Release Notes
- Release Overview
- System requirements
- Known issues
- General known issues
- Known issues: Recovery from physical environment to virtual machines
- Known issues: Recovery to Azure
- Known issues: Recovery to vCloud
- Known issues: Resiliency Platform Data Mover
- Known issues: Resiliency Platform Data Mover used for recovery to on-premises data center
- Known issues: Recovery from physical environment to virtual machines
- Known issues: Recovery using third-party replication
- Known issues: NetBackup integration
- Known issues: Upgrade
- General known issues
- Limitations
Limitations: Recovery of physical machines to VMware virtual machines
If a physical machine on the source data center has multiple NICs, Subnets of all those NICs need to be mapped to a vLAN on the target data center. If you do not map all the subnets to vLAN, then NICs without mapping may not be created for the virtual machine on the target site .
If physical machines have gatekeeper devices associated with them and these gatekeeper devices have duplicate IDs, then those physical machines cannot be protected using Resiliency Platform.
If a physical machine without a CD-ROM gets migrated to a VMware virtual machine, the CD-ROM attached to the virtual machine does not get deleted even after migration of the physical server.
Physical machines with German Operating Systems are not supported for protection using Resiliency Platform.