NetBackup IT Analytics Installation and Upgrade Guide for Linux

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup IT Analytics (11.4)
  1. Installation overview
      NetBackup IT Analytics components
      Standard or Shared Services licensing edition
      Install options
      Multi-language support and locale considerations (Linux)
      Supported third-party and open source products
  2. Install NetBackup IT Analytics on a Linux server
      Step-1: Get the NetBackup IT Analytics license key file
      Step-2: Portal and database deployment strategies
      Step-3: Portal and database prerequisites
    4. Step-4: Install Oracle database application binaries (Linux)
        Create database and users in existing Oracle farm in a Split Architecture deployment
      Step-5: Install the Portal application binaries (Linux)
      Step-6: Start the Portal services (Linux)
      Step-7: Log into the Portal
      Step-8: Install a license
    9. Verify the current license configuration
        Run the License Summary report
        About NetBackup IT Analytics version and license
        View License Details
    10. Next steps
        Performing a cold backup of the database
        Recommended database backup process
  3. Upgrade NetBackup IT Analytics Portal on Linux
      Upgrade path
      Before upgrading
    4. Upgrade NetBackup IT Analytics Portal
        Upgrade a shared services environment
        Run the upgrade utility installer (Linux)
        Known issues
        Run the upgrade utility
        After the upgrade
        Upgrade methods to incorporate enterprise objects
      7. Attribute merging during the Portal upgrade
          Attribute Management During the Portal Upgrade
          Example of a Merge of Attribute Values
          Steps to Rename Duplicate Attributes
          Best Practice for Attributes in Multi-Tenancy Environments
    5. Data Collector upgrades
        Mandatory prerequisites
      Troubleshoot - Manual Data Collector upgrades
      Troubleshoot Data Collector upgrade manager upgrade failure and collector bundle download failure on Linux
      Collector updates from the NetBackup IT Analytics Portal
  4. Upgrade and Migrate to a new server
    1. Upgrade and migrate to a new server
        Install the latest release of NetBackup IT Analytics on the new server
        Perform an export of the database on the existing server
        Stop Portal and agent services on the new server
        Drop and re-create the existing portal user on the new server
        Import the database onto the new server
        Start Portal and agent services on the new server
        Download, install, and execute to upgrade the database schema
      Update Data Collector binaries (if necessary)
  5. Appendix A. X Virtual Frame Buffer
      Configure X Virtual Frame Buffer (Xvfb)
  6. Appendix B. Oracle patches for the database server
    1. Install Oracle 19c October 2025 patch
        Pre-install setup
        OPatch installation steps
        Installing the Oracle patches
        Validate the database and OJVM patches
        Validating JDK version update

Step-4: Install Oracle database application binaries (Linux)

Oracle installer requires sydba privileges to create database and users in it.

This section covers:

  1. Prerequisites of the installation.

  2. Required Oracle patches to install the binaries on a RHEL9 host

  3. Installation of Oracle database application binaries:

  4. Installation of Oracle database after installing the Oracle database application binaries.

  • Current version of the Oracle 19c Installer binaries

  • Absolute path of the Oracle install location

  • Absolute path of database install location

  • Oracle service name

  • Database server IP


The NetBackup IT Analytics Portal server cannot have any other Oracle database instances installed.

Oracle patches required to install the database on RHEL9 host

The following Oracle patches are required to install the Oracle 19c database on a RHEL9 host for both Standard Edition and Shared Edition licenses. Download these four patches from the Veritas Download Center if Oracle is provided by Veritas or from Oracle Support Center if you have your own Oracle license. If you download from Veritas Download Center, these patches are bundled in a single patchset zip file, for example Unzip this downloaded zip file and extract the four patch files prior to running the installer. Provide the absolute path of the directory containing these Oracle patches wherever prompted by the installer.

  • patch 35775632 (

  • patch 6880880 by selecting the release (

  • 19.20 DBRU Patch 35320081 (

  • 19.20 DB MLR 35904951 (

Install Oracle database binaries for Standard Edition

Follow this installation provided you plan to use Veritas-provided Oracle with NetBackup IT Analytics and you have a Standard edition license.

To install the Oracle database binaries for Standard Edition:

  1. Verify that you have the current version of the Oracle 19c installer binaries.
  2. Login as root on the server where the NetBackup IT Analytics database will be installed. Typically, this is also the Portal server.
  3. Place the ISO image into the /mnt directory.
  4. Mount the ISO image that you downloaded.
    mkdir /mnt/diskd
    mount -o loop <itanalytics_dbinstaller_XXXXX_XXX_linux.iso> /mnt/diskd

    Substitute the relevant name of the ISO file that you downloaded in the above command.

  5. Enter the following commands to start the installer:
    cd /
  6. Press Enter to read the entire EULA and the pre-acceptance process will begin.
    *  NetBackup IT Analytics ORACLE Installer Version 19.3.x.x ()
    To use this software you must agree to the following terms and
     conditions. Press ENTER to continue:
    Enter "accept" to accept these Terms and Conditions
  7. Enter the absolute path of the directory where you want to install Oracle and press Enter.

    To install Oracle at the default location (/opt), just press Enter.

    Enter the absolute path to install the Oracle 19c database binaries. Ensure minimum 10.00 GB free space is available at the specified location. (Default install location: /opt):
  8. Enter the absolute path of the directory where you want to install Oracle database and press Enter.

    To install the database at the default location (/), just press Enter.

