To remove an IP from the deduplication cluster, enter the following:
Dedupe> removeip IP config_name
The config_name is the name of the deduplication server from which IP is being removed. It must be specified if more than one deduplication server is running on the cluster.
To change the primary IP of the deduplication server
You can change the primary IP of the deduplication server using the dedupe changeip command. The specified new IP should be an existing, free virtual IP in the cluster. You must map the new IP with the FQDN of the old IP in the /etc/hosts
file before you run the dedupe changeip command. This mapping can be done using the network host add <new_ip> <old_fqdn> command.
To change the primary IP of the deduplication server, enter the following:
Dedupe> changeip IP config_name
The config_name is the name of the deduplication server to which IP is being added. It must be specified if more than one deduplication server is configured on the cluster.
After changing the IP from Access Appliance, you also have to update the IP from NetBackup. Run the following commands on NetBackup:
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbemmcmd -deletehost -machinename <old_ip> -machinetype ndmp /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbemmcmd -renamehost -machinename <old_ip> -machinetype ndmp -newmachinename <new_ip>
You are required restart the NetBackup service after these commands get executed.
To add an FQDN to the deduplication server
The FQDNs of the NetBackup master and media servers should be added to the deduplication server. This configuration leads to faster backups on the storage server and should be done prior to adding the storage server in the NetBackup administration console or Web UI. Adding the FQDNs of the NetBackup servers allows for faster name resolution within the docker container.
Do not add the IP and FQDN of the deduplication service to the deduplication server as this can create issues when the MSDP services are started.
To add an FQDN to the deduplication cluster, enter the following:
Dedupe> fqdn add IP fqdn config_name
The config_name parameter must be specified if more than one deduplication server is running on the cluster.
To remove an FQDN from the deduplication cluster
- To remove an FQDN from the deduplication cluster, enter the following:
Dedupe> fqdn remove IP config_name
The config_name parameter must be specified if more than one deduplication server is running on the cluster.
To grow the catalog file system of the deduplication server
To grow the catalog file system of the deduplication server to a specific size, enter the following:
Dedupe> catgrow size config_name
The deduplication server should be online for this operation. This operation is not supported from the Access Appliance GUI.
The config_name parameter must be specified if more than one deduplication server is running on the cluster.
You can use the dedupe catgrow <size> command to grow the catalog file system to the specified size. The default dedupe grow command does not modify the size of the catalog file system. If there are multiple data file systems, specify the file system names in the same order in which you specified them in the dedupe show command previously.
To set the affinity of a deduplication server to a node
- To set the affinity of a deduplication server to a node, enter the following:
Dedupe> affinity set node_name container_name
The container runs on the node on which affinity is set. This may take some time.
In case there is more than one container, it is mandatory to specify the node_name.
To upgrade the deduplication server to a higher version
- To upgrade the deduplication server to a higher version, enter the following:
Dedupe> upgrade version config_name
The config_name parameter must be specified irrespective of the number of deduplication servers configured.
This command upgrades the Veritas Data Deduplication version to the specified version. As part of this command, the deduplication server is restarted and the backup services get disrupted.
For supported versions, See Supported configurations and versions for NetBackup with Veritas Data Deduplication.
See the dedupe man page for more information.