Veritas NetBackup for Microsoft Azure Stack Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (8.1.2)
  1. Introduction
      Protecting Microsoft Azure Stack VMs using NetBackup
      Backing up Microsoft Azure Stack VMs
      Restoring Microsoft Azure Stack VMs
      NetBackup for Microsoft Azure Stack terminologies
  2. Installing and deploying Microsoft Azure Stack plug-in for NetBackup
      About installing and deploying the Microsoft Azure plug-in
      Pre-requisites for installing the Microsoft Azure plug-in
      Operating system and platform compatibility
      License for Microsoft Azure Stack plug-in for NetBackup
      Downloading the plug-in
      About deployment of NetBackup to protect Microsoft Azure Stack
      Installing the Microsoft Azure Stack plug-in
      Installing Microsoft Azure Stack plug-in on NetBackup Appliance
  3. Configuring NetBackup and Microsoft Azure Stack
      Overview of configuring NetBackup and Microsoft Azure Stack
    2. Managing backup hosts
        Whitelisting a backup host on NetBackup master server
      Adding a Microsoft Azure Stack custom role to provide access permissions to NetBackup administrator
    4. Configuring the Microsoft Azure plug-in using the azurestack.conf configuration file
        Whitelisting the configuration file path on NetBackup master server
    5. Creating a file that contains Microsoft Azure Stack credentials
        Configuring proxy settings for communication with Microsoft Azure Stack
      Adding Microsoft Azure Stack credentials in NetBackup
      Creating a BigData policy for Microsoft Azure Stack using the NetBackup Policies utility
  4. Performing backups and restores of Microsoft Azure Stack
      About backing up Microsoft Azure virtual machines
      About restoring Microsoft Azure Stack virtual machines
    3. About the restore scenarios for Microsoft Azure Stack VMs from the BAR interface
        Considerations for Microsoft Azure Stack VM restore and recovery
      Using the BAR interface to restore an Microsoft Azure Stack VM at the same location
      Using the bprestore command to restore Microsoft Azure Stack VM at the same location
      Using the BAR interface to restore an Microsoft Azure Stack VM with modified metadata at an alternate location
      Using the bprestore command to restore Microsoft Azure VM with modified metadata and an alternate location
  5. Troubleshooting
      About NetBackup for Microsoft Azure debug logging
      Backup fails with error 6662
      Backup fails with error 6661
      Backup fails with error 6646
      Backup fails with error 6629
      Backup fails with error 6626
      Backup fails with error 6630
      Restore fails with error 2850
      Backup fails with error 1
      Adding Azure Stack credentials to NetBackup fails with error 9101
      Adding Azure Stack credentials to NetBackup fails with error 7610

Using the BAR interface to restore an Microsoft Azure Stack VM with modified metadata at an alternate location

NetBackup lets you restore Microsoft Azure Stack VM to another resource group or modify the VM metadata and restore to the same resource group. This type of restore method is also referred to as redirected restores.

This topic describes how to use the NetBackup Admin console's BAR interface to restore an Microsoft Azure Stack VM with modified metadata at an alternate location or another resource group on Microsoft Azure Stack.

To use the NetBackup Admin console's BAR interface to perform a restore

  1. Open the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface.
  2. On the Specify NetBackup Machines and Policy Type wizard, enter the source and destination details for restore.
    • Specify the Microsoft Azure Application Endpoint as the source for which you want to perform the restore operation.

      From the Source client for restores list, select the required Application server.

    • Specify the backup host as the destination client.

      From the Destination client for restores list, select the required backup host.

    • On the Specify NetBackup Machines and Policy Type wizard, enter the policy type details for restore.

      From the Policy type for restores list, choose BigData as the policy type for restore.

      Click Ok.

  3. Select the appropriate date range to restore the complete data set.
  4. In the Browse directory, specify the root directory ( "/") as the path to browse.
  5. From the File menu (Windows) or Actions menu (UNIX), choose Specify NetBackup Machines and Policy Type.
  6. Go to the Backup History and select the backup images that you want to restore.
  7. In the Directory Structure pane, expand the Directory.

    All the subsequent files and folders under the directory are displayed in the Contents of Selected Directory pane.

  8. Select the VM that you want to restore. Ensure that the storage account directories are selected.

    For example:

  9. Click the selected Metadata directory, and in the Contents of Selected Directory pane, select the metadata that you want to modify.

    You can modify the following metadata:

    Metadata or property


    Default value

    Valid Value


    Name of the VM.

    Name of the VM during backup.

    Valid VM Name that is unique in the resource group.


    State of the VM after restore.


    Poweroff, Deallocate, or Running


    Size of the VM in the Microsoft Azure Stack recommended format. The new VM size must be part of your subscription. For more information, refer to Azure Stack VM Sizes.

    Size of the VM during backup.

    VM size that the target subscription ID supports.


    The virtual network that contains the VM.


    Virtual network in the target resource group.


    Location or the resource group of the Microsoft Azure Stack VM.

    Resource Group of the VM during backup.

    Resource group that is a part of the target subscription.

    Storage Account

    The storage account that contains the VMs.

    Storage account of the VM during backup.

    Valid storage account that is a part of the target subscription.


    Microsoft Azure Stack subscription ID.

    Subscription ID of the VM during backup.

    Subscription ID that a NetBackup role can access.

    You must select the VmName metadata even if do not plan to change the name.

  10. Click Restore.
  11. In the Restore Marked Files dialog box, select Restore individual directories and files to different locations..


    For more information about the restore scenarios, See About the restore scenarios for Microsoft Azure Stack VMs from the BAR interface.

    For every metadata value that you want to change, select the value, click Change Selected Destination(s), and in the Destination field modify the metadata value at the end of the URL.

    For example, if you want to change the VmName, change:

    /21c71fdf-3ee5-4b57-8c51-18ebe7032237/SKRG/MSvm15/Metadata/VmName=OldVmName to


    Here, VMName is the key and OldVmName is the value. The metadata and its value have the Key=Value format. You must modify the value of all the metadata that you want to change.


    For the VM size metadata, specify the modified value in the Microsoft Azure Stack recommended format. The new VM size must be part of your subscription.

    For more information, refer to

  12. Click Start Restore.
  13. Use the Azure Stack Admin Portal to view the VM creation process.