Veritas Advanced Supervision Reviewer's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.1, 14.0)

Viewing the history of items

Veritas Advanced Supervision provides ready access to historical information on a selected item, such as the dates and times at which the reviewers assigned marks and comments to it.

You must have the Review Messages permission to view the history of items. By default, all reviewers and supervisors have this permission.

To view the history of an item

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Review.
  2. Filter the items in the review pane.

    See Filtering the items in the Review pane.

  3. Click Apply.

    The application displays a list of review items from the selected departments.

  4. During manual review, select the item to view its history details in the reading pane.
  5. In the reading pane, click History.

    The following details appear:

    • The subject, date, and details of the sender and recipients.

    • The item type, such as Microsoft Exchange or Bloomberg, and its direction (Internal, External Inbound, or External Outbound).

    • The department in which Veritas Advanced Supervision has captured the item.

    • Capture date and method by which the item was captured.

    • The event history, tag actions history, and the X-Header history of the item.

    • The reviewer's actions in the Preview pane.

      If the administrator has configured the setting to log preview actions in item history in the Compliance Accelerator client, then when a reviewer previews an item in the Review pane, Veritas Advanced Supervision logs the reviewer's action in the item history.