Veritas Advanced Supervision Reviewer's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.1, 14.0)

Viewing status summary of recently reviewed departments

The Review Status widget displays detailed information on review status of your pinned departments. If user has not pinned any departments, then it displays detailed information on review status of 5 departments to which you have access. You can pin (bookmark) up to five departments to quickly view their review status when required. If you try to select the sixth department, a notification appears that you cannot pin more than five departments. If the pinned departments are no longer required, you can unpin them.

When you log out and log in the session again, the pinned departments from the last session are displayed.

If you have permissions to view department reviewers details, click the > icon to expand the department row. When department row is expanded, the department reviewer details are displayed. You can drill down for further details in a specific area.

Figure: An example of a summary of recently reviewed departments

An example of a summary of recently reviewed departments

It summarizes the departmental details such as:

  • Total items presented for review

  • Total relevant items reviewed and unreviewed

  • Number of pending, questioned, or escalated items

  • Items more than 30 days old that are still unreviewed

  • Date of the last marking activity performed in the department

  • Current review completion status