    Enter the absolute path of the directory where Oracle 19c can create its database files. This directory must have minimum 110 GB free space and must have the ability to expand as required. (Default database location: /):
  9. Enter the Oracle Service name and press Enter.
    Enter the Oracle Service name of the Oracle 19c database instance: (default Oracle service name is scdb):
  10. Enter the database server IP and press Enter.
    Enter IP Address for your database server: (N.N.N.N):
  11. Verify the details entered for Oracle installation and enter y to continue with the installation.
  12. This step is required only when you are installing the binaries on a RHEL9 host. The installer prompts to download the required Oracle binaries and provide the absolute path of their location as mentioned below. Since this requirement is already covered in the prerequisites of this section, you must have the patches already downloaded.

    The following Oracle patches are required to install the database. (Download them from Oracle Support.)

    • patch 35775632 (

    • patch 6880880 by selecting the release (

    • 19.20 DBRU Patch 35320081 (

    • 19.20 DB MLR 35904951 (

    The aptare user must have write access to the directory where these patches are downloaded. Enter the absolute directory path where these patches are downloaded.

  13. At this step, you can choose to create the database along with the Oracle installation or create it later. Enter y to install the database, or else enter n when the below message is displayed.
    Oracle Database xx.x.x is installed. Refer to the Oracle documentation and apply the latest Critical Patch Updates from Oracle.
    You can create the database as a part of this installation or create it later using script.
    Do you want to create the database as a part of this installation (y/n)?

This completes the Oracle installation. If the Portal database was not created during the above-mentioned Oracle installation, see Create database after Oracle installation. Database creation is essential for the Portal installation to succeed.

Install Oracle database binaries for Shared Service Edition

Follow this installation provided you already have a licensed Oracle database and you plan to use it as NetBackup IT Analytics database.

Prerequisites for the installation:

  • Download from Oracle Download Center.

  • Standard or Enterprise edition Oracle license.

  • For the Enterprise Edition license, you must set the environment variable ORACLE_LICENSE_OPTION to EE and export the variable.


To install the Oracle database binaries for Shared Service Edition:

  1. Verify that you have the current version of the Oracle 19c installer binaries.
  2. Login as root on the server where the NetBackup IT Analytics database will be installed. Typically, this is also the Portal server.
  3. Place the ISO image into the /mnt directory.
  4. Mount the ISO image that you downloaded.
    mkdir /mnt/diskd
    mount -o loop <itanalytics_dbinstaller_shared-service_linux.iso> /mnt/diskd

    Substitute the relevant name of the ISO file that you downloaded in the above command.

  5. Enter the following commands to start the installer:
    cd /
  6. Press Enter to read the entire EULA and the pre-acceptance process will begin.
    *  NetBackup IT Analytics ORACLE Installer Version 19.3.x.x ()
    To use this software you must agree to the following terms and
     conditions. Press ENTER to continue:
    Enter "accept" to accept these Terms and Conditions
  7. Enter the absolute path of the directory where you want to install Oracle and press Enter.

    To install Oracle at the default location (/opt), just press Enter.

    Enter the absolute path to install the Oracle 19c database binaries. Ensure minimum 10.00 GB free space is available at the specified location. (Default install location: /opt):
  8. Enter the absolute path of the directory where you want to install Oracle database and press Enter.

    To install the database at the default location (/), just press Enter.

    Enter the absolute path of the directory where Oracle 19c can create its database files. This directory must have minimum 110 GB free space and must have the ability to expand as required. (Default database location: /):
  9. Enter the Oracle Service name press Enter.
    Enter the Oracle Service name of the Oracle 19c database instance: (Default Oracle Service name: scdb):
  10. Enter the database server IP and press Enter.
    Enter IP Address for your database server: (N.N.N.N):
  11. Verify the details entered for Oracle installation and enter y to continue with the installation.
    The following details will be used for Oracle installation. Please verify:
    INSTALLATION PATH: /<install-path>
    Continue?  (y/n)
  12. This step is required only when you are installing the binaries on a RHEL9 host. The installer prompts to download the required Oracle binaries and provide the absolute path of their location as mentioned below. Since this requirement is already covered in the prerequisites of this section, you must have the patches already downloaded.

    The following Oracle patches are required to install the database. (Download them from Oracle Support.)

    • patch 35775632 (

    • patch 6880880 by selecting the release (

    • 19.20 DBRU Patch 35320081 (

    • 19.20 DB MLR 35904951 (

    The aptare user must have write access to the directory where these patches are downloaded. Enter the absolute directory path where these patches are downloaded:

  13. Enter the absolute directory path containing the Oracle Universal Installer zip file and press Enter
  14. At this step, you can choose to create the database along with the Oracle installation or create it later. Enter y to install the database, or else enter n when the below message is displayed.
    Oracle Database xx.x.x is installed. Refer to the Oracle documentation and apply the latest Critical Patch Updates from Oracle.
    You can create the database as a part of this installation or create it later using script.
    Do you want to create the database as a part of this installation (y/n)?

    This completes the Oracle installation in a shared environment. If the Portal database was not created during the above-mentioned Oracle installation, see Create database after Oracle installation below. Database creation is essential for the Portal installation to succeed.

Create database after Oracle installation

To create database after installing Oracle for Standard or Shared Edition:

  1. Logon to the Oracle server with your Oracle credentials and run these commands:
    su - <oracle-user>

    For example: su - aptare

  2. Type continue and press Enter when you see the below message.
    By continuing this script you will be COMPLETELY ERASING YOUR ENTIRE IT Analytics database. ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY SURE that you wish to continue (type the word \continue\ to proceed) ?

    Database is created on the Oracle server.