Veritas NetBackup for Microsoft Azure Stack Administrator's Guide
- Introduction
- Installing and deploying Microsoft Azure Stack plug-in for NetBackup
- Configuring NetBackup and Microsoft Azure Stack
- Managing backup hosts
- Configuring the Microsoft Azure plug-in using the azurestack.conf configuration file
- Creating a file that contains Microsoft Azure Stack credentials
- Performing backups and restores of Microsoft Azure Stack
- About the restore scenarios for Microsoft Azure Stack VMs from the BAR interface
- Troubleshooting
Considerations for Microsoft Azure Stack VM restore and recovery
NetBackup triggers the VM data restore process and if the operation is successful, NetBackup displays the status as successful. Use the Azure Stack portal to monitor the VM creation process.
If a VM recovery operation fails, you must remove the resources that are created during the restore manually. The resources can include IP address, NIC, OS, and Data disks.
You cannot restore a VM with the same name to its original location if the VM still exists.
To recover a VM, the NetBackup role must have access to the specified subscription and resource group.
NetBackup can recover the following VM properties:
OS Diagnostic Settings
For any other properties or configuration settings, you must apply them manually after the recovery is done.
During a recovery, the host name does not change and it remains the same as the backed-up VM. You must log on to the VM and use the OS commands to change the host name.
When you restore at the original location, a new network configuration is created. One NIC is created and is attached to that virtual network to which the VM was connected during the backup. This step results in the change of the MAC and IP addresses.
When you want to update the configuration during a VM recovery operation, you must select the option to change the VMName.
When you want to update the configuration during a VM recovery operation, you can specify the resource group or networks security group that belong to a different resource group than the VM as follows:
Vnet=<ResourceGroup_Name>/<virtual_network_Name> Nsg=<ResourceGroup_Name>/<NetworkSecurityGroup_Name>
If ResourceGroup_Name is not specified and the virtual network or NetworkSecurityGroup name is same as the backed-up VM, virtual network or NetworkSecurityGroup of the backup time is used during the recovery operation. Otherwise, the specified virtual network is considered to be present in the same resource group as the VM.