Release Notes

Last Published:
Product(s): Resiliency Platform & CloudMobility (3.4)
  1. Release Overview
    1. New features and changes in Veritas Resiliency Platform 3.4
        Support for NetBackup Instant Access to recover a resiliency group
        Support for NetBackup CloudCatalyst for recovery of virtual machines to AWS
        Support for Orange Recovery Engine
        Support for recovery from physical to virtual/cloud environment
        Enhancements for preparing hosts for replication
      Using the product documentation
      More information
  2. System requirements
      System resource requirements for Resiliency Platform
      Network and firewall requirements
  3. Known issues
    1. General known issues
        A network group becomes faulted if any of its network member is unavailable (VRP-25636)
        HTML format is not supported for large sized reports (VRP-25649)
        RG creation for Virtual machines that replicated by NetApp SnapMirror, fails with error (23189)
        Rehearsal virtual machine Identifier is not same as workload virtual machine Identifier on an upgraded setup (22369)
        Replication becomes inactive after performing the Replace Gateway operation when the gateway has workload's snapshot disks attached (25722)
        Certain links in the help point to an older help version
    2. Known issues: Recovery from physical environment to virtual machines
        The sequence of NICs is not maintained during recovery from a physical environment to a virtual machine (VRP-25439)
      Known issues: Recovery to Amazon Web services (AWS)
    4. Known issues: Recovery to Azure
        Re-sync operation failed with error (25625)
    5. Known issues: Recovery to vCloud
        Migrate or takeover operation may fail due to unavailability of independent disks on the vCloud Director (14639)
        After migrating back, the storage profile selection for the existing virtual machine may be incorrect (16901)
        After migrating back, the IP and MAC addresses assigned to a NIC are displayed incorrect on using Customize Network intent (16458)
    6. Known issues: Resiliency Platform Data Mover
        Configuring resiliency group for remote recovery fails during Add disk task (16245)
        If DRL disk gets deleted from a protected asset, then edit RG and delete RG gets stuck stop replication on iotap. (23266)
        State of Replication Gateway is incorrectly reflected in Veritas Resiliency Platform (22888)
    7. Known issues: Resiliency Platform Data Mover used for recovery to on-premises data center
        vtstap storage policy may be displayed as Incompatible (18287)
        Configuring resiliency group for remote recovery fails during Add disk task (16245)
        Veritas Replication VIB installation, Upgrade, Resolve & Verify, Create RG, or any DR operation may fail on ESX with errors (22585)
    8. Known issues: Recovery from physical environment to virtual machines
        The sequence of NICs is not maintained during recovery from a physical environment to a virtual machine (VRP-25439)
    9. Known issues: Recovery using third-party replication
        Migrate and resync operations fail when there are stale objects on the source data center (13775)
        Hyper-V Replica does not replicate any new assets (19084)
    10. Known issues: NetBackup integration
        A virtual machine backed up by multiple NBU master servers gets mapped with only one master server in the console (7608)
        Resiliency group task name shows TAKEOVER during evacuation (16466)
        Issue with support for restoring of UEFI-enabled virtual machines from Netbackup
        Restoring of virtual machines through Veritas Resiliency Platform may fail under certain conditions
    11. Known issues: Upgrade
        Replace gateway configuration may not get updated in virtual machine's configuration after Veritas Resiliency Platform is upgraded from 3.3.2 to 3.4 (VRP-25508)
        "Asset disk configuration changed" risk with description "New disk is attached to virtual machine" may come for RBT disk after upgrade to (23118)
        Kernel RPM package cannot be recovered if partially installed on VSA during upgrade (22625)
        For VC 6.5, VIB upgrade fails because of ESX maintenance mode (22493)
        New UI alignment is not updated after upgrade in same tab or session (22240)
        False risk of GW is not upgraded popup is shown while performing DR operation after upgrade (22768)
  4. Limitations
      General limitations
      Limitations: Recovery to vCloud Director
      Limitations: Recovery of physical machines to VMware virtual machines
      Limitations: Recovery of VMware virtual machines to on-premises data center using Resiliency Platform Data Mover
      Limitations: Recovery of VMware virtual machines to on-premises data center using third party replication
      Limitations: Windows hosts for Resiliency Platform Data Mover replication
      Limitations: Localization
      Limitations: Support for OpenStack configuration

General limitations

Hyper-V hosts having snapshots not supported for recovery

A Hyper-V host having snapshots is not supported for recovery on all cloud platforms.

Resiliency Platform does not support disaster recovery operation of HyperV virtual machines, if snapshots are taken on this virtual machine. Resiliency Platform blocks the Create Resiliency Group operation if it finds a snapshot of HyperV VM. If you want to take a snapshot of the virutal machine for any reason, after creating a Resiliency Group, then perform the Resiliency Platform disaster recovery operation only after deleting the snapshots.

Restore operation non-functional for 8 hours

If a vCenter server is configured in NetBackup using Java console, then you may not be able to perform a restore operation for next 8 hours.

Windows operating system installed across multiple disks is not supported

If you have Windows Operating System (OS) installed over multiple disks ("system reserved" on disk 0 and OS on disk 1), then such configuration is not supported.

Change of network pairing on target data center is not honored

Change of network pairing is not honored on target data center if resiliency group is active on the target data center. The network pair change is not honored for recovery using Resiliency Platform Data Mover with in-guest replication and NetBackup Cloud DR.

Single NIC having multiple IP addresses of same type are not supported

Single NIC having multiple IP addresses of same type attached to a single virtual machine are not supported.

Snapshot of Resiliency Manager and IMS virtual appliances is supported only for recovering from upgrade failure

In normal circumstances, taking snapshots and restoring from those snapshots is not supported for any of the Resiliency Platform virtual appliances. Resiliency Platform supports taking snapshot of the Resiliency Manager and IMS virtual appliances and restoring from those snapshots only in a situation where something goes wrong during upgrade and the previous state of the appliances needs to be restored.

Taking snapshot and restoring from the snapshot is not supported for Replication Gateway even in the case of an upgrade failure.

DNS customization does not work if FQDN is not defined

If FQDN is not defined for virtual machines running on Hyper-V platform (Linux and Windows), DNS customization does not work.

vLan mapping compulsory for DRS enabled VMware virtual machines having distributed port groups

If vSphere DRS is enabled for a VMware HA cluster and virtual machine has port group attached from distributed switch, then you must do vLan mapping for successfully performing the migrate operation. This is applicable only to vCenter server and ESXi version lower than 6.5.

NIC bonding / NIC teaming is not supported for protected workloads

Workloads under Veritas Resiliency Platform control are expected not to have NIC binding / NIC teaming configured.

Moving an IMS from one datacenter to another is not supported for cloud platforms

Veritas Resiliency Platform does not support moving an Infrastructure Management Server (IMS) from one datacenter or region to another.