Veritas NetBackup for Microsoft Azure Stack Administrator's Guide
- Introduction
- Installing and deploying Microsoft Azure Stack plug-in for NetBackup
- Configuring NetBackup and Microsoft Azure Stack
- Managing backup hosts
- Configuring the Microsoft Azure plug-in using the azurestack.conf configuration file
- Creating a file that contains Microsoft Azure Stack credentials
- Performing backups and restores of Microsoft Azure Stack
- About the restore scenarios for Microsoft Azure Stack VMs from the BAR interface
- Troubleshooting
Using the bprestore command to restore Microsoft Azure VM with modified metadata and an alternate location
NetBackup lets you restore Microsoft Azure Stack data to another resource group and modify the metadata. This type of restore method is also referred to as redirected restores.
To perform redirected restore for Microsoft Azure
- Modify the values for rename_file and listfile as follows:
For example, to update the
metadata, add:change
To change the power state of the VM, add:
The file paths must start with / (slash).
Add a new entry for all the metadata options that you want to modify.
For the VM size metadata, specify the modified value in the Microsoft Azure Stack recommended format. The new VM size must be part of your subscription.
For more information, refer to Virtual machine sizes supported in Azure Stack.
List of all the Microsoft Azure files to be restored
- Run the following command on the NetBackup master server using the modified values for the mentioned parameters in step 1.
bprestore -S master_server -D backup_host-C client -R rename_file -t 44 -L progress log -f listfile | filenames "/subscription ID/resource group/VmName"
-S master_server
Specifies the name of the NetBackup master server.
-D backup_host
Specifies the name of the backup host.
-C client
Specifies a configuration server as a source to use for finding backups or archives from which to restore files. This name must be as it appears in the NetBackup catalog.
-f listfile
Specifies a file (listfile) that contains a list of files to be restored and can be used instead of the file names option (filenames). In listfile, list each file path must be on a separate line.
-L progress_log
Specifies the name of whitelisted file path in which to write progress information.
-t 44
Specifies BigData as the policy type.
-R rename_file
Specifies the name of a file with name changes for alternate-path restores.
"/subscription ID/resource group/VmName"
Specifies the Microsoft Azure Stack VM that you want to restore with modified metadata or at a different location.
Ensure that you have whitelisted all the file paths such as
that are already not included as a part of NetBackup install path.For example, to change the restore location of a VM, you can run the following command:
bprestore.exe -S master_server_01 -D backup_host_01 -C configuration_server_01 -t 44 -L "<install_dir>\logs\restore.log" -R "<install_dir>\renam_file_path\restore.chg" "/21c71fdf-3ee5-4b57-8c51-18ebe7032237/skrg1/bkvm15"
Here, /21c71fdf-3ee5-4b57-8c51-18ebe7032237/skrg1/bkvm15 stands for subscription ID/resource group/VmName